L8: IUFD Flashcards
Def of IUFD (Stillbirth)
- Death of fetus in utero after 20 weeks
- If fetal weight is ≥ 500)gm.
Incidence of IUFD (Stillbirth)
- 80% of stillbirths occur before term.
- ≥ 50% of stillbirths occur before 28 weeks gestation.
Types of IUFD (Stillbirth)
- Antenatal IUFD: Fetal death before onset oflabor.
- Intranatal death: Fetal death during labor
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
- Maternal
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
- Fetal
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
- Placental
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
- Cord
Etiology of Antenatal IUFD
- Idiopathic
Complications of Antenatal IUFD
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- Symptoms
- Signs
- INVx
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- Symptoms
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- Signs
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- INVx
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- Pregnancy Test
Turns -ve within 2-3 weeks after fetal death.
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- US
Dx of Antenatal IUFD
- X-Ray
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
- wait 4 weeks for spontaneous expulsion
- After TOP
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
- Waiting
65-80% of fetuses will be expelled
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
- Indications of TOP
- Nonoccurrence of spontaneous expulsion.
- Mother is anxious.
- Development of complications.
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
- methods of TOP
Def of Intranatal Death
Death of fetus (during) labor.
Managment of Antenatal IUFD
- After TOP
Etiology of Intranatal Death
Def of Neonatal Death
Death of neonate during 1st month after birth.
Etiology of Neonatal Death
Etiology of Neonatal Death
- Death During 1st week
Etiology of Neonatal Death
- Death After 1st week
Mainly due to infection especially umbilical & respiratory infections).