LEC 13 - Parvo + Circovirus Flashcards
What is seen in a necropsy of an animal who died of parvo?
Petchial + diffuse hemorrhages
Pseudomembrane formation at intestinal mucosa
What type of testing can be done for the parvo virus?
Virus isolation
Hemagglutination inhibition
Parvrovirus ELISA
What is seen in a small intestine histopath in an animal infected with parvo virus?
Loss of crypt cells + villus atrophy with occasional eosinophilic IN inclusion bodies
What is the structure of the parvovirus?
Round + Icosahedral
What is the genome structure of the parvovirus?
What method is used by the parvovirus to gain entry into the host cell?
Viral endocytosis
Where does the parvovirus replicate in the host cell?
What is the sequence of events when it comes to replication of parvovirus?
Viral endocytosis
Permeabiliazation of endosomal membrane
Transport to nucleus
ssDNA > dsDNA
Host cell mitosis > viral mRNA transcription
Replication via rolling-hairpin mechanism
ssDNA encapsulation + Cell lysis
What are the original parvovirus?
Feline panleukopenia
What is important to know about CPV2a?
It is now able to infect both dogs + cats
Therefore need to keep these patients seperated from one another
What is the transmission process of parvovirus?
Feco-oral/aerosol transmission
Where in the body does the parvo virus replicate?
Local LN replication
How does the parvovirus travel in the body?
Disseminated viremia > target organs
What are the target organs for the parvovirus?
Bone marrow
Intestinal crypts
How long is there high-titer shedding in the feces for a parvo infection?
~3 days
Parvo virus - Clinical signs: Immature/Young adult
Hematologic signs
Parvo virus - Clinical signs: In utero
CNS - feline
Myocardium - K9
Parvo virus - Clinical signs: Pregnant
Reproductive failure
What are the overall clincial signs with a parvovirus infection?
Vomiting + Anorexia + Blood diarrhea
Leukopenia -lymphopenia + thrombocytopenia
What are the clincial signs with Aleutian disease (parvovirus origin)?
Chronic, persistent, progressive
Immune complex disease (Glomerulonephritis + Arteritis)
Neuro signs
What treatment is used in parvovirus infections?
Fluids + Blood/plasma transfusion + Anti-emetics + Gastroprotectants
What vaccines are available for parvo virus?
MLV (give at 8wk, 12 wk, + 12m)
Give inactivated to pregnant animals
What are the clinical signs of porcine parvovirus?
Embryonic deaths
When do you see clinical signs with procine parvovirus?
10 to 14 days post exposure
1st half of gestation
What is done to prevent porcine parvovirus infections?
Expose susceptible breeding animlas to older, exposed animals
Vaccinate 2-4 weeks prior to breeding
What is the structure of circoviruses?
Round, isoahedral
What is the genome structure of circoviruses?
Where does circovirus replicate in the host cell?
What is the sequence of events in replication of a circovirus?
Cell penetration
Viral uncoating
ssDNA to the nucleus
ssDNA > dsDNA
Viral mRNA transcription/translation
Rolling circle replication
Cell lysis + Viron release
What is the transmission method of circoviruses?
What does PCV-2 target in the body?
Rapidly diving cells
Immune stimulation
What is the target of chicken anemia virus?
Early thymic T-cell target
What is the target of psittacine beak + feather disease?
Feather follicles + beak/claw growth matrices