4.4: MacConkey Agar Flashcards
MacConkey agar is ?? and ?? media for gram-?? organisms, contain indicators to differentiate ?? fermenters from ?? non-fermenters
-selective and differential
Composition of macconkey agar:
-lactose, bile salts, neutral red, and crystal violet
?? and ?? inhibit growth of gram positive
-bile salts and crystal violet
Neutral red dye is a pH indicator that is colorless above a pH of ?? and red at a pH less than ??
Red/pink color=
Yellow color=
-ferments lactose, lower pH
-does not ferment lactose
MacConkey agar is used to isolate and differentiate members of the ?? based on the ability to ferment lactose
The component or components that inhibit the growth of bacteria on MacConkey agar is/are (Select all that apply)
-crystal violet
-bile salts
You observe yellow-colored colonies growing on MacConkey agar. What does this indicate about the organism?
-the organism do not ferment lactose
You observe red colored colonies growing on MacConkey agar. What does this indicate about the organism?
-the organism is able to ferment lactose
MacConkey agar is used to isolate and differentiate members of the Enterobacteriaceae family based on the ability to ferment mannitol.
MacConkey Agar is often used to isolate and differentiate bacteria in the group:
A positive result in the MacConkey agar indicates that a microorganism (Select all that apply)
-ferments lactose
-produces acid end products
Which of the following is not a selective media:
-blood agar
The bile salts in the MacConkey Agar plate serves as
-a selective agent
MacConkey Agar is a selective and differential medium. It selects for ________________ while differentiating between those that can and cannot __________.
-gram negative
-ferment lactose
The neutral red dye in the MacConkey Agar functions
-as a pH indicator