HowLifeBeganLEC21 Flashcards
How much liters of methane can cows produce per day, and how can we reduce methane?
They can produce thousands of liters. A possible way is to replace cattle meat with kangaroo meet.
What were found in ice core sample, and where was it retrieved?
Microbes making methane. Retrieved from 3 kilometers below greenland.
Many prokaryotes live with other organisms in what relationship?
Ex. Lantern fish.
In symbiotic relationships.
How many cells in your body are bacterial cells? How many is your own?
A 100 trillion. 3 trillion.
Most of our genes in our bodies are from bacteria.
How many species of bacteria exist in our bodies?
Bacteria in our bodies are mostly what? What do they do?
Commensal. They share our food but do no real harm.
What do commensal (latin for sharing the dinner) bacteria do inside our bodies?
Ex. E.coli that lives in our guts
Interact with our immune systems, and protect us from infections. They also help digest our food.
What is astma, and how can we reduce the risk of getting it?
It is the malfunction in our immune system that attacks us. Have access to animals like cats & dogs.
Scientists have proposed that methane in Martian atmosphere may be what?
Indicative of native methanogens there.
What major role does prokaryotes play in ecosystems?
As decomposers in recycling. They break down corpses, dead vegetation, and waste products.
What are human pathogens?
Prokaryotes that are disease causing organisms.
Pathogenic bacteria are potential what?
Weapons of bioterrorism.
Anthax - type of bacillus.
How much of all human disease are caused by prokaryotes?
Ex. lyme disease cause by tick bites.
About half.
How many bacteria does a cellphone contain? How long can they live?
It contain 18 times more bacteria than a toilet handle.
Live up to a week, and can infect you if you touch your face, mouth, or eyes.
What are prokaryotes helpful in? What is this process called?
Removing pollutions from the environment.
Groundwater is contaminated with what, in how many states?
Uranium and other toxins in 36 states.
Scientists are experimenting with bacteria that can feed on radioactive wastes.
Prokaryotes are major tools in what?
Mining, and producing vitamins, antibiotics, hormones, and other products.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill in all of BP’s Gulf of Mexico will eventually be what by what?
Devoured by microbes.
What domain does quorum sensing, what is it?
Bacteria. It is the way bacteria communicate with each other by creating and receiving chemical molecules.
What does this means if life on earth probably arouse only once?
That all living things on earth are descended from the first organism.
What does Geological events affect?
What can also change the planet?
Living things.
What organism changed the planet the most?
Homo sapiens
The history of living things has been series of what?
What are the two main properties that defines life?
Accurate replication & metabolism
When was earth formed along with the rest of the solar system?
4.6 billion years ago.
Earth’s early atmosphere contains what released from where, that are ingredients of life?
Water vapor and chemicals released from volcanoes.
Most biologists now think that chemical processes produced simple cells in a series of stages. How many steps are there?
4 main steps
The experiment of heating up water spontaneously produced what?
Organic (carbon-containing) molecules.
The first organic compound were possibly created near what?
Underwater volcanoes
Some early organic compounds may have come from where, by what proof?
Complex carbon compounds have been found in some meteorites.
Scientists estimate at least how many planets in the Milky Way? At least how many of those planets are in zone where life could exist?
50 billion
500 million