Lab 3 (Chapter 20) Flashcards
Describe the path from the heart to the anterior interventricular artery (4 steps)
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Left coronary artery
4) Anterior interventricular artery
Describe the four paths from the heart to the Circle of Willis (right and left common carotid paths, and left and right subclavian paths)
Right common path:
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Brachiocephalic trunk
5) Right common carotid artery
6) Right interior carotid artery
7) Circle of Willis
Right subclavian path:
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Brachiocephalic trunk
5) Right subclavian artery
6) Right vertebral artery
7) Basilar artery
8) Circle of Willis
Left carotid path:
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Left common carotid artery
5) Left internal carotid artery
6) Circle of Willis
Left subclavian path:
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Left subclavian artery
5) Left vertebral artery
6) Basilar artery
7) Circle of Willis
What 2 arteries branch off the ascending aorta?
The left and right coronary arteries
(Aa leads to L&Rca)
What 3 arteries branch off the aortic arch?
1) Brachiocephalic trunk
2) Left common carotid artery
3) Left subclavian artery
Bt Lcca Lsa
What 2 arteries branch off the thoracic aorta?
Intercostals and bronchials
(Ta leads to Ia and Ba)
What 6 arteries branch off the abdominal aorta?
1) Celiac trunk
2) Superior mesenteric artery
3) Inferior mesenteric artery
4) Left and right renal arteries
5) Left and right gonadal arteries
6) Left and right common iliac arteries
What is the path of blood through the aortas (5 steps)?
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Thoracic aorta
5) Abdominal aorta
What is the path from the heart to the right radial and ulnar arteries? (8 steps)
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Brachiocephalic trunk
5) Right subclavian artery
6) Right axillary artery
7) Right brachial artery
8) Right radial and ulnar arteries
Describe the path to the left radial and ulnar arteries
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Left subclavian artery
5) Left axillary artery
6) Left brachial artery
7) Left radial and ulnar arteries
What 3 arteries branch off the celiac trunk?
1) Common hepatic artery
2) Left gastric artery
3) Splenic artery
What 2 arteries branch off the left and right common iliac arteries?
Interior and exterior iliac arteries
Where does the femoral artery branch off? Where does that branch off from?
The external iliac, which branches off the left and right common iliacs
Describe the path from the heart to the dorsalis pedis and fibular arteries
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Thoracic aorta
5) Abdominal aorta
6) Left and right common iliacs
7) External iliac artery
8) Femoral artery
9) Popliteal artery
10 & 11) Anterior tibial artery to dorsalis pedis artery
10 & 11) Posterior tibial artery to fibular artery
What 2 things branch off the popliteal artery?
Anterior and posterior tibial arteries
What is the path from the heart to the common hepatic artery?
1) Left heart
2) Ascending aorta
3) Aortic arch
4) Thoracic aorta
5) Abdominal aorta
6) Celiac trunk
7) Common hepatic
Describe the 2 paths from the cephalic vein to the heart (long and short path)
Long path: cephalic > median cubital
Short: cephalic > axillary
Longer path:
1) Cephalic vein
2) Median cubital vein
3) Basilic vein
4) Brachial vein
5) Axillary vein
6) Subclavian vein
7) Left and right brachiocephalic veins
8) Superior vena cava
9) Right heart
Shorter path:
1) Cephalic vein
2) Axillary vein
3) Subclavian vein
4) Left and right brachiocephalic veins
5) Superior vena cava
6) Right heart
Describe the path from the basilic vein to the heart
1) Basilic vein
2) Brachial vein
3) Axillary vein
4) Subclavian vein
5) Right and left brachiocephalic veins
6) Superior vena cava
7) Right heart
Describe the paths from the radial and ulnar veins to the heart
1) Radial or ulnar vein
2) Brachial vein
3) Axillary vein
4) Subclavian vein
5) Left and right brachiocephalic veins
6) Superior vena cava
7) Right heart
Describe the path of the interior jugular vein to the heart
1) Interior jugular vein
2) Left and right brachiocephalic veins
3) Superior vena cava
4) Right heart
All blood passes through the ________________ (and the left and right brachiocephalic veins) or the ________________ to get back to the heart from the veins (unless it’s in the coronary sinus)
Superior vena cava or inferior vena cava
What 3 veins branch off the inferior vena cava?
1) Hepatic veins
2) Left and right renal veins
3) Left and right common iliac veins