L8: Contracted Pelvis & Cephalopelvic Disproportion Flashcards
Read Dystocia
Def of Contracted Pelvis
Def of Cephalopelvic or fetopelvic disproportion
Disproportion () head & pelvis (in cephalic presentation) or () fetus & pelvis (in presentations other than cephalic)
Compare between CP & CPD
Factors affecting size & shape of pelvis
Classification of contracted pelvis
Etiology of Contracted Pelvis
- Causes in Pelvis
- Causes in Spine
- Causes in LLs
Contracted Pelvis
- Causes of Pelvis
- Congenital
- Metabolic
- Trauma
- Tumor
Pelvic Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- Congenital
Naegele’s Pelvis
Absence of 1 ala of sacrum (obliquely CP or asymmetric pelvis).
Robert’s Pelvis
Absence of 2 alae of sacrum (transversely (PI)
High assimilation Pelvis
Sacrum is made of 6 fused segments.
Low assimilation Pelvis
Sacrum is made of 4 fused segments.
Split Pelvis
Absent pubic bone usually associated e ectopia vesica)
Pelvic Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- Metabolic Causes
Pelvic Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- Trauma
Pelvic Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- Tumor
osteoma, …..
Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- Spine Causes
Causes of Contracted Pelvis
- LLs Causes
Etiology of CPD
Complications of CP & CPD
- Maternal
- Fetal
Complications of CP & CPD
- Maternal
- During pregnancy
- During Labor
- During Puerperium
Complications of CP & CPD
- Maternal (During Pregnancy)
Complications of CP & CPD
- Maternal (During Labor)
Complications of CP & CPD
- Maternal (During Puerperium)
PPH & puerperal sepsis.
Complications of CP & CPD
- Fetal & Neonatal
Dx of CP & CPD
(history -Ex - Pelvimetry - Cephalometry - CPD Tests)
Dx of CP & CPD
- Hx
Dx of CP & CPD
- General Ex
Dx of CP & CPD
- Abdominal Ex
Dx of CP & CPD
- Pelvimetry
Pelvimetry of CP & CPD
- Indications
Done for all primigravidas in last weeks of pregnancy & multiparas e bad obstetric history.
Pelvimetry of CP & CPD
- Time of Clinical Pelvimetry
Done at 36 wk through vaginal examination by Rt hand e patient in lithotomy position eout anesthesia
Pelvimetry of CP & CPD
- Method of Clinical Pelvimetry
- Internal & External
Pelvimetry of CP & CPD
- Internal Clinical Pelvimetry
Pelvimetry of CP & CPD
- External Clinical Pelvimetry
Sacral promontory
Normally, not easily palpable.
Diagonal conjugate diameter
Normally =12.5 cm.
- For width, curve & any anomaly (normally it is broad & concave from above downwards & from side to side).
Side walls of pelvis
To determine whether they are straight, divergent or convergent.
Ischial spines
To determine whether they are prominent or not &
measure distance ( ) them (normally = 10 cm)
Sacrospinous ligament
Normally = 2 fingers breadth (3.5 cm)
Width of sacrosciatic notch
Normally accommodates 2 fingers.
Mobility of coccyx
Normally, it is mobile) & can recede backwards easily.
AP diameter of outlet
Measured by the same manner as diagonal conjugate but tip of middle finger touches tip of sacrum,
Capacity of subpubic angle
Normally, angle can accommodate 2 (fingers near apex eout any difficulty
External Pelvimetry
- Inlet pelvimetry
Measure diameters of false pelvis by Martin’s pelvimeter (has little importance).
External Pelvimetry
- Outlet Pelvimetry
Radiological Pelviemtry
Time of CPD Tests
After 36 weeks if head isn’t engaged especially in primigravidas).
Idea of CPD Tests
- Fetal head is used as a pelvimeter (fetal head is the best pelvimeter for inlet).
Methods of CPD Tests
Methods of CPD Tests
- Pinard Maneuver (External Method)
Methods of CPD Tests
- Muller-Kerr’s Maneuver (External & Internal Method)
“More accurate”
Disadvantages of CPD Tests
Results of CPD Tests
Results of CPD Tests
- No disproportion
Head can be made to enter pelvis
Results of CPD Tests
- Disproportion
Def of Pelvic Inlet Contraction
Degrees of Pelvic Inlet Contraction
Effects of Pelvic Inlet Contraction
Clinical Dx of Pelvic Inlet Contraction
Management of Pelvic Inlet Contraction
Def of Trial Labor
Patient Selection for Trial Labor
Prerequisities in Trial Labor
Technique of Trial Labor
Manifestations of Progress in Trial Labor
(Good Omens)
Termination (Results) of Trial Labor