L4: Labor (Diagnosis) Flashcards
Diagnosis of Labor
- Prodormal Stage (Preparatory Stage)
- 1st Stage
- 2nd Stage
Diagnosis of Labor
- Prodormal Stage (Preparatory Stage)
- Lightening
- Pelvic Pressure Symptoms
- Vaginal Discharge
- False Labor Pains
- Shelving
- Ripening of Cervix
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- lightening
- Relief of upper abdominal pressure symptoms due to descent of presenting part into pelvis.
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- Pelvic Pressure Symptoms
- Frequency of micturition & difficulty in walking due to engagement of presenting part.
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- Vaginal Discharge
Due to pelvic congestion.
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- False Labor Pains
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- Shelving
Fundus of uterus descends slightly & falls forwards aiming to bring axis of fetus è axis of pelvic inlet to help engagement.
Diagnosis of Labor in Prodormal Stage
- Ripening of Cervix
Def of Ripening of Cervix
Softening of cervix that allows pliability & dilatation.
Mechanism of Ripening of Cervix
Factors Causing Ripening of Cervix
Diagnosis of Labor
- 1st Stage (Onset of Labor)
- True Labor Pains
- Passage of Show
- Cervical Effacement & Dilatation
- Formation of Bag of Forewater
Diagnosis of Labor in 1st Stage
- True Labor Pains
Diagnosis of Labor in 1st Stage
- Passage of Show
Diagnosis of Labor in 1st Stage
- Cervical Effacement & Dilatation
Diagnosis of Labor in 1st Stage
- Formation of bag of forewater
Compare between True & False Labor Pains
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Compare between True & False Labor Pains in terms of:
- Contractions
- Interval
- Changes in Cervix
- Membranes
- Response to analgesia
- Labor
Diagnosis of Labor in 2nd Stage