L1: Physiology of Pregnancy Flashcards
Phases of Early developed pregnancy
Def of Fertilization
- Union of male gamete (mature capacitated sperm) +
female gamete (mature ovum) to form zygote.
Site of Fertilization
Ampulla of tube
Time of Fertilization
24 hours after ovulation.
Fertilizable Life Span of Ovum
12 - 36 hours
Fertilizable Life Span of Sperm
24-72 hours.
Oocyte journey During Fertilization
Sperms journey During Fertilization
Factors helping in ascending of sperms in female genital tract
Def of Sperm Capacitation
Method of Sperm Capacitation
Acrosomal Reaction
- Removal of decapacitating factors & activation of acrosomal
enzymes (neuroamidase, hyaluronidase & acrosin enzymes).
How is acrosomal Cap lost?
- May be attributed to proteolytic enzymes in estrogen dominant uterus.
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Sperms start to release …..
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Sperms start to release ….. to penetrate corona radiata
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Sperms start to release ….. to penetrate Zona pellucida
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Stimulation of Zona Pellucida receptor site
- Allowing penetration of zona by 1 sperm only
- Many sperms can penetrate corona radiata & participate in weakening of zona pellucida but only 1 sperm can penetrate zona).
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Reblocking of Zona Pellucida Receptor Site
to prevent further sperms entrance.
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Completion of 2nd Meiotic Division
(which was arrested in metaphase) → formation
of mature ovum & 2nd polar body.
Events occuring when sperm reach ovum
- Penetration of Oocyte Membrane
- Penetration of oocyte membrane (by acrosin) & only head & midpiece of sperm enter ovum.
Results of Fertilization
- Union of female pronucleus (contains 22 + X chromosomes) with male pronucleus (contains 22 + X or Y chromosomes) to form zygote (l-cell stage) which contains 46 chromosomes then zygote undergoes cleavage
Steps of Morula Formation
When does Morula reach the uterine cavity?
at 3rd - 4th post-fertilization day.
what is the morula?
16-cell stage
Blastocyst Formation
Def of Decidua
Thickened vascular endometrium prepared for implantation
(endometrium of pregnancy)
Layers of Decidua
Factors maintaning Decidua
Functions of Decidua
Def of Implantation
- Embedding of blastocyst in decidua
- (so, pregnancy is defined as implantation of blastocyst in decidua).
Normal Sites of Implantation
In Upper uterine segment UUS (60% posteriorly & 40% anteriorly).
Abnormal Sites of Implantation
- In Lower Uterine Segment LUS (placenta previa).
- Outside normal uterine cavity (ectopic pregnancy)
Time of Implantation
6th - 7th post fertilization day (one week post fertilization).
Mechanism of Implantation
Main Steps of Implantation
Differentiation of Decidua
Decidua Basalis
- Site
- Formed of
- Function
Decidua Capsularis
- Site
- Formed of
- Function
Decidua Parietalis (Vera)
- Site
- Formed of
- Function
Origin of Trophoblasts
Outer cell mass of blastocyst.
layers of Trophoblasts
Types of Chorionic Villi
Formation of 1ry Villi
Components of 1ry Villi
Foemation of 2ry Villi
Components of 2ry Villi
Formation of 3ry Villi
Components of 3ry Villi
Intervillous Space (Choriodecidual Space)
Functional Types of Villi
All are anchoring but not all are nutritive.
✓ Anchoring For supporting embryo.
✓ Nutritive For nutrition via choriodecidual space.
Fate of Chorionic Villi
Villi related to decidua basalis:
Form chorion frondosum (shares e decidua basalis in formation of placenta). -
Villi related to decidua capsularis:
Form chorion leave (forms outer layer of fetal membranes).
Origin of Embryo
From inner cell mass of blastocyst.
Def of Placenta
Unit of connection ( ) fetus & uterus ( mother)
Development of Placenta
Decidua basalis (maternal part)
Chorion frondosum (fetal part).
Anatomy of Placenta
Shape of Placenta
at full term, disc shaped or ovoid (circular cake - Discoid)
Diameter of Placenta
15-20 cm.
Thickness of Placenta
2 inch in center & thinner inch at periphery (1/2 inch)???
Weight of Placenta
300- 500 gm (at full term).
Color of Placenta
Dark red (due to maternal blood in intervillous space)
Surfaces of Placenta
Attachment of Placenta
Function of Placenta
- Respiratory function
- Nutritive function
- Secretory function
- Excretory function
- Hemopoietic function
- Mechanical function
Function of Placenta
- Respiratory
Function of Placenta
- Nutritive
Transport of glucose, lipids, proteins, vitamins & minerals.
Function of Placenta
- Secretory
Function of Placenta
- Secretory (Hormones)
Function of Placenta
- Secretory (Enzymes)
Function of Placenta
- Secretory (Placental Proteins)
Function of Placenta
- Excretory
Placenta acts as a kidney for fetus.
Function of Placenta
- Hemopoietic
Production of fetal Hb.
Function of Placenta
- Mechanical
Fixation of fetus to mother.
Def of Placental Barrier
- It is formed of layers of tertiary chorionic villi which separate maternal & fetal blood.
- It prevents mixing of both maternal & fetal blood and allow exchange of gases.
Thickness of Placental Barrier
Layers of Placental Barrier
Functions of Placental Barrier
Mechansim of transport in Placental Barrier
Examples of Placental Hormones
- Progesterone
- Estrogen
- Prolactin
- PGs
- Relaxin
Chemical Nature of HCG
Glycoprotein hormone formed of 2 subunits:
1. a-subunit: Similar to all anterior pituitary gonadotropins.
2. b-subunit: Specific to HCG.
Source of HCG
Half Life of HCG
30-40 hours.
Levels of HCG
Actions of HCG
Clinical Uses of HCG
Diagnosis of early pregnancy.
Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
Tumor marker in HCG secreting tumors
Induction of ovulation.
Diagnosis & follow up of GTD.
Treatment of LPD
Source of HPL
Chemical Nature of HPL
Large protein hormone structurally similar to prolactin.
Levels of HPL
Actions of HPL
- Somatotropic (growth).
- Lactogenic (milk formation).
- Erythropoietic
Clinical Uses of HPL
- Used as a placental function test (if its level is < 4 µg/ml in 3rd trimester → fetal risk).
Chemical Nature of Estrogen
Steroids (18c)
Source of Estrogen
Fetoplacental (90%) & maternal (10%).
Types of Estrogen
All types are produced during pregnancy, but main type is E3.
levels of Estrogen
Urinary E3 level is 30-35 mg\day at term.
Actions of Estrogen
Clinical Uses of Estrogen
- Indicator for fetal wellbeing (if urinary E3 level is < 4 mg/dl → fetal risk).
- Marker for some congenital anomalies (as anencephaly)
Chemical Nature of Progesterone
Steroids (21C)
Source of Progesterone
Corpus luteum then placenta
Levels of Progesterone
Actions of Progesterone
Prepare endometrium for implantation.
Maintains decidua.
Inhibits uterine activity throughout pregnancy.
May have role in pelvic relaxation.
Clinical Uses of Progesterone
Given in cases of threatened abortion
Chemical Nature of Relaxin
Source of Relaxin
Levels of Relaxin
Types of Abnormalities of Placenta
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Size & Weight
Increased or Decreased
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Size & Weight (Increased)
In multifetal pregnancy, Rh isoimmunization & DM.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Size & Weight (Decreased)
In HTN, heart diseases & IUGR.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape
- Placenta membranacea (diffuse placenta)
- Bilobate or multilobate placenta
- Bipartite & multipartite placenta
- Succenturiate placenta: (Accessory loop)
- Circumvallate placenta
- Placenta fenestrata
- Placenta annularis
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Placenta Membranacea - Diffuse Placenta)
- Thin & large placenta (occurs in cases of ↓↓ blood flow → placenta accommodates by ↑↑ its size to get more blood)
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Bilobate or Multilobate Placenta)
Placenta is made of 2 or more lobes connected by placental tissue.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Bipartite & Multipartite Placenta)
Placenta is made of 2 separate parts almost equal in size connected by membranes.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Succenturiate Placenta)
Placenta is made of 2 separate unequal parts (large part & small accessory part) connected by membranes.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Circumvallate Placenta)
- Thick Whitish ring (composed of decidua) is seen around edge of placenta on its fetal surface.
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (Placenta Fenestrata)
- Gap is seen in placenta covered by membranes giving appearance of window (the placenta is empty eccentrically).
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Shape (placenta Annularis)
Absent central part of placenta
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Site of Implantation
➲Placenta previa: In the lower uterine segment
➲ Ectopic pregnancy: In the tube, in the cervix and in the peritoneum.
➲ Transverse lie: In the fundu
Abnormalities of Placenta
- Abnormal Adhesions
Diseases of Placenta
Another Name of Umbilical Cord
Def of Umbilical Cord
Vascular cord connecting fetus to placenta.
Development of Umbilical Cord
From connecting stalk & mesoderm.
Anatomy of Umbilical Cord
Length of Umbilical Cord
50 cm
Diameter of Umbilical Cord
1-2 cm
Shape of Umbilical Cord
Thick, soft & tortuous.
Attachment of Umbilical Cord
- Fetus: At umbilicus.
- Placenta: Eccentric (70%) or centric (30%).
Structure of Umbilical Cord
Function of Umbilical Cord
- Carries fetal blood to & from placenta.
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Abnormal length
- Abnormal insertion into placenta
- Abnormalities of blood vessels
- Knots
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Abnormal Lenghts
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Abnormal Insertion
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Abnormal Blood Vessels
- Single umbilical artery: Most common vascular anomaly.
- 2 umbilical veins.
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Knots
Abnormalities of Umbilical Cord
- Other Abnormalities (Diseases)
Examples of Fetal Membranes
Chorion & Amnion
Characters of Chorion
Characters of Amnion
Abnormalities of Fetal Membranes
Another Name of Amniotic Fluid
Liquor Amnii
Definition of Amniotic Fluid
Watery Fluid Enclosed in Amniotic Cavity
Volume of Amniotic Fluid
Color of Amniotic Fluid
Pale Yellow
Shape of Amniotic Fluid
Clear & becomes opaque at term due to
- Presence of Fetal epithelial cells, lanugo Hair & vernix caseosa
pH of Amniotic Fluid
Slightly Alkaline (pH = 7-7.5)
Composition of Amniotic Fluid
Sources of Amniotic Fluid
Sources of Amniotic Fluid
- Fetal Source
Sources of Amniotic Fluid
- Maternal Souce
Main source of AF
- In early Pregnancy
Transudation from Maternal Circulation Througth The placenta
Main source of AF
- In mid Pregnancy
Transudation from fetal circulation Throught non-keratinized skin
Main source of AF
- In Late Pregnancy
Fetal Urine
Circulation of Amniotic Fluid
Functions of Amniotic Fluid
Functions of Amniotic Fluid
- During Pregnancy
Functions of Amniotic Fluid
- During Labor
Clinical Importance of Amniotic Fluid
Abnormalities of Amniotic Fluid
- In Volume or Color
Abnormalities of Amniotic Fluid
- Abnormal Volume
- Polyhydraminous
- Oligohydraminous
Abnormalities of Amniotic Fluid
- Yellowish Green Af
D2 Meconium D2 fetal distress
Abnormalities of Amniotic Fluid
- Golden Yellow AF
D2 excess bilirubin
Def of Amniocentesis
Aspiration of an amount of AF for Dx & TTT
Indications of Amniocentesis
Dx Uses of Amniocentesis
Therapeutic Uses of Amniocentesis
Timing of Amniocentesis
Early Amniocentesis
2nd Trimester Amniocentesis
Technique of Amniocentesis
Complications of Amniocentesis