L11: Antepartum Hemorrhage Flashcards
Def of Antepartum Hemorrhage
Bleeding in or from genital tract from 20 weeks gestation (28 weeks previously) till birth (including 1st & 2nd stages of labor).
Etiology & DDx of Antepartum Hemorrhage
Def of Placenta Previa
Placenta is partially or totally implanted in LUS after fetal viability (≥ 20 weeks).
Before 20 weeks, it is termed low lying placenta.
Incidence of Placenta Previa
Etiology of Placenta Previa
RF for Placenta Previa
RF for Placenta Previa
- Age
Old age (9 fold increase in women > 40 years)
RF for Placenta Previa
- Parity
More common in multiparas
RF for Placenta Previa
- Previous Uterine Scar
C.S (4 folds increase) / myomectomy / deep curettage
RF for Placenta Previa
- Previous Placenta Previa
Commonest risk factor
RF for Placenta Previa
- Commonest RF
Previous placenta previa
Classification of Placenta Previa
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
- During 3rd trimester, LUS progressively enlarges but inelastic placenta can’t stretch to accommodate this enlargement → shearing action () placenta & LUS → inevitable separation of part of placenta → unavoidable bleeding.
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
- Separation is aggravated during labor by progressive taking up of LUS combined è downward advancement of lower pole of intact sac of membranes making double shearing mechanism on placenta.
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
- No mechanism to stop bleeding because:
- LUS is non retractile.
- Muscle fibers of LUS are atonic è absence of decussating muscle layer.
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
- Source of Bleeding
Maternal blood.
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
Pathophysiology of Placenta Previa
- Amount of Bleeding
1st attack is variable but recurrent attack is dangerous.
Complications of Placenta Previa
Maternal & fetal
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During Pregnancy
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During Pregnancy
- During Labor
- During Puerperium
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During labor
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During Puerperium
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During Puerperium (PPH)
Maternal Complications of Placenta Previa
- During Puerperium (Puerperal Sepsis)
Fetal Complications of Placenta Previa
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Hx
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Ex
- General, Abdominal, Speculum & Local
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Abdominal Ex
Dx of Placenta Previa
- general Ex
Signs of hypovolemic shock (according to amount of blood loss)
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Local Ex
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Speculum
For exclusion of local gynecological causes of bleeding.
Indications of Local Ex in Placenta Previa
It has no role in modern obstetrics however, it can be done only when active treatment is indicated.
Precautions of Local Ex in Placenta Previa
→ Done in operating room under complete aseptic precautions & everything is ready for immediate CS if needed.
→ Cross matched blood should be available for transfusion if
Information gained in Local Ex in Placenta Previa
→ Amount of bleeding.
→ Degree of cervical effacement & dilatation.
→ Relation of placental edge to internal os.
→ Condition of membranes.
→ Presentation & Pelvic capacity.
Disadvantages of Local Ex in Placenta Previa
→ May initiate severe attack of bleeding.
→ False diagnosis (mistaken for blood clots).
Investigations for Placenta Previa
Main Tool for Dx of Placenta Previa
advantages of US in Dx of Placenta Previa
Safe, simple, rapid & accurate
Types of US in Dx of Placenta Previa
- TAS.
- TVS (more accurate but risky).
- Transperineal ultrasound.
US in Dx of Placenta Previa
- value
- Diagnosis of placenta previa & determination of its type.
- Determination of fetal age, viability, size, presentation & position.
- Exclusion of multifetal pregnancy & congenital anomalies.
Dx of Placenta Previa
Safe but expensive.
Dx of Placenta Previa
- Others
For maternal & fetal evaluation.
TTT of Placenta Previa Depend on …..
- Severity of bleeding.
- Patient is in labor or not.
- Type of placenta previa.
- Fetal are & maturity.
Plan of TTT in Placenta Previa
- Severe bleeding
Resuscitation then immediate CS.
Plan of TTT in Placenta Previa
- Mild to Moderate Bleeding
in Labor or not?
Plan of TTT in Placenta Previa
- Mild to Moderate Bleeding while Patient is in labor
Plan of TTT in Placenta Previa
- Mild to Moderate Bleeding while patient is NOT in labor
Lines of TTT of in Placenta Previa
- 1st aid measures & resuscitation
- Expectant treatment
- Termination of pregnancy
Lines of TTT of in Placenta Previa
- 1st Aid measures & resucitation
1st Aid measures & resucitation in Placenta Previa
- Antishock Measures
a) Cross matched fresh blood transfusion.
b) IV fluids (crystalloid solutions as Ringer’s lactate & saline).
c) Corticosteroids.
1st Aid measures & resucitation in Placenta Previa
- IV lines
Insert 2 large wide pore cannulas & CVP catheter.
1st Aid measures & resucitation in Placenta Previa
- Labs
CBC, coagulation profile, arterial blood gases & serum creatinine.
1st Aid measures & resucitation in Placenta Previa
- Confirmation of diagnosis & detection of type of placenta previa
By ultrasound & double setup vaginal examination.
1st Aid measures & resucitation in Placenta Previa
- Evaluation of Fetus
Living or dead, age, maturity & wellbeing.
Expectant TTT in Placenta Previa
- Aim
delay TOP till fetus is mature enough (till end of 37* week).
Expectant TTT in Placenta Previa
- Prerequiseties
Expectant TTT in Placenta Previa
- Measures
TOP in Placenta Previa
- Indications
- Severe bleeding.
- Patient is in labor.
- Mature fetus (patient 1st seen after 37 weeks).
Methods of TOP in Placenta Previa
- CS
- Vaginal
Indications of CS in Placenta Previa
Why is Placenta previa type Il posterior (More dangerous)?
Type of CS in Placenta Previa
LSCS (allows better control of bleeding).
CS in Placenta Previa
- fetal Approach
CS in Placenta Previa
- Precautions
- Operation should be managed by senior obstetrician & anesthetist.
- Care from PPH.
Vaginal delivery in Placenta Previa
- Prerequisities
Vaginal delivery in Placenta Previa
- Precautions
- Continuous fetal & maternal monitoring.
- Care from PPH.
Vaginal delivery in Placenta Previa
- Old Vaginal Methods
Used only in dead or hopeless fetus è severe bleeding:
- Willett’s scalp forceps.
- Bipolar podalic version & bringing down leg to compress placenta by 1/2 breech.
Another name of Placental Abruption
Accidental Hemorrhage
def of Placental Abruption
APH due to separation of normally implanted placenta before 3rd stage of labor.
Incidence of Placental Abruption
1% of deliveries.
Etiology of Placental Abruption
Compare between HTN Placental Abruption & Non-HTN Placental Abruption in terms of:
- Historic Name
- Incidence
- Parity
- Causes
Causes of Non-HTN Placental Abruption
Pathogenesis of HTN Placental Abruption
Pathogenesis of Non-HTN Placental Abruption
Classification (Types) of Placental Abruption
- Clinical & Severity
Classification (Types) of Placental Abruption
- Clinically
1) Revealed accidental Hge
2) Concealed accidental Hge
3) Mixed (combined) accidental Hge
Classification (Types) of Placental Abruption
- Severity (Sher’s)
Sher’s Classification Placental Abruption
- Grade 0
Small retroplacental hematoma discovered on maternal surface of placenta after delivery (no APH)
Sher’s Classification Placental Abruption
- Grade I
Mild revealed or mixed Hge + uterine tetany & tenderness
+ no fetal distress + no maternal shock.
Sher’s Classification Placental Abruption
- Grade II
Moderate revealed or mixed Hge + uterine tetany & tenderness + fetal distress + no maternal shock.
Sher’s Classification Placental Abruption
- Grade III
Assessment of severity of Bleeding in Placental Abruption
Complications of Placental Abruption
Fetal & Maternal
Fetal Complications of Placental Abruption
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
- Shock
Partly hypovolemic (Hge) & partly neurogenic (ry to peritoneal irritation).
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
- Renal failure
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
- Sheehan Syndrome
Due to ischemic necrosis of anterior pituitary.
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
- Couvelaire uterus (uteroplacental apoplexy)
Maternal Complications of Placental Abruption
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mixed PA in terms of:
- Incidence
- Placental Separation
- Pathway of Blood
- Bleeding
- Symptoms (Vaginal Bleeding, Pain, Cause)
- General Signs (Shock, Cause)
- Abdominal Signs (Uterus, Fetal Parts, FHS)
- Local Signs (Vaginal Bleeding, Placenta, Membranes)
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Incidence
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- palcental Separartion
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Blood Pathway
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Bleeding
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Symptoms
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- General Signs
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Abdominal Signs
Compare between Revealed PA - Concealed PA - Mised PA in terms of:
- Local Signs
Investigations in Placental Abruption
- US
- Labs
- Others
US in Placental Abruption
For exclusion of placenta previa, detection of retroplacental hematoma & determination of fetal age, viability, size, presentation & position.
Labs in Placental Abruption
CBC, coagulation profile & renal function tests.
Other INVx in Placental Abruption
For detection of the cause (as PET) & for maternal & fetal evaluation
TTT of Placental Abruption Depends on …..
- Fetus is living or dead.
- Severity of bleeding.
- Fetal wellbeing, age & maturity (if fetus is living).
- Patient is in labor or not.
Bleeding in concealed types is Concealed due to:
DDx of Placental Abruption
Plan of TTT of Placental Abruption
- Dead Fetus
Resuscitation then vaginal delivery
Plan of TTT of Placental Abruption
- Living Fetus
Plan of TTT of Placental Abruption
- Living fetus with severe abruption
Resuscitation then immediate CS.
Plan of TTT of Placental Abruption
- Living fetus with non severe abruption
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
- 1st Aid Measures
- Expectant TTT
- TTT of Cause
- TTT of Complications
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
- 1st Aid Measures
As in placenta previa + Exclusion of placenta previa & detection of retroplacental hematoma.
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
- Expectant TTT
As in placenta previa.
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
Vasginal & CS
Indications of TOP in Placental Abruption
Usually, pregnancy is terminated in all cases except cases fulfilling criteria for expectant treatment
Methods of TOP in Placental Abruption
Vaginal & CS
Indications of Vaginal Delivery in Placental Abruption
Method of Vaginal Delivery in Placental Abruption
AROM + Oxytocin drip or PGs according to situation.
Value of AROM in Vaginal Delivery in Placental Abruption
Advantages of Vaginal Delivery over CS in Placental Abruption
- Less blood loss.
- Avoidance of coagulopathy during CS (in vaginal delivery, bleeding stops by uterine contractions while in CS, bleeding stops by coagulation mechanism which is deficient).
Vaginal Delivery in Placental Abruption
- Precautions
- Abdominal binder.
- Continuous fetal & maternal monitoring.
- Care from PPH.
CS in Placental Abruption
- Indications
- Severe bleeding.
- Deteriorating maternal condition.
- Living fetus (rarely found) è fetal distress.
- Failed vaginal delivery (for 8 hours).
- Other indications for CS.
CS in Placental Abruption
- Precautions
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
- TTT of the Cause
TTT of preeclampsia.
Lines of TTT of Placental Abruption
- TTT of Complications
TTT of renal failure & DIC.
Compare between placenta previa centralis & placental abruption