L5: Induction of Labor & Abortion Flashcards
Def of Induction of Abortion
- Artificial TOP before fetal viability (20 weeks or 500 gm fetal weight).
Types of Induced Abortion
Indications of Therapeutic Abortion
Indications of Therapeutic Abortion
- Maternal
Indications of Therapeutic Abortion
- Fetal
Methods of Induction of Abortion
Methods of Induction of Abortion
- Medical
Medical Induction of Abortion
- During 1st Trimester
Medical Induction of Abortion
- During 2nd Trimester
Surgical Induction of Abortion
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- 1st Trimester
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Menstrual extraction or miniabortion
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Menstrual extraction or miniabortion (procedure)
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Menstrual extraction or miniabortion (Advantages)
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Suction evacuation & curettage
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Suction evacuation & curettage (Procedure)
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Suction evacuation & curettage (Complications)
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Suction evacuation & curettage (Advantages)
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- Surgical evacuation & curettage
Surgical Induction of Abortion
- During 2nd Trimester
Old Methods of induction of abortion
Complications of Induced Abortion
Complications of Induced Abortion
- Complications of the method used for induction
PGs, oxytocin & suction evacuation.
Complications of Induced Abortion
- Maternal mortality
Def of Induction of Labor
- Initiation of uterine contractions prior to their spontaneous onset & is carried out after fetal viability.
Def of Augmentation of Labor
- Strengthening of uterine contractions after their
spontaneous or induced onset.
Indications of Induction of Labor
Indications of Induction of Labor
- Maternal
Indications of Induction of Labor
- Fetal
CI of Induction of Labor
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Cervical Consistency
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Cervical Position
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Cervical Dilatation
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Cervical Effacement
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Station of Head
Bishop Score in Induction of Labor
- Interpretation
Prerequisities in Induction of Labor
Methods of Induction of Labor
Methods of Induction of Labor
- The Best Method
- The best method for induction of labor is repining of cervix by PGs then augmentation by combined AROM + oxytocin.
Medical Induction of Labor
Surgical Induction of Labor
Surgical Induction of Labor
- Stripping of Membranes
- Passing finger through cervical os, sweeping it around internal surface of cervix & gently stripping membrane away from it (separation of membranes is followed by endogenous PGs release).
Surgical Induction of Labor
Surgical Induction of Labor
- AROM (Efficacy)
- Up to 88% of women with favorable cervix will deliver within 24 hours after AROM alone.
Surgical Induction of Labor
- AROM (Factors Affecting Success)
- State of cervix (dilatation & effacement).
- Station of presenting part at time of procedure.
- Parity of woman.
Surgical Induction of Labor
- AROM (Complications)
- Cord prolapse.
- Chorioamnionitis.
- Drainage of liquor with dry labor.
- Placental abruption (in amniotomy with polyhydramnios).
- Injury of fetal scalp
Surgical Induction of Labor
- Insertion of Foley’s catheter through cervix & inflation of its balloon with 30 ml fluid
Done mostly on dead fetus.
Old Methods of Induction of Labor
Obsolete & not used now.
1) Osmotic dilators (as laminaria tent).
2) Caster oil.
3) Massage nipple to stimulate oxytocin release.
Hazards of Induction of Labor