Lab 3.7: Acid fast stains Flashcards
The presence of ?? acids in the cell walls of acid fat organisms is the cytological basis for the acid-fast differential stain
Acid fast stain are used to identify members of:
-genus mycobacterium
-genus nocardia
Because so few organisms are acid fast, the acid fast stain is only ran when??
-infection of acid fast organisms is suspected.
2 types of acid fast staining procedures:
-Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) method: uses heat as part of process
-kinyoun (K) method: slightly less sensitive
What is used as the primary stain and why?
-because it is lipid soluble and penetrates the waxy cell wall
Acid fast cells are what color?
Nonacid-fast cells are what color?
Procedure steps for acid fast staining: (11)
-prepare heat fix smear
-add strip of bibulous paper
-add carbolfuchsin and heat by steam for 5 min
-rinse with water
-add decolorizer (acid alcohol) for 30 seconds
-rinse with water
add methylene blue for 1 min
-rinse with water
-blot dry
-observe under microscope (10X, 40X)
-add oil for 100X
Upon completion of the acid-fast stain, cells without mycolic acid in the cell wall will appear:
In the acid-fast staining procedure, why is the carbolfuchsin stain is left in contact with the cells for five minutes using steam?
-to allow the stain to penetrate the waxy wall of the cell
What is not used at all in the acid-fast stain is:
In the acid-fast stain, the primary stain is:
True or false:
The waxy substance that gives acid-fast cells a higher affinity for the primary stain also makes them susceptible to decolorization by an acid alcohol solution.
True or false:
The presence of mycolic acids in the cell walls of acid-fast organisms is the cytological basis for the acid-fast stain
In the acid-fast stain, the decolorizing agent is:
-acid alcohol
The acid-fast stain is a:
-differential stain
In the acid-fast stain, the counterstain is:
-methylene blue
In the acid-fast procedure, why is the sample counterstained with methylene blue or brilliant green rather than safranin which is used as the counterstain in the Gram stain procedure?
-Safranin is pink like carbolfuchsin and would not allow one to differentiate between the cell types.