Language Arts Unit 5 Vocabulary Flashcards
Image Definition
A representation, impression, or idea of someone or something that is typically shared by others
Image Definition
A representation, impression, or idea of someone or something that is typically shared by others
Commodity Definition
A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper and coffee
Soldered Definition
To join or fuse together
Astute Definition
Having or showing shrewdness and an ability to notice and understand things clearly
Excursion Definition
A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity
Leisure Definition
Time when one is not working or occupied; free tie
Apt Definition
Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Apt Definition
Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances
Trifle Definition
A thing of little value or importance
Anticipate Definition
regard as probable; expect or predic
Proverb Definition
A short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice
Anecdote Definition
A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
Shrewd Definition
Having or showing sharp powers of judgement; astute
Tone Definition
The author of speaker’s attitude toward the audience or subject matter
Drudgery Definition
Hard menial or dull work
Watchword Definition
A word or phrase expressing a person’s or group’s core aim or belief
Vocation Definition
A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
Emotional Appeal Definition
An argument that tries to persuade by affecting people’s emotions
Logical appeal Definition
An argument that tries to persuade by demonstrating logical or factual truth
Logical Fallacy Definition
False logic caused by an error in reasoning
False-either-or argument
The false claim that there is only two possible sides to a given problem
Name-Calling Definition
An argument that relies on insulting the opponent rather than on logic
Overgeneralization Definition
A statement that is too broad or general to be true all the time
Circular Reasoning Definition
A logical fallacy in which support for a statement is a restatement of the same idea in different words
Hone definition
To sharpen a blade
Substantial Definition
Of considerable importance, size, or worth
Wit Definition
The capacity for inventive thought and quick understanding; keen intelligence
Candor Definition
The quality of being open and honest; frankness
Dogmatic Definition
Inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true
Assure Definition
Tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts
Apprehend Definition
Arrest (someone) for a crime
Prudence Definition
The quality of being prudent; cautiousness.
Prudent Definition
Acting with or showing care and thought for the future
Knave Definition
A dishonest or unscrupulous man
Modesty Definition
The quality or state of being unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities
Modest Definition
Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements
Maxim Definition
A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct
Prose Definition
Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure
Stoop Definition
Bend one’s head or body forwards and downwards
Sinew Definition
A piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone; a tendon or ligament
Slander Definition
The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation
Feeble Definition
Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness
Endeavor Definition
Try hard to do or achieve something
Toiler Definition
People who work long and hard
Toil Definition
Work extremely hard
Indolent Definition
Wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
Shirk Definition
Avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)
Stifles Definition
Make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate
Derision Definition
Contemptuous ridicule or mockery
Ambition Definition
A strong desire to do or achieve something
Blight Definition
A plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts
Blight 2nd Definition
A thing that spoils or damages something
Lodgement Definition
A place in which a person or thing is located or lodged
Conceited Definition
Excessively proud of oneself; vain
Vain Definition
Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth
Frank Definition
Open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters
Equivocation Definition
The use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication
Consternation Definition
A feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected
Adjournment Definition
An act or period of adjourning or being adjourned
Sublimest (superlative adjective of sublime) Definition
Of very great excellence or beauty
Present Perfect Definition
Indicates an action that took place sometime in the past, or one that is still occurring
Past Perfect Definition
Indicates an action that took place before something else occurred
Future Perfect Definition
Indicates an action that has yet to take place, but will take place before a particular time
Present progressive Definition
Expresses something that began in the past, occurs in the present, and will continue in the future
Past Progressive Definition
Expresses something that began in the past, but was completed in the present
Present Perfect-Progressive Definition
Expresses something that began in the past and is occurring in the present, but may not continue in the future
Past Perfect-Progressive Definition
Expresses something that began in the past and was completed in the past