L11: Maternal Obstetric Injuries (Rupture Uterus) Flashcards
Def of Rupture Uterus
Loss of continuity of uterine wall not done by surgery.
Incidence of Rupture Uterus
Incidence of Rupture Uterus
- More common in?
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- Main Cause
previous CS scar
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- During Pregancy (Spontaneous)
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- During Pregnancy (Traumatic)
Traumatic: Rare.
1) ECV.
2) External trauma to abdomen: falls, kicks, car accidents or stab wounds.
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- During labor (Spontaneous)
Spontaneous: More common.
1) Obstructed labor.
2) Rupture of uterine scar.
3) Grand multiparity: d2 degeneration & weakness of uterine muscles.
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- During Labor (Traumatic)
Etiology of Rupture Uterus
- During Labor (Improper use of oxytocin or PGs)
Types of Rupture Uterus
- Incomplete: 20% Rupture doesn’t involve peritoneum
- Complete: 80% Rupture involves all layers of uterus even peritoneum
Sites of Rupture Uterus
- UUS rupture: Mostly complete & occurs during pregnancy or early in labor
- LUS rupture: May be incomplete or complete & usually occurs during labor
Type of Rupture in Rupture of uterine scar
- incomplete (dehiscence) or complete
Rupture of uterine scar
- Site
- At site of the scar
Rupture of uterine scar
- Shape
- Shape of the scar
Rupture of uterine scar
- Predisposing factors
Rupture uterus due to obstructed labor
- Type
Rupture uterus due to obstructed labor
- Site
Involves LUS but may extend upwards into UUS or downwards into cervix.
Rupture uterus due to obstructed labor
- Mechanism
See obstructed labor
Rupture uterus due to obstructed labor
- Shape
Complications of Rupture Uterus
Complications of Rupture Uterus
- Maternal
Complications of Rupture Uterus
- fetal
CP of Rupture Uterus
CP of Rupture Uterus
- Spontaneous rupture during pregnancy
CP of Rupture Uterus
- Spontaneous rupture during pregnancy (Impending rupture)
a. Lower abdominal pain
b. tenderness over scar
c. vaginal spotting.
CP of Rupture Uterus
- Spontaneous rupture during pregnancy (Actual Rupture)
Symptoms of Spontaneous actual rupture uterus during pregnancy
Signs of Spontaneous actual rupture uterus during pregnancy
Signs of Spontaneous actual rupture uterus during pregnancy
- General
Signs of hypovolemic shock.
Signs of Spontaneous actual rupture uterus during pregnancy
- Abdominal
Signs of Spontaneous actual rupture uterus during pregnancy
- Vaginal
a- Vaginal bleeding may be present.
b- Presenting part is high.
CP of Spontaneous rupture during labor
CP of Spontaneous rupture during labor
- Impending Rupture
C/P of obstructed labor.
CP of Spontaneous rupture during labor
- Actual Rupture
CP of Spontaneous Actual rupture during labor
- Symptoms
- Sudden severe abdominal pain at site of rupture +
collapse. - Cessation of uterine contractions.
- Feeling of something giving away.
- Vaginal bleeding may be present.
CP of Spontaneous Actual rupture during labor
- Signs
CP of Spontaneous Actual rupture during labor
- Genral Signs
Signs of hypovolemic shock
CP of Spontaneous Actual rupture during labor
- Abdominal Signs
As before but inaudible FHS is the commonest presentation.
CP of Spontaneous Actual rupture during labor
- Vaginal Signs
CP of Traumatic Actual rupture during labor
Clinical Types of Rupture Uterus
Clinical Types of Rupture Uterus
- silent Rupture
Clinical Types of Rupture Uterus
- Overt Rupture
è or èout shock.
DDx of Rupture Uterus
- Advanced abdominal pregnancy.
- Concealed accidental Hge.
- Other causes of PPH.
- Other causes of intraperitoneal Hge (as rupture spleen).
Prevention of Rupture Uterus
TTT of Rupture Uterus
TTT of Rupture Uterus
- 1st Aid
TTT of Rupture Uterus
- Vaginal delivery?
No, Because it ↑↑ Hge, shock & extent of tear.
TTT of Rupture Uterus
- Laparotomy
TTT of Rupture Uterus
- Vaginal Repair
if there is extension of cervical tear to LUS è accessible upper end of tear.
Etiology of Perineal Tear
Degrees of Perineal Tear
Degrees of Perineal Tear
- 1st
Degrees of Perineal Tear
- 2nd
Degrees of Perineal Tear
- 3rd
Degrees of Perineal Tear
- 4th
Complications of Perineal Tear
- Early
Complications of Perineal Tear
- Late
Prevention of Perineal Tear
TTT of Perineal Tear
TTT of Perineal Tear
- Time
TTT of Perineal Tear
- Anasethia
TTT of Perineal Tear
- Technique
TTT of Perineal Tear
- AfterCare