Before Landing Checklist / Landing Flashcards
At what point is the Before Landing Checklist called for?
After the landing gear is down and Flaps 3 is called
(excluding circle to land manever)
What guidance should be used for extending flaps
Green Dot
What guidance shold be used to extend flaps in icing conditions?
Green dot + 10
In the event of IAS information loss, slat/flap position loss or slat/flap lever position disagreement what shold be referenced in regards to extending flaps?
In general, when shold the final landing configuation be established for visual and IAP landings?
Early on the final approach in VMC and by the FAF in IMC
Describe the recommended flare procedure for a touchdown in the landing zone?
Flare approximately 30 - 20 ft HAT
(normally a 2* to 3* pitch change will be enough for the flare)
and slowly reduce thrust levers to idle
On landing is aerodynamic braking allowed?
If reverse thrust is used, at 80kts smoothly _____ reverse thrust to___________by______and __________by _______?
- reduce
- 60 kts
- idle thrust
- 30 kts
what runway conditions warrant the use of maximum reverse thrust?
On wet, slippery and contaminated runways.
Below 60KIAS the risk of FOD ingestion due to the use of reverse thrust____________?
When can reverse thrust be used (below60/30kts) until the aircraft has come to a complete stop?
Only when necessary to provide full stopping authority
At what speed does the rudder lose aerodynamic effectiveness?
Does the use of the autobrakes system relieve the flight crew from the responsibility of stopping the aircraft on the runway with brake pedals?
How long should the aurtobrakes system be allowd to remain engaged, upon landing?
As long as possible
What are the normal autobrakes settings for takeoff and landing?
RTO for takeoff
Low for landing
When should transition to manual braking take place?
when can the transition to manual braking take place, and how is this accomplished?
any suitable speed after touchdown by pressing the brake pedals
If landing on a runway with degraded braking conditions, at what point shold the transition to manual braking occur?
Until a safe taxi speed
_______the tendancy to _____ braking when transitioning from autobraking to manual braking and avoid_______ braking to make a convienient turnoff?
- avoid
- increase
- excessive
For optimum manual braking on all runway conditons when should the brakes be applied?
With no delay after the main landing gear wheels have touched down
During some abnormal/emergency conditions it is required the emergency/paking brake must be used to stop the aircraft, in these cases what braking protections are not available?
- locked wheel protection
- antiskid protection
- touchdown protection
If the emergency/parking brake must be used to stop the aircraft upon landing what will happen to the deflection/position of the handle as the aircraft slows?
The handle will continue to increase deflection to maintain continuous braking
If a tire bursts upon landing while using the emergency/parking brake what should not be done until the aircraft comes to a complete stop?
The braking handle should continue to be applied (do not release the handle)
Describe the maximum landing performance techniques
- Full flaps
- cross threshold at screen height (50ft) and VREF
- avoid extended flare
- apply maximum reverse thrust (if nec max rev thrust until complete stop
- after main wheel touchdown apply firm and steady maximum steady brake pressure
- lower nose wheel immediately
When is the use of the MED autobrake setting reccommended?
On wet, slippery or contaminated runways
At what bank angle will the engine nacelle stike the ground at normal and compressed strut positions?
- 16* compressed
- 18* normal strut extension
Crossing threshold at 100 ft , VREF +10 and with 3 seconds of extra flare can increase landing distance by apprx how much?
What is the most important/safest way to deal with windshear?
avoid it
What is the defination of severe windshear?
Rapid change in wind direction or velocity resuling in airspeed changes greater than 15kias or vertical speed changes greater than 500fpm
What flap setting, unless otherwise precluded due to landing performance limitations, is preferred for landing in areas of possible windshear?
Flaps 5
When should windshear escape maneuver be performed?
- windsherar WARNING
- windshear CAUTION with PICs discretion and at PICs discretion in the absecce of any WARNING/CAUTION due to perf cues
After escaping a windshear encounter how is the windshear escape guidance mode cleared?
selecting another mode
What is the primary difference between a windshear escape maneuver with an EGPWS announcement and the escape maneuver without an EGPWS announcement?
TO/GA button must be pressed manually without announcement
How are the spoilers retracted and autobrake disarmed during a rejected landing?
As thrust levers are advanced (after touchdown) automatically
Can a rejected landing be performed after reverse thrust has been applied?
If the airspeed falls below VREF during a rejected landing, what should happen with regards to retracting flaps once the rejected landing is intiated?
Accelerate above VREF before retracting flaps
What two primary factors can lead to a bounced landing?
- High flare
- Power on touchdown
How is a light bounce, on landing, recovered?
- Maintain or re-establish normal landing attitude,
- use power to soften the second touchdown,
- remain aware of landing distance
How is a severe bounce recovered?
go around
By what ratio do tail strikes occur more often on landing than on takeoff?
2 to 1
What is the leading most common mistake that can result in a tail strike on landing?
Flaring too high
When the Flare begins to high, airspeed can drop below VREF, putting the aircraft in a postion to strike the tail, how is this situation recovered?
- Lower nose
- fly aircraft to runway
- accept firm touchdown
Can aircraft be successfully and safely landed overweight?
what is the maximum descent rate allowed for touchdown during an overweight landing?
Who performs the overwieght landing and what does the other pilot do during the landing?
- Captain
- FO monitors vertical speed during touchdown
What flap setting will guarantee brake energy will not be exceeded at ALL gross weights?
- Flaps 5
- Full flaps
Do overweight landings require a MX write up?
What should be monitored during and after an overweight landing, and if necessary used to alert ground crew?
Brake temps