L11: HTN in Pregnancy Flashcards
Def of HTN in Pregnancy
HTN during pregnancy is defined as BP β₯ 140/90 mmHg measured on 2 different occasions with at least 4-6 hours apart
Classification of HTN in Pregnancy
Chronic HTN
HTN that antedates pregnancy, is diagnosed before 20 weeks gestation or lasts for > 12 weeks postpartum.
Gestational HTN
HTN without proteinuria that is 1st diagnosed after 20 weeks gestation with return of BP to normal within 12 weeks postpartum
HTN with pathological proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation
Occurrence of tonic-colonic convulsive seizures that canβt be attributed to other causes in woman with preeclampsia
Superimposed preeclampsia on chronic HTN
New development of pathological proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation in woman with chronic HTN
ACOG classification of HTN in pregnancy
Def of PET
Synonyms of PET
Preeclamptic toxemia (PET) or Toxemia of pregnancy
(these old names had originated from old belief that these cases were caused by placental toxin).
Incidence & RF for PET
Disease of human only affecting 5-15 % of all pregnancies, Commonest hypertensive disorder in pregnancy
RF for PET
- Maternal Specific
RF for PET
- Pregnancy Specific
- Vesicular mole
- Multifetal Pregnancy
- Polyhydraminos
- Seasonal variation: More common in winter
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Age
< 20 or > 35 years.
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Gravidity & Parity
More in primigravidas specially elderly primigravidas.
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Race
More in black races
Maternal Specific RF for PET
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Medical Disorders
Chronic HTN, chronic nephritis or DM
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Obesity
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Past & Family Hx of HTN in Pregnancy
Etiology of PET
Theories Include:
- Increased Pressor Effect
- Abnormal Placentation
- Genetic Factors
- Immunological Factors
- Inflammatory Factors
- Biochemical Factors
Theories of PET
- Increased Pressor Effect
Theories of PET
- Abnormal Placentation
Theories of PET
- Genetic Predisposition
Risk of Preclampsia ββ in women when their mothers or grandmothers had
Theories of PET
- Immunlogical Factors
Theories of PET
- Inflammatory Factors
Theories of PET
- PGs
Theories of PET
- NO
Theories of PET
- Endothelin-1
Theories of PET
Theories of PET
- Free Radicals
Theories of PET
- Vit E / Lipid Peroxides Imbalance
Theories of PET
- Prorenin
Theories of PET
- Endothelial Cell Activation
Pathology in PET
CVS Pathology in PET
- Genralized Arteriolar Vasospasm
ββ peripheral resistance & endothelial cell dysfunction & damage.
CVS Pathology in PET
- Increased Pressor effect
See before
CVS Pathology in PET
- Hemodynamic Changes
- Cardiac Preload: Normal or low in severe cases (due to VC & hypovolemia).
- Cardiac afterload: ββ (due to HTN).
- COP: ββ (due to ββ peripheral resistance).
CVS Pathology in PET
- Blood Volume
- Hemoconcentration & ββ Hct value (due to ββ capillary permeability β excessive shift of intravascular fluid to extravascular compartment).
CVS Pathology in PET
- Blood Cells
οΊ RBCs: Become bizarre shaped (easily hemolysed) in severe cases.
οΊ WBCs: ββ eosinophils (denoting immunological nature).
οΊ Platelets: Thrombocytopenia.
CVS Pathology in PET
- Activation of Coagulation system
In severe Cases
CVS Pathology in PET
- Salt & Water Retention
Due to ββ DOC & ββ sensitivity to ADH.
Pathology in PET
- Endocrine
Endocrine Pathology in PET
In uteroplacentalhypoperfusion, there is ββ rennin β ββ angiotensin-II β compensatory ββ in PGI2 production β uteroplacental VD.
Endocrine Pathology in PET
- Deoxycortisone
ββ β Na+ retention
Endocrine Pathology in PET
ββ sensitivity to ADH β edema & oliguria.
Endocrine Pathology in PET
- Placental Hormones
ββ HCG, estrogen & progesterone
Pathology in PET
- uteroplacental
Pathology in PET
- Renal
Renal Pathology in PET
Renal Pathology in PET
- PTNuria
Due to damage of tubular epithelium
Renal Pathology in PET
- Glomerular Capillaries
- Glomerular cell swelling, mesangeal cell proliferation & fibrin like deposits intraendothelially & subendotheliall
Renal Pathology in PET
- Renal Tububles
(reversible) or acute cortical necrosis (irreversible).
Pathology in PET
- Liver
In severe cases.
- Periportal vasospasm, focal Hge & hematoma (subcapsular or in hepatic substance).
- Acute fatty degeneration
Liver Pathology in PET
In severe cases.
- Periportal vasospasm, focal Hge & hematoma (subcapsular or in hepatic substance).
- Acute fatty degeneration
CNS Pathology in PET
In severe cases.
1. Cerebral edema & hyperemia.
2. Thrombosis or Hge
Retinal Pathology in PET
- Retinal arterial vasospasm.
- Retinal exudate, Hge or detachment.
Pathology in PET
- Hge
As adrenal glands, stomach & intestine.
Complications of PET
Maternal & fetal
Maternal Complications of PET
Maternal Complications of PET
Due to severe HTN.
Maternal Complications of PET
- Blindness
Due to retinal detachment & it is reversible.
Maternal Complications of PET
- HF & PE
Treated by immediate IV furosemide (lasix).
Maternal Complications of PET
- In preeclampsia & eclampsia, PPH is diagnosed if there is blood loss > 200 ml (normally, > 500 ml) because there are hypovolemia & hemoconcentration.
Maternal Complications of PET
Acute tubular necrosis or acute cortical necrosis
Maternal Complications of PET
- Mortality
- Incidence: 2% in severe preeclampsia & 10% in eclampsia.
- Etiology: Due to complications (commonest cause is ICH).
Maternal Complications of PET
- Remote Complications
Maternal Complications of PET
- HELLP Syndrome
Def of HELLP Syndrome
Fatal condition characterized by:
- Hemolysis: Bilirubin β₯ 1.2 mg/dl.
- Elevated Liver enzymes: SGOT > 70 IU/L.
- Low Platelet count: < 100000/mm3.
DDx of HELLP Syndrome
οΊ Acute fatty liver in pregnancy.
οΊ Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
οΊ Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
οΊ Hepatitis (viral or drug induced).
Maternal Mortality in HELLP Syndrome
RR in HELLP Syndrome
Fetal Complications in PET
Fetal Complications in PET
- Prematurity
Due to preterm labor or premature TOP in severe cases.
Fetal Complications in PET
Due to placental insufficiency.
Fetal Complications in PET
- Fetal asphyxia or IUFD
Due to marked impairment of placental circulation or placental separation
Fetal Complications in PET
- Perinatal Mortality
- 5% in mild preeclampsia & 25% in severe preeclampsia & 30% in eclampsia.
Prediction of PET
- Hx
High risk factors (from history since 1st antenatal visit).
Prediction of PET
- Ex
Prediction of PET
- Vascular Reactivity Tests
Prediction of PET
- Labs
ββ serum uric acid, hypocalciuria & ββ fibronectin levels.
Prediction of PET
- Uterine Artery Doppler
To detect uteroplacental hypoperfusion
Clinical Signs of PET
Signs: Preeclampsia is a disease of signs & it has the following 3 cardinal signs:
- PTNuria
- Edema
Clinical Signs of PET
Clinical Signs of PET
- PTNuria
Clinical Signs of PET
- Edema
Clinical Symptoms of PET
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Epigastric Pain
Due to distension of liver capsule.
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Headache
Due to HTN & cerebral edema.
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Persistent N&V
Due to cerebral edema, congestion of gastric mucosa or liver affection.
Investigations for PET
- Labs
Lab Investigations for PET
Hemoconcentration, hemolysis & thrombocytopenia
Lab Investigations for PET
- Coagulation Profile
Disturbed in DIC
Lab Investigations for PET
Bilirubin (ββ Γ¨ hemolysis) & SGOT & SGPT (ββ Γ¨ liver impairment & HELLP synd..
Lab Investigations for PET
- KFTs
Deteriorated only in severe cases.
Lab Investigations for PET
- urine Analysis
Oliguria & proteinuria.
Rad Investigations for PET
US: To Determine fetal life, age, maturity & wellbeing.
CT scan or MRI brain: To Dx intracranial Complications
Other Investigations for PET
- Fundus examination: To detect retinal exudate, Hg or detachment.
- Fetal wellbeing tests
Assessment of Severity of PET
Def of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
Worse type of severe preeclampsia which will end in eclampsia if not urgently treated.
Dx of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
TTT of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
Immediate control & TOP Γ¨in 6 hours.
DDx of PET
- Causes of HTN with pregnancy
- Causes of proteinuria with pregnancy
- Causes of edema with pregnancy
DDx of PET
- Causes of HTN with Pregnancy
οΊ Preeclampsia (commonest cause) & eclampsia.
οΊ Gestational HTN
οΊ Chronic HTN.
οΊ 2ry HTN: As in chronic nephritis, coarctation of aorta & Cush ing syndrome.
DDx of PET
- Causes of PTNuria with pregnancy
οΊ Preeclampsia & eclampsia.
οΊ Contamination of specimen e vaginal discharge (commonest cause) .
οΊ Renal hypoxia: As in CHF & severe anemia.
οΊ Hyperemesis gravidarum: Rarely occurs in severe cases.
οΊ Orthostatic proteinuria.
DDx of PET
- Causes of edema with Pregnancy
οΊ Preeclampsia & eclampsia.
οΊ Gestational edema.
οΊ Local causes: Leading to unilateral edema as inflammations or DVT.
οΊ Generalized edema: Cardiac, hepatic, renal, nutritional or angioneurotic edema.
οΊ Orthostatic edema.
Prevention of PET
Prevention of PET
- Prediction
See before.
Prevention of PET
- Lifestyle
Rest, exercise & ββ dietary salt.
Prevention of PET
- Supplements
- Ca++: 1.5-2 gm/d (it ββ production of PGI2 from endothelial cells).
- Others: Mg++, antioxidants (as vitamin C & E), folic acid & omega-3 fatty acids.
Prevention of PET
- Drugs
Plan of TTT of Mild PET
Plan of TTT of Severe Preclampsia
Plan of TTT of Imminent Eclampsia
Immediate control & TOP ein 6 hours.
Lines of TTT of PET
- Expectant treatment
- Control of HTN
- Prevention & control of convulsions
- Termination of pregnancy
- Postnatal care
- Treatment of complications
Expectant TTT of PET
Expectant TTT of PET
- Rest
Complete physical & mental rest.
Expectant TTT of PET
- Diet
High protein & CHO e low Na+ diet.
Expectant TTT of PET
- Sedation
Benzodiazepines or phenobarbitone.
Expectant TTT of PET
- Observation
Control of HTN in PET
- Indications
Severe cases (antihypertensives have doubtful value in mild cases)
Control of HTN in PET
- Rationale
Prevention of maternal complications & not fetal complications ( dec BP β dec placental perfusion β fetal distress & may be IUFD).
Control of HTN in PET
- Precautions
Dec BP should be gradual & DBP should be around 100 mmHg (below that β dec placental perfusion).
Control of HTN in PET
- Disadvantages
Control of HTN in PET
- Used Drugs
Parenteral drugs:
- Hydralazine
- Labetalol
- Diazoxide
Oral Drugs:
- Methyl DOPA
- Nifidiopine
- Adrenergic blockers (Atenolol)
- Mono-Hydralazine
- Prazosin
Control of HTN in PET
- Hydralazine
Control of HTN in PET
- Labetalol
A & non-selective B-adrenergic blocker β VD.
Control of HTN in PET
- Diazoxide
Used in severe resistant HTN as a last resort.
Control of HTN in PET
- Methyl DOPA
Control of HTN in PET
- Nifidipine
Control of HTN in PET
- Mono-hydralazine
Weak antihypertensive used in combination
Γ© Γ blockers to inc their efficacy & dec their side effects.
Control of HTN in PET
- Prazosin
Weak antihypertensive - used in combination Γ© other drugs.
- Prevention & control of convulsions
- Magnesium sulfate (MgSo4): Drug of choice
- Diazepam (valium)
- Phenytoin (Epanutin)
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Action of MgSO4
- Curare like action on motor end plate β paralysis of peripheral muscles.
- Weak CNS depressant.
- Mild VD & diuretic.
- inc PGI2 production & dec platelet aggregation.
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Indications of MgSO4
Used to prevent convulsions in cases in which delivery is decided.
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Routes of MgSO4
IV (preferred rout), IM (painful) or SC (not used now).
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Doses of MgSO4
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Duration of MgSO4
Maintenance therapy is continued for 24 h after delivery.
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Monitoring of MgSO4
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- SE of MgSO4
Maternal SE of MgSO4
Maternal SE of MgSO4
- Toxicity
Maternal SE of MgSO4
- Drug Interactions
- Enhances action of curare like drugs.
- Synergistic action if given Γ© CCB.
Fetal SE of MgSO4
dec beat to beat variability in FHR pattern
Neonatal SE of MgSO4
Hypermagnesemia, hypotonia & poor suckling.
Antidote of MgSO4
Ca++ gluconate.
Stroganoff method
Use of MgSo4 + morphine.
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Action of Diazepam
Central inhibitory effect
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- Dose of Diazepam
Initially, 20-40 mg IV slowly then 10-20 mg/6 hrs.
Prevention & control of convulsions in PET
- SE of Diazepam
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia & low APGAR score.
Indications of TOP in PET
Methods of TOP in PET
Vaginal & CS
Vaginal Delivery in PET
- Prerequisities
Vaginal Delivery in PET
- Precautions
Precautions of Vaginal Delivery in TOP
- Rest
In eclampsia room (see later)
Precautions of Vaginal Delivery in TOP
- Analgesia & Anesethia
Analgesia & anesthesia: Epidural anesthesia is the best.
Precautions of Vaginal Delivery in TOP
- Gaurd against PPH
By uterine massage + oxytocin + PGs (if needed) & avoid ergometrine (it causes VC & inc BP).
Precautions of Vaginal Delivery in TOP
- Guard against PP eclampsia
(by MgSo4 , for 24-48 hours after delivery).
CS Delivery in PET
- Indications
CS Delivery in TOP
- Disadvantages
adds surgical stress to disease stress.
Postnatal Care in PET
- Observation
Signs of Improvement in Postnatal Care in PET
Postnatal Care in PET
- Drugs
MgSO4, should be continued for 24-48 hours after delivery.
TTT of Complications in PET
Def of Eclampsia
Occurrence of tonic-colonic convulsive seizures that canβt be attributed to other causes in woman e preeclampsia.
Incidence of Eclampsia
- Depends largely on management of pre-eclampsia.
- in some areas, it is 1/500 where in others, it is 1/2300.
RF for Eclampsia
As pre-eclampsia.
Types of Eclampsia
- According to time of occurrence of fits
- According to recurrence
Types of Eclampsia
- Acc to time of occurence
Types of Eclampsia
- Acc to recurrence
Pathology of Eclampsia
- As preeclampsia + Coma.
Complications of Eclampsia
Dx of Eclampsia
Clinical manifestations of eclamptic fits
Clinical manifestations of eclamptic fits:
- Premonitory Stage
Clinical manifestations of eclamptic fits:
- Tonic Stage
Clinical manifestations of eclamptic fits:
- Clonic Stage
Clinical manifestations of eclamptic fits:
- Coma Stage
INVx in Eclampsia
As preeclampsia.
Criteria of severity of eclampsia (Edenβs criteria)
DDx of Eclampsia
- Causes of Convulsion with pregnancy
DDx of Eclampsia
- Causes of Coma with pregnancy
Prevention of Eclampsia
Good ANC for prevention, detection & early treatment of preeclampsia.
TTT of Eclampsia
- During Fit
- In Between Fits
TTT of Eclampsia
- During Fit
TTT of Eclampsia
- In between Fits
- General measures
- Prevention of further attacks of convulsions
- Control of HTN
- Termination of pregnancy
- Postnatal care
- Treatment of complications
General Measures of TTT of Eclampsia in between fits
- Isolation
General Measures of TTT of Eclampsia in between fits
- Position
Trendelenburg position to help drainage of bronchial secretions.
General Measures of TTT of Eclampsia in between fits
- Sedation
Morphine (10-20 mg IM) initially then maintain by diazepam (10 mg/8 h IV or IM).
General Measures of TTT of Eclampsia in between fits
- Observation
TTT of Eclampsia in between fits