L8: Abortion Flashcards
Def of Abortion
types of Abortion
- Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage or early pregnancy loss).
- Induced abortion: See induction of abortion.
Def of Spontaneous Abortion
- Interruption or termination of pregnancy before fetal viability through natural passage without any mechanical or medical intervention
Incidence of Spontaneous Abortion
10-15% of clinical pregnancies.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Fetal Causes
- Maternal Causes
- Paternal Causes
- Abnormalities in Placenta & AVF
- Idiopathic
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- fetal Causes
- fetal Deaths
- Chromosomal abnormalitie
What is the most common Causes of Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion?
Chromosomal abnormalities
Types of Chromosomal abnormalites resulting in spontaneous abortion
Numerical disorders (monosomy & trisomy) or structural disorders.
Effects of Chromosomal abnormalites on spontaneous Abortion
Non formation of embryo (blighted ovum) or congenital malformation of embryo.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Maternal Causes
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Anatomical Congenital Causes
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Anatomical Acquired Causes
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Endocrinal Causes
LPD, DM or thyroid disorders.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Infection Causes
STORCH, AIDS, mycoplasma & typhoid.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Immunological Causes
Rh isoimmunization, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) & SLE.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- miscellaneous Causes
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Chronic Causes
HTN, heart diseases, chronic renal failure or TB.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Environmental Causes
- Smoking, alcoholism, caffeine (> 5 cups coffee /day), drugs (quinine, ergot & cytotoxic drugs), inhalation anesthetics, toxins (heavy metals & organic solvents) & ionizing radiation
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Traumatic Causes
External abdominal trauma or trauma during abdominal operations.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Abnormalities of Placenta & AF
- Acute polyhydramnios (due to uterine distention).
- Circumvallate or marginate placenta or partial vesicular mole
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Paternal Causes
Abnormal sperms give rise to pathological zygot.
Etiology of Spontaneous Abortion
- Idiopathic
Types of Spontaneous Abortion
- According to time
- According to number
Types of Spontaneous Abortion
- Acc to time
- Early abortion: In 1st trimester (80%).
- Late abortion: In 2nd trimester (20%).
Types of Spontaneous Abortion
- Acc to number
- Accidental (isolated) abortion.
- Repeated abortion: Occurrence of 2 successive abortions.
- Recurrent (habitual) abortion: Occurrence of ≥ 3 successive abortions.
Mechanism of Spontaneous Abortion
Mechanism of Spontaneous Abortion
- > 8 weeks
- Repeated attacks of choriodecidual separation → complete separation of GS → sac is in uterine cavity → uterus deals è it as a FB → uterine contraction → expulsion of products of conception -+outside uterus.
Mechanism of Spontaneous Abortion
- 8-12 weeks
Rupture of decidua capsularis → expulsion of fetus followed by separation & expulsion of decidua
Mechanism of Spontaneous Abortion
- > 12 weeks
ROM → expulsion of fetus followed by expulsion of placenta.
Pathological changes in abortus
Def of Blighted ovum (anembryonic pregnancy or oval dysgenesis)
Sac è large volume of fluid & absent embryonic pole.
def of Carneous mole
Variety of missed abortion in which dead embryo in early pregnancy is surrounded by clotted blood forming “bloody mole” then later on, fibrosis of blood clots occurs forming “fleshy mole”.
Sonographic Features of Blighted ovum (anembryonic pregnancy or oval dysgenesis)
Ill defined GS.
Small GS in relation to GA.
Absent embryonic pole è sac > 30 mm (8 weeks gestation)
Pathological changes in abortus
- Dissolution
Occurs in early weeks.
Pathological changes in abortus
- Fetus compressus
AF is absorbed & fetus is compressed & desiccated
Pathological changes in abortus
- Fetus papyraceous (fetal mummification)
Fetus is so dry & compressed like parchment.
Pathological changes in abortus
- Lithopedion
Calcified fetus
Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
Early & Late
Early Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
Early Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
- Shock
Hypovolemic, septic or neurogenic
Early Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
- Trauma
Uterine Perforation & cervical or vaginal lacerations during attempts of surgical evacuation by inexperienced personnel
Early Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
- Rh isoimmunization
In Rh –ve females (so, anti-D Ig should be given to Rh – ve females in all types of abortion).
Late Complications of Spontaneous Abortion
CP of Spontaneous Abortion
Symptoms of Spontaneous Abortion
Signs of Spontaneous Abortion
INVx for Spontaneous Abortion
To detect abortion: Pregnancy test (to document pregnancy) & ultrasound.
To detect the cause: As chromosomal or immunological studies.
Clinical types of Spontaneous Abortion
Threatened abortion
- Def
- Symptoms (Symptoms of pregnancy - vaginal Bleeding - pain - passage of products of conception)
- Signs (Uterine Size - Cervix - ROM)
- INVx (Pregnancy Test - US)
Inevitable abortion
- Def
- Symptoms (Symptoms of pregnancy - vaginal Bleeding - pain - passage of products of conception)
- Signs (Uterine Size - Cervix - ROM)
- INVx (Pregnancy Test - US)
Incomplete abortion
- Def
- Symptoms (Symptoms of pregnancy - vaginal Bleeding - pain - passage of products of conception)
- Signs (Uterine Size - Cervix - ROM)
- INVx (Pregnancy Test - US)
Complete abortion
- Def
- Symptoms (Symptoms of pregnancy - vaginal Bleeding - pain - passage of products of conception)
- Signs (Uterine Size - Cervix - ROM)
- INVx (Pregnancy Test - US)
Missed abortion
- Def
- Symptoms (Symptoms of pregnancy - vaginal Bleeding - pain - passage of products of conception)
- Signs (Uterine Size - Cervix - ROM)
- INVx (Pregnancy Test - US)
Fate of Threatened abortion
- continuation of pregnancy
Or investable , missed abortion
DDx of Snow Storm Appearence
- missed abortion
- vesicular mole
- degenerated submucous fibroid
Most important clinical feature differentiating ( ) types of abortion is the ……
state of cervix.
Most reliable investigation for abortion is …..
Mechanism of Missed abortion
- Repeated attacks of choriodecidual separation → choriodecidual Hge → death of embryo or fetus but progesterone is still secreted → relaxation of uterus & prevention of expulsion of embryo or fetus.
Complications of Missed abortion
INVx for Missed abortion
DDx of Missed abortion
- Causes of undersized uterus.
- Causes of snow storm appearance on ultrasound
Def of Cervical abortion
Variety of inevitable abortion in which products of conception is separated from uterus & retained in cervical canal
Etiology of Cervical abortion
Stenosis of external os.
Dx of Cervical abortion
Considerable bleeding + severe colicky pain + enlarged barrel shaped cervix
TTT of Cervical abortion
Cervical dilatation (under anesthesia) + removal of products of conception.
Def of Septic abortion
Infection superimposed on any type of abortion.
Organisms Causing Septic abortion
- Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococci, E. coli, anaerobes, clostridium welchii & bacteroids.
Routes of infection in Septic abortion
Pathology of Septic abortion
- Infection may be in products of conception (infected abortion) or may reach uterine wall (endometritis) or may reach circulation (septicemia).
Complications of Septic abortion
Septic shock, acute renal failure or DIC.
Symptoms & Signs of Septic abortion
INvx for Septic abortion
Prevention of Septic abortion
Avoid criminal abortion & asepsis & giving antibiotics during evacuation.
TTT of Septic abortion
TTT of Septic abortion
- Isolation
TTT of Septic abortion
- Bed Rest
semisetting position
TTT of Septic abortion
- Light nutritive diet & liberal fluids
TTT of Septic abortion
- Analgesics & Antipyretics
TTT of Septic abortion
- Antibiotics
Start by triple antibiotics (broad spectrum penicillin or cephalosporin + gentamycin + metronidazole) to cover mixed infection then change according
to results of culture & sensitivity testing.
TTT of Septic abortion
- Anti Gas-Gangrene Serum
Given if clostridium welchii infection is suspected.
TTT of Septic abortion
- Antishock Measures
IV fluids, fresh blood transfusion (to ↑↑ immunity) & corticosteroids.
TTT of Septic abortion
- Evacuation
Surgical procedures are postponed (for about 24 hours) till normalization of fever except in cases è severe resistant infection or severe bleeding where evacuation is soon done under cover of antibiotics.
TTT of Septic abortion
- Hystretomy
Rarely indicated (in Cl. welchii infection or uterine perforation).
TTT of Septic abortion
- Observation
Pulse, BP, temperature, urine output & fluid intake.
DDx of Abortion
DDx of Abortion
- Obstetric Causes
DDx of Abortion
- Gynecological Causes
Def of Postabortive bleeding
Persistent or recurrent vaginal bleeding èin 4 weeks after abortion
Etiology of Postabortive bleeding
Etiology of Postabortive bleeding
- Trauma
Perforated uterus, cervical lacerations or vaginal lacerations.
Etiology of Postabortive bleeding
- Bleeding Tendency
Hypofibrinogenemia or DIC
Etiology of Postabortive bleeding
- Hormonal
- Hyperthyroidism or hypoovarian function due to pituitary failure
Def of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
Occurrence of ≥ 3 successive spontaneous clinically recognized abortions.
Incidence of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
0.2% of all pregnancies
Etiology of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Only undiputed causes are …….
chromosomal abnormalities & APS
Etiology of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Fetal Causes
Chromosomal abnormalities
Etiology of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Maternal Causes
Etiology of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Idiopathic
In 33-50% of cases
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Hx
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- personal Hx
↑↑ maternal or paternal age.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Obstetric Hx
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Obstetric Hx (Deliveries)
History of difficult labor
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Obstetric Hx (Abortions)
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Recurrent early abortion Mostly Suggest …….
- Chromosomal abnormalities (commonest cause), submucous fibroid, LPD, APS or chronic nephritis.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Recurrent abortion with ↓↓ duration of pregnancy suggest ……
Cervical incompetence or Rh incompatibility (very rare).
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Recurrent abortion with ↑↑ duration of pregnancy suggest …….
Uterine hypoplasia or syphilis.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Characters of abortus
- Living: Local uterine causes (cervical incompetence).
- Dead: General or fetal causes.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- special Characters
Characters of abortion of cervical incompetence
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Past Hx
Medical disorders, infection & surgical or gynecological operations.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Family Hx
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Present Hx
GA, symptoms of pregnancy, symptoms of abortion or cervical cerclage.
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- Ex
Signs of the cause
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- INVx
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- INVx (Detection of Cause)
Dx of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
- INVx (Monitoring of subsequent pregnancy)
- Serum β-HCG.
- Ultrasound.
- Maternal serum AFP (MSAFP): To screen for chromosomal anomalies.
- Fetal karyotyping
ACOG (2001) recommended only 2 types of testing as having a clear value in investigating recurrent abortion: …….
- Parental cytogenetic analysis
- Anticardiolipin Abs (ACA) & lupus anticoagulant (LAC) Abs assay.
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion Defore pregnancy
Treatment of the cause (if there is treatable cause).
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
- General Lines
- Reassurance & psychological support.
- Rest (physical & mental).
- Avoid intercourse.
- Adequate diet & vitamins & minerals supplementation
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
- TTT of Cause
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
- Obsrvation
For development of any problem (as preeclampsia, preterm labor or IUGR)
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
- Prophylactic Corticosteroids
At 28 weeks for lung maturity
TTT of Recurrent (habitual) abortion During pregnancy
- Delivery
Elective LSCS or induction of labor according to condition.
Def of Cervical Incompetence
Inability of cervix to maintain pregnancy till term due to wide internal os
Etiology of Cervical Incompetence
Etiology of Cervical Incompetence
- Functional Incompetence
- Congenital weakness of cervix in association è uterine anomalies.
Etiology of Cervical Incompetence
- Anatomical Incompetence
Due to cervical trauma in internal os region as in:
- Use of forceps or ventouse or breech extraction before full cervical dilatation.
- Manual cervical dilatation during labor.
- Rapid delivery.
- Unrepaired cervical tear.
- Rapid mechanical dilatation of cervix (> Hegar 8) during D&C.
- Amputation or conization of cervix.
Dx of Cervical Incompetence
- Hx
Dx of Cervical Incompetence
- Ex
- Short patulous cervix è bulging membranes through cervix.
- Cervical tear may be present.
Dx of Cervical Incompetence
- INVx
Dx of Cervical Incompetence
- INVx (Between Pregnancies)
Dx of Cervical Incompetence
- INVx (During Pregnancy)
Prevention of Cervical Incompetence
Avoid the Causative factors
TTT of Cervical Incompetence
TTT of Cervical Incompetence
- In Between pregnancies
- Some operations are developed to regain cervical competence (however, they aren’t as successful as cerclage).
TTT of Cervical Incompetence
- During Pregnancy
Def of Cervical cerclage
Encircling cervical internal os è suture to support weak cervix.
Time of Cervical cerclage
- Ideally done ( ) 12 weeks (to ensure absence of fetal anomalies) & 14 weeks (after that, uterus is difficult to manipulate vaginally).
Techniques of Cervical cerclage
Techniques of Cervical cerclage
- Mcdonald Cerclage
Purse string tight suture is passed around cervix & tied posteriorly.
Techniques of Cervical cerclage
- Shirodkar’s cerclage
- Tight suture is passed around internal os under vaginal mucosa through 2 small transverse vaginal incisions at 6 & 12 O’clock after upward mobilization of bladder & peritoneum of Douglas pouch.
Techniques of Cervical cerclage
- Abdominal Cerclage
- Indications: Amputation of cervix or deep cervical tear.
- Disadvantages: Delivery is by CS
Removal of Cervical cerclage
Removal of stitch:
- Generally removed (except abdominal cerclage) after 37 weeks or at start of labor but some prefer to leave it (specially in Shirodkar’s cerclage) & do CS.
Complications of Cervical cerclage
a) ROM & chorioamnionitis.
b) Cervical lacerations.
c) Cervical hematoma: Due to injury of cervical branch of uterine artery.
d) Cervical fibrosis leading to cervical dystocia in the following labor.
e) Bladder injury.
f) ↑↑ uterine irritability.
g) Induction of abortion or preterm labor.
h) ↑↑ incidence of operative delivery