Landing Gear And Brakes Flashcards
When do LGCIU alternate as controlling computer?
Each time landing gear is retracted.
*if the controlling LGCIU fails, the backup automatically takes over.
Can the landing gear selector be moved if a main gear or nose gear shock absorber is sensed compressed?
No- an interlock inhibits selector from being moved to the UP position.
Crew cannot override this.
Which hydraulic system provides power for landing gear extension and retraction?
At what speed does a safety valve prevent landing gear movement?
> 260kts.
Which LGCIU provides information to the LDG GEAR indicating panel?
Only LGCIU 1.
If LGCIU 1 fails, must use WHEEL page for positive gear position information.
What does it mean if one red and one green triangle is displayed for a gear on the WHEEL page?
One LGCUI senses the gear is not down and locked. Use the other LGCIU to confirm it is down and locked.
What is the maximum altitude for gear extension?
What are the gear speed limitations?
Extension: 250 kts
Extended operation: 280kts or .67 M
Retraction: 220 kts
Gravity extension requires turning the crank clockwise 3 times. What does each turn accomplish?
- Closes hydraulic cutoff valve which removes pressure from the system.
- Releases gear door up locks and allows doors to fall open.
- Releases gear uplocks, and the gear extends into place.
*the landing gear lever is then placed DOWN to extinguish red UNLK lights and provide correct down and locked indication.
*door will remain open and nose wheel steering will NOT be available.
What is the maximum nose wheel turn angle that can be commanded on hand wheel?
75 deg- available up to 20kts GS.
Decreases at a constant rate to 0 deg at 80kts GS.
The hand wheels move independently. What happens if both moved?
The combined input is summed and sent as a command to the BSCU. (Will not exceed highest angle available based on GS).
What is the maximum nose wheel turn angle that can be commanded by the rudder pedals?
Full authority 6 deg up to 40kt GS.
Decreases at a constant rate to 0 deg at 130kts.
What is the purpose of the pedal disconnect button on hand wheel?
Allows you to disconnect rudder pedal from nose wheel steering to check rudder travel during taxi.
When does autopilot control nose wheel steering?
During an autoland rollout, autopilot commands nose wheel movement to track the localiser.
*autopilot can be disconnected by significant hand wheel or rudder pedal inputs.
Where does hydraulic pressure for nose wheel steering come from?
Green system return line for the nose gear doors.
*if nose gear doors remain open (as they will if gear is gravity extended) nose wheel steering is NOT available.