La Pobreza y el Tercer Mundo Flashcards
the developing countries
the underprivileged, the helpless
the deprived, the have-nots
human problems
economic and health conditions
to become poor, impoverished
to be malnourished
infant mortality
rural deprivation
endemic hunger, starvation
to die of starvation
to be marginalised
to exploit
to feel exploited
the struggle for daily survival
to be apathetic
to be in an ever more precarious situation
poverty-related diseases
to age quickly
to suffer an irreversible decline in living conditions
to be illiterate
the abysmal level of education
to beg
social inequality
to receive an income below the per capita average
to live below the poverty line
not to be able to manage until the end of the month
to live in a state of dire need
to have no means / resources
to depend on charity
to steal in order to obtain food
to owe the rent
to evict
to be homeless
to live in a hovel
shanty towns
shack, shanty, slum
the problem of the chabolas
to support seven or eight children
to be just a statistic, “statistic fodder”
there’s no more hope
economic aid
charity, charitable organization
to shelter, to house
self-sufficiency in food, ability to feed oneself
to live off the land
to leave the countryside
to move to the city
to share (with)
to have a real social policy towards poverty
the welfare state
to detect signs of poverty
to sponsor a child
fair trade
economic problems at a national level
foreign debt
to reduce / cancel third-world debt
to stem the spiraling growth of third-world debt