L07 - Vaccines Flashcards
types of immunisation
df of immunisation
passive immunisation
what is it
how are preparations of this made
give examples
immg repl. therapy in Ab def
VZV prophylaxis eg during exposure in pregnancy.
antitoxin therapies eg snake antiserum
VZV and pregnancy?
active immunisation - part 1
what is this? general principle
how can it be made effective
herd immunity?
why does it meet high safety standards
how do the vaccines work — what do they generate
what is a pre-requiste for them to work
what are the most effective vaccines
what are the problem diseases like? eg?
what is in a vaccine and what does each bit do
how to classify different active vaccines? list / map
live attenuated vaccines
what is this, how made,
what are the pros and cons of this
VZV - p1
what is this
what is the primary infection of this
what happens with this virus
what happens when it is reactivated
what may it cause
VZV - p2
how does it work
how effective is it
what happens with it
possible negative consequences?
why isn’t it on UK schedule?
how does incidence alter with age? what aboyt cell mediate responses to zoster?
zoster vaccine
what is it like
how does it work
what is the effect of admistering this
what type, and where does it establish and where does it spread. how does it spread
what happens to some patients and what can this lead to
polio vaccines
what types are there and what are the pros and cons
which is suited best where?
pto for names
sabin oral vs salk injected
how does the infection happen—- HINT: what cells, presentation, secretions, activation
how can it be seen on imaging
what is most TB thought to be
TB vaccination
what is the product called
what is produced by
what does it do, how does it work
how is it given
how effective is it in the different TB types
killed / inactivated vaccines
how does this occur / happen
what does it do to work
how does it compare to others
what are some pros and cons of killed vaccines
influenza virus
structure – antigens and that what are there
what things determine what
how do protective antibody repsonses work – what are they directed at and what does this do
influenza vaccination
what are the difficulties
how are vaccinations produced
when are more problems occur? situations
subunit vaccine
what is it
what might components be made from
what does protection happen from
what is a common exampleSS of it
subunit vaccine - toxoids
examples relating to this? -po
how do they occur
how do they work
corynebacterium diptheriae
clostridium tetani
bordatella pertussis
how does this happen and what can be given to help with this. what kind of treatment woulf this be— pto
pre formed high affinity IgG antibodies can neutralise toxin moleciles in circ – immune complexes removed via the spleen
subunit vaccines - polysaccharide capsules
what bacteria (EG) have such thick coats and what advantage does this give them
what are such vaccines made from. what do they aim to do
how good are these vaccines and why?
what do the latest vaccines do to boost reponses?
vaccine conjugation
what happens here, what is it for
go through the steps of how it works
remcombinant protein subunit vaccine
what is it
how is the vaccines produced – give examples (PO)
hep b surface ag
HPV vaccine
HPV vaccines
which HPV subtypes cause cancer. which one
why is vaccine dev difficult
what vaccine is given here, what is it like
what doe sthe quadravalent vaccine cover?
pros and cons of subunit vaccines
where does it work well what is it good for
what is this what does it do
examples> (PO)
how does it work – and what does this in turn enhance
give examples of novel adjuvants
alum, lipopolysaccaride
give examples of newer stuff, and explain how they would work and appraisal.
(PO for examples)
DNA vaccine
viral vector