KV Guide Flashcards
How long is a release valid?
2 hours
Reasons why a release would need to amended or would need a new one?
- CA change
- Aircraft change
- Return to field
- Unscheduled stops
- FO change
- FA change
- Release fuel
- Altitude/routing
- WX
When must a takeoff alternate be on the release?
If minimums are lower than the approach to get back in
What are operational restrictions associated with a takeoff alternate?
1 hour in single engine normal cruise in still air, includes Cat II
When is a destination alternate required?
Always unless 1-2-3 rule, freezing precip, RCC 1
How can you determine if the destination alternate is legal?
If 1 useable approach add 400-1. If 2 usable approach add 200-1/2 (exemption 17347)
When does the release require an additional alternate airport?
If using the exemption 17347 or if wx is marginal
What is MINTO fuel and how is it calculated?
Absolute minimum fuel required for take off
Burnoff, most distant alternate, holding, and reserve added together
How is release fuel calculated?
Minto + taxi out + contingency
How is planned reserve fuel calculated?
15,000ft at 250kts and burn adjustments made specific to environmental conditions and aircraft’s burn and weight. We will always have minimum reserve of 2,450
What is minimum contingency fuel amount for the ERJ under normal flight conditions?
15 minutes planned at landing weight and 10,000ft above destination airport
How is holding fuel calculated?
Planned landing weight and 10,000ft above airport elevation
What would a Sabre Windshear value of >07 indicate on the release? Considerations?
Possible moderate turbulence. Windshear values were removed from the release
Where is your planned TOC with respect to the tropopause? Why is this important to note?
Look at MWL (max wind level) on release for tropopause. This is important because temperature no longer follows the standard lapse rate.
What is the filed true airspeed and why is important to reference during flight?
Required report to ATC if TAS varies by 5% or 10kts, whichever is greater
Are all MEL, CDL, and NEF items required to be on the release?
MEL and CDLs are required
If an item is deferred after block out and prior to takeoff, is the deferred item required to be reflected on the release?
Yes, release can be amended to reflect the change
Have students check NOTAMs and determine any operational considerations for the flight
…Check NOTAMs
Is there anyway you can determine how much fuel you are predicted to burn per hour for this flight?
Check F/FLOW on release
You decide to add fuel because of the possibility for convective activity at your ETA. Are you required to notify anyone?
Yes, all fuel increases must be coordinated with dispatch
Explain how reserve fuel is calculated using the data on the release.
15,000ft at 250kts and burn adjustments made specific to environmental conditions and aircraft’s burn and weight. We will always have minimum reserve of 2,450
The only way was TOD fuel flow multiplied by 0.75
A minor reduction of release fuel will avoid an overweight condition and allow all passengers and cargo to be loaded. What does FOM ch. 5 allow regarding “fuel decrease”?
Fuel can be decreased by 200 lb or 50% of contingency (whichever is less) without notifying dispatch
Explain how the dispatcher calculated your MINTO fuel for today’s flight?
MINTO= burnoff+most distant alternate+holding+reserve
At what point in the flight is the crew required to have MINTO on board?
When advancing the thrust levers for takeoff
True or False. MINTO is the minimum FAR fuel needed to complete the flight leg.
True or False. The release includes enough fuel to fly to the destination, then to fly to the first alternate and then to the second alternate.
False, only to the most distant alternate
True or False. Reserve fuel is used for diversion to a planned destination alternate.
False, reserve fuel is your required 45 min reserve
True or False. When diverting to an unplanned alternate the crew should calculate their landing with their planned reserve fuel intact.
True or False. The crew may accept a flight delay including a clearance to hold even if holding fuel was not included in the flight release.
True, if we have enough fuel at that time to accept the delay
True or False. Reporting minimum fuel to ATC communicates that you are an emergency aircraft
False, it just indicates that you cannot accept any undue delay (landing with 45 min of fuel)
Emergency fuel requires the PIC to declare an emergency (landing with less than 30 minutes of fuel)
True or False. Reporting minimum fuel to ATC indicates a fuel status has been reached that requires the flight cannot accept any undue delay.
True, but do not expect to receive priority handling
True or False. Minimum fuel is reported when the fuel gauges show 2250lbs
False, report it when predicated landing fuel will be 2,250 lbs
Emergency fuel when predicted landing fuel will be 1,500 lbs
True or False. Emergency fuel is declared when the remaining fuel supply would result in a landing with less than 20 minutes of fuel remaining
False, 30 minutes
True or False. When declaring emergency fuel, the crew should declare MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY.
You must declare an emergency when your landing fuel will be less than emergency fuel (1,500 lbs)
Your current fuel is 5000 lbs, you have just entered a hold. The destination has significant delays due to weather but remains above landing minimums. ATC advises an EFC of 30 minutes and you are 100nm away from the runway. You seek out a viable alternate which is 100nm from your current position, but 200nm from your destination. How long can you hold and proceed to the alternate with reserve?
Reserve fuel = 2,450
Fuel on board = 5,000
This gives you roughly 2,500 lbs to hold AND get to your alternate
Based on GS and fuel burn, you can calculate how long it will take you to get from the hold to your alternate and how much fuel that will require.
2,500 lbs - (fuel required to alt) = Hold fuel
Your dispatcher planned the flight to land with 3800 lbs, the reserve fuel is 2300. When determining how long the flight can hold, can the crew use the lower of the 2 values or do they need to plan on landing with 3800lbs?
You need to land with reserve fuel of 2,300 lbs
True or False. When the dispatcher built the flight plan, they planned enough fuel to hold, continue to the destination, fly an approach a missed approach, and divert to the most distant alternate.
False, no approach or missed approach planned in
True or False. When the dispatcher built the flight plan, they planned only enough fuel to hold and either continue to the destination or the alternate but not to the destination and the alternate?
False, they plan enough fuel to fly to the destination and thereafter to the most distant alternate
If there’s an alternate they have to plan to it
Using the flight release, planned takeoff weight, and current Wx, what are the takeoff speeds, MCDU configuration, and N1 values?
Look at release…
What is the minimum altitude a turn can be made in IMC?
1,000 feet
Is it mandatory that pilots fly a simple-special procedure in IMC? VMC?
Mandatory in IMC. If vectors are unavailable, comply with procedure until 3,000 AFE
Mandatory in VMC until reaching 1,000 AFE
(Perf Handbook 2.2)
Is it mandatory that pilots fly a complex-special procedure in IMC? VMC?
Mandatory in VMC and IMC. (Perf Handbook 2.2)
When would you consider a runway wet for performance reasons?
More than 25% of the runway surface area has visible dampness or water 1/8in or less. (Perf Handbook 2.3)
When is a runway considered to be contaminated?
More than 25% of a runway is covered by more than 1/8in of standing water, or its equivalent in slush, wet snow, dry snow, or any depth of ice or compacted snow. (Perf Handbook 2.3)
When are reduced thrust takeoffs prohibited?
Windshear, contaminated runway, departure requires full thrust (ex: required by SID)
Is a runway with patchy thin ice or snow considered contaminated?
No, patchy is less than 25%
Performance data is valid for what range of temperatures on the release?
POAT +0 to -10C. Example: POAT 25C, release is valid down to 15C. OAT can’t be higher.
(Perf Handbook 2.7)
Performance data is valid for what range of QNH values?
The actual QNH can be now lower than 0.10” below PQNH. Example: 29.92 can go down to 29.82
A new takeoff report is NOT required when actual QNH is greater than PQNH
(Perf Handbook 2.7)
If your takeoff weight exceeds the weight listed under the “PTOW plus 1000” column, what would you do?
Contact dispatch to see if you can get performance numbers for a higher weight. Otherwise, you need to reduce weight
Are we permitted to takeoff with a tailwind? If so, is your release performance data valid?
15 knot maximum tailwind
ACARS takeoff perf sections are based on calm winds. Unless specifically noted in the section title, use of this data is NOT allowed for takeoff with a tailwind
(Perf Handbook 2.11)
If weather conditions require the pilot to program REF A/I to “ALL” in the MCDU, and the remarks section states “ENGINE ANTI-ICE ON” only, are you able to use performance data?
No, you must contact dispatch for new performance numbers
If the flex N1 value on the EICAS is less than the calculated release value, what would you do?
Reduce the flex temperature until you are no lower than planned N1 and no greater than 0.5%
During a single-engine missed approach, would you fly the published missed approach procedure or wait until 1000 AFE to commence a turn?
Fly published missed
Where would you find a LAHSO landing distance info?
Back of airport diagram chart in Jepp
When are you required to use low visibility taxi chats?
Below 1200 RVR
Calculate landing speed using the QRH for the following conditions: winds 30 degrees across the runway 20G30, no icing, at your planned landing weight.
Use dispatch…
Recite CABIN ALTITUDE HI memory item.
Oxygen masks - Don, 100%
Crew Communication - Establish
Will the CABIN ALTITUDE HI likely result in a descent? What altitude will you descend to? How would you find the MEA- demonstrate?
Emergency Descent
Descend to 10,000 or MEA whichever is higher
MEA is found on enroute chart or ask ATC
What action does the SOPM require when passing through 14,500’ on an emergency descent?
PAX oxygen mask deploy- Override
How must the MFD be configured for an emergency descent?
Terrain must be on
What is the primary purpose of continuous communication during an emergency descent?
To identify possible pilot incapacitation
What is the recommended vertical mode for emergency descent?
FLCH, it provides airspeed and altitude protect to reduce crew workload
Recite ENGINE ABNORMAL START memory item.
Affected engine - STOP
When will the FADEC automatically abort the start?
Hot Start
Hung Start
No light off
List the seven conditions that require the pilot to manually abort the start.
1) No positive oil pressure within 10 secs after N2 increase 2) During engine start with tailwind, no positive N1 before started cutout
3) No ITT within 30 secs
4) ITT exceeds start limit (815C hot start)
5) Oil pressure stabilizes below engine limits
6)N1 and/or N2 fails to stabilize at idle (hung start)
7)Electrical pneumatic or starter malfunction before starter cutout
(SOPM 04-03.10)
True or False. When an automatic abort occurs or engine start is manually aborted due to abnormal indications, its cause must be investigated and corrected before further attempts to start the engine.
SOPM 04-03.10
In case of an automatic abort due to an engine hot start and with no ENGINE EXCEEDANCE EICAS message, how many additional engine starts are allowed?
Two additional engine starts are allowed.
SOPM 04-03.10
Recite SMOKE EVACUATION memory item. Where is this procedure located in the QRH, what section?
Oxygen Masks - Don, EMER
Crew Communications - Establish
Pressurization Dump - Push In
Procedure is found in the SMOKE section of the QRH
True or False. Upon completion of the SMOKE EVACUATION memory item smoke will initially decrease due to pressurization dumping, even if the source has not yet been removed.
Recite SMOKE/FIRE/FUMES memory item. When would this be applied vs the SMOKE EVACUATION memory item?
Oxygen Masks - Don, 100%
Crew Communications - Establish
SMOKE/FIRE/FUMES for only a little bit of smoke or the onset… SMOKE EVACUATION for when the cabin is filled
Recite BATT OVERTEMP memory item. How could you immediately verify that this action was effective?
Associated Battery - OFF
Batt 1(2) OFF caution message and check the battery temp on the Electrical Synoptic Page on the MFD
Where is the battery temperature read? Give another example of why it is always important to view the appropriate synoptic page when troubleshooting a problem.
Battery temperature is found on the electric synoptic page.
Extra example: the hydraulic page shows items related to specific hydraulic systems
What caution message will populate when the associated battery is selected off?
Battery 1(2) Off
In the QRH what is the difference between a BATT 1-2 OFF procedure and a BAT 1(2) OFF procedure? What is the potential pitfall if the wrong procedure is completed?
Batt 1-2 means 1 AND 2.
Batt 1(2) means 1 OR 2.
1-2 leads you to land at the nearest suitable airport
Recite JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN-PITCH memory item. Can you reconnect the control column in flight?
Elevator Disconnect Handle- PULL
Can’t be reconnected in flight
True or False. Expect lower pitch rates and authority after the completion of the JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN-PITCH memory item.
True or False. The Autopilot will continue to work after the completion of the JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN-PITCH memory item.
Flaps will be 5 for landing after the completion of the JAMMED CONTROL COLUMN-PITCH MI, however if a go-around is required the slat/flap will be selected 4, how would you effectively manage this threat?
Thorough briefing, “Threat”
Recite JAMMED CONTROL WHEEL-ROLL memory item. What controls remain usable on the “good” side?
Aileron Disconnect Handle- PULL
Good side aileron + Capt would get multifunction 5
Fo would get multifunction 4, depending on the jammed side
True or False. After completion of the JAMMED CONTROL WHEEL-ROLL MI crosswind greater than 10 kts must be avoided.
Recite PITCH TRIM RUNAWAY memory item. Is this emergency addressed by the QRC? What section of the QRH is it?
Autopilot Disconnect - Press and Hold
Pitch system 1 & 2 disconnect buttons - Push In
Yes, memory item, QRC, and non-annunciated section of QRH
How would you alleviate excessive pitch up tendencies with a PITCH TRIM RUNAWAY?
Continuous banks up to 30 degrees
Recite Roll (YAW) TRIM RUNAWAY memory item.
Autopilot Disconnect - Press and Hold
Recite STEERING RUNAWAY memory item.
Steer Disc Switch - Press
Steer the airplane using the differential braking and rudder
When performing the SAFETY AND POWER UP CHECKLIST, which display units should be powered?
Screens 2, 3, and IESS
What information is displayed on Display unit 2 when you first power up the aircraft?
Status page
Why must battery voltage be checked before applying AC power?
So we can identity if our batteries have sufficient charge to handle an electrical emergency
If Batt 1 is 22.5v and Batt 2 is 21.4v, what action must you take?
Recharge the batteries using the procedure in the SOPM. (SOPM 04-01.7)
What is the battery charging procedure?
Recharge batteries using any AC power source. The time it takes to recharge is based on Batt Temp. This procedure can only be used when the Batt voltage is between 21.0 and 22.5. If less than 21.0 call MX.
(SOPM 04-01.7)
What is the purpose of charging the batteries prior to takeoff?
In an electrical emergency, while the RAT is not deployed the batteries can provided 10 minutes of power.
(AOM 14-05-15)
What should the pilot check prior to conducting a fire panel test?
Verify no fire protection fail messages on the EICAS. (SOPM 04-01.8)
Describe what comes with the fire panel test.
6 lights on overhead: Both fire handles, Cargo smoke FWD/AFT, APU button, upper half of APU EMER STOP
2 FIRE indications inside ITT
2 Master warning lights
2 Aural warnings: Triple chime and fire bell
(SOPM 04-01.8)
How do you determine if the AC power supplied by the GPU is within proper limits?
If the GPU button AVAIL light is illuminated the power is within proper limits. The plane checks for correct voltage/amperage/frequency automatically.
(AOM 14-05-10)
Upon establishing AC power on the aircraft, what test should automatically start?
Electric P-BIT
SOPM 04-01.11
When does the elec PBIT auto start? How long does it last? What can interrupt it?
E-PBIT automatically starts when an initial AC source is introduced.
It takes 3 minutes to complete.
3 things interrupt it: any hydraulic pump is on, flight control modes switches are cycled, AC power is interrupted.
(SOPM 04-01.11)
Is the elec PBIt required to complete every flight?
No, only needs to be completed if it is about to expire or we have a FLT CRTL BIT EXPIRED EICAS msg is displayed. Means test is more than 50 hours old.
What should the pilot do if AC ground power is suddenly lost?
Power the plane down using the Leaving the Airplane Checklist, wait one minute, power plane up using Safety and Power Up Checklist, let E-PIT run.
(SOPM 04-01.12)
When do the amber IDG lights illuminate?
HOTLOP. If the IDG experiences HIGH OIL TEMP or LOW OIL PRESS the amber light illuminates. The QRH directs the pilots to disconnect the associated IDG. After disconnecting the light will extinguish.
(AOM 14-05-10)
Generally speaking, can one IDG meet the needs of the entire elec system?
Yes, bus ties will automatically close to connect the electrical networks. (AOM 14-05-40)
Why is the switch position for Batt 2 AUTO instead on ON?
Batt 2 is used to start the APU and it can be replaced by a DC GPU cart (system logic)
What kind of batteries are installed on the ERJ?
Two NiCd 22.8 VDC, 27 Amp batteries
AOM 14-05-15
Which lights/switches on the overhead panel illuminate amber and what is the significance?
BLEED 1(2) and APU BLEED switches illuminate amber when a leak is detected
(AOM 14-02-05)
Is the total fuel quantity any different if the aircraft is gravity refueled?
No, the plane and be completely refueled using both gravity and pressure refueling
(AOM 14-10-10)
Can the aircraft be refueled without AC power?
Yes, the refuel panel can be powered by HOT BATT BUS 2
AOM 14-10-05