Fuel And Airport Policy Flashcards
Where SIDs/STARs not planned, standard manoeuvring fuel for each arrival or departure?
A320- 100kg
A321 (V2500)- 125kg
A321LR (Leap)- 100kg
How is alternate fuel calculated?
Fuel required to carry out a missed approach from the destination airport, fly to the alternate airport and make an approach and landing at the alternate airport.
How much ‘alternate fuel’ must be carried when no alternate is required under CASR121?
15 minutes
How is variable reserve calculated and when does it not apply?
5% of flight fuel and not less than 5 minutes at the fixed reserve rate.
Limited to 1000kg (OV1)
(Not applied to alternate fuel or to in-flight requirements)
What is the maximum holding fuel?
80 minutes- if greater an alternate is planned.
How is fixed reserve calculated?
30 minutes holding at 1500ft.
A320 – 1200 kg;
A321 (V2500) – 1500 kg
A321LR (Leap) – 1100 kg
Taxi out fuel (used between completion of refuelling and takeoff)
Allows for 30 minutes APU usage, engine start, and pre-departure taxi.
A320/321- 120kg
PIC must consider additional as required, and also consider takeoff performance if less is used.
Additional fuel for passing through forecast icing conditions?
A320 – 0.50 kg/nm
A321 (V2500) – 0.60 kg/nm
A321LR (Leap) – 0.45 kg/nm
Approach and landing fuel for critical fuel scenarios?
5 minutes holding at the fixed reserve rate.
Preflight fuel requirement?
(Takeoff must not commence unless all except taxi is onboard)
• Taxi fuel;
• Flight fuel;
• Alternate fuel;
• Variable reserve;
• Fixed reserve;
• Holding fuel (when required); and
• Contingency fuel.
Re-Clearance fuel requirement?
(variable reserve calculated on the flight fuel required from re-clearance point to destination)
• Flight fuel;
• Alternate fuel;
• Variable reserve;
• Fixed reserve;
• Holding fuel (when required); and
• Contingency fuel.
In flight requirements.
To continue a flight, must include:
• Flight fuel
• Alternate fuel
• Fixed reserve
• Holding fuel (when required) and
• Contingency fuel.
AV8 approved variation:
60 mins @ FR rate normally provided over destination.
Can be reduced to 45 mins to maximise payload, after consultation with PIC.
How is a 3% fuel check done?
By 2 separate methods:
-comparing arrival fuel plus Fuel Uplift against the fuel quantity indicator readings, or
-Having regard to previous readings, a check of fuel quantity indicator readings against fuel consumed readings.
Takeoff alternate distance limit?
Not greater than 60 minutes single engine diversion distance- A320 427NM