L4: Antenatal Care Flashcards
Def of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
Main Goal of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- HE
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- Lan INVx
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- Prevent Complications
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- Classify Patients
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- Monitoring & TTT
Objectives of Antenatal (Prenatal Care)
- Preparation to Breast Feeding
Goals of First Visit in Antenatal Care
Measures Done in First Visit in Antenatal Care
INVx in First Visit in Antenatal Care
Routine Invx in First Visit in Antenatal Care
Specific INVx in First Visit in Antenatal Care
Genetic investigation is indicated in ……
Genetic investigation is indicated in …… (Maternal Factors)
Genetic investigation is indicated in …… (Previous Fetus Factors)
Genetic investigation is indicated in …… (Family Factors)
Genetic investigation is indicated in …… (Environmental Factors)
Frequency of Antenatal Visits
Information to be checked in each visit
Information to be checked in each visit
- Total weight Gain
Information to be checked in each visit
- Rate of Weight Gain
Information to be checked in each visit
- Fetal Condition
Information to be checked in each visit
- Urine Analysis
Causes of high weight gain
Causes of low weight gain
Warning Signs of Pregnancy
Special tests for Special Visits
Special tests for Special Visits
Special tests for Special Visits
- Anti-Rh Abs screening
Special tests for Special Visits
- Gestational DM
Special tests for Special Visits
Special tests for Special Visits
Special tests for Special Visits
- Vaginal Ex
Screning during pregnancy
Screning during pregnancy in 1st Trimester
Screning during pregnancy in 1st Trimester
- Time
Screning during pregnancy in 1st Trimester
- tests Done
Screning during pregnancy in 1st Trimester
- detects …..
Screening during pregnancy in 2nd Trimester
Screening during pregnancy in 2nd Trimester
- Time
Screening during pregnancy in 2nd Trimester
- Tests
Screening during pregnancy in 2nd Trimester
- Goals
Antenatal Advices
- Calories
Antenatal Advices
- Proteins
Antenatal Advices
- Fats
Antenatal Advices
Antenatal Advices
- Minerals
Antenatal Advices
- Vitamins
Antenatal Advices
- Timing, Dose & effects of Folic acid
Antenatal Advices
- Coffee & Tea
Antenatal Advices
- Salting Food
Components of suitable daily diet in pregnancy
General instructions about diet in pregnancy
Effects of malnutrition on pregnancy
Maternal Effects of malnutrition on pregnancy
Fetal Effects of malnutrition on pregnancy
Antenatal Advice
- Working
Pregnant women shouldn’ t work in the following conditions: ….
Antenatal Advice
- Exercise
Antenatal Advice
- Travelling
Antenatal Advice
- Sleeping
Antenatal Advice
- teeth Care
Antenatal Advice
- Coitus
Antenatal Advice
- Bowel Care
Antenatal Advice
- Breast Care
Antenatal Advice
- Clothing
Antenatal Advice
- Alcohol & Elicit Drugs
Antenatal Advice
- Drugs
Antenatal Advice
- Douching
Immunization during pregnancy
Immunization during pregnancy
- Toxoid Vx
Immunization during pregnancy
- Agents producing active immunity
Immunization during pregnancy
- Live Vx
Immunization during pregnancy
- Killed Vx
Immunization during pregnancy
- Recombinant Vx
Immunization during pregnancy
- Agents producing passive immunity
Pregnancy Vx
- The following may be given after the 1st trimester …..