A321 NEO Differences Flashcards
Max weights?
MTOW 97400
MLW 97000
MLW7 79200
MZFW 75600
When to use low and high pack flow?
LOW: if number of occupants below 168
HIGH: for abnormally hot and humid conditions
When and why does PACKS indication appear on EWD above N1 indicators?
Indicates engines bleeds are supplying packs.
-on ground, at least 1 engine running
-during to/ga until thrust in CL detent
-in flight, when thrust is MCT
*Engine anti ice/wing anti ice indications also appear if selected on under same conditions
When and how does ACT begin auto transferring to centre tank?
30min after gear up.
Via pressurisation of tank, by closing ACT vent and opening air shutoff valve.
When does ACT transfer stop and restart?
Stops if centre tank exceeds 5750kg, by closing ACT transfer valve.
Reopens when below 5000kg.
Cargo agent 2 timing?
195 minutes for A321 NEO (vs 150 min for A321 CEO)
Flap extension speeds for A321 NEO?
1: 243
1+F: 225
2: 215
3: 195
Full: 186
When is aileron droop active on A321 NEO?
When flaps are extended- ailerons droop 10 deg.
Is continuous ignition automatically selected with engine anti ice ON?
No (for A321 NEO)
How do oxygen bottles feed on A321 NEO?
One to captain/3rd observer, other to FO/4th observer.
Also additional overpressure indicator on nose.
How do oxygen bottles feed on A321 NEO?
One to captain/3rd observer, other to FO/4th observer.
Also additional overpressure indicator on nose.
How do oxygen bottles feed on A321 NEO?
One to captain/3rd observed, other to FO/4th observer.
Also additional overpressure indicator on nose.
When does amber half box appear around each oxy ind on A321 NEO?
Seats, doors and overwing exits?
Seats 232
2 front/2 rear doors (dual lane slide rafts each side)
Emergency door 3 located after of wing (single lane slide each side)
2 top hinged overwing emergency exits (dual lane off wing slide each side)
Engine model and thrust output?
CFM International LEAP-1A
35000 lb thrust
Thrust measurement in % N1
460mm ground clearance
Bypass ratio 11:1