Flight Crew Requirements Flashcards
When is the Window of Circadian Low (WOCL)
A period of maximum sleepiness that occurs between 0200 and 0559 during a physiological night
Define “duty”
Any task that a flight crewmember performs as required by the certificate holder, including but not limited to flight duty period, flight duty, pre- and post-flight duties, administrative work, training, deadhead transportation, aircraft positioning on the ground, aircraft loading, and aircraft servicing
Define “flight duty period” (FDP)
A period that begins when a flight crewmember is required to report for duty with the intention of conducting a flight, a series of flights, or positioning or ferrying flights, and ends when the aircraft is parked after the last flight and there is no intention for further aircraft movement by the same flight crewmember
A flight duty period includes the duties performed by the flight crewmember on behalf of the certificate holder that occur before a flight segment or between flight segments without a required intervening rest period
Define “rest period”
A continuous period determined prospectively during which the flight crewmember is free from all restraint by the certificate holder, including freedom from present responsibility for work should the occasion arise
Define “fit for duty”
Physiologically and mentally prepared and capable of performing assigned duties at the highest degree of safety
How does a crewmember affirmatively state that they are fit for duty?
(1) ACARS, entering their password as the electronic signature, or
(2) LTE connectivity, activate FliteView application, or
(3) Contacting the dispatcher; both crewmembers state they are fit for duty
What are the total FLIGHT TIMES limits?
(a) 100 hours in any 672 consecutive hours; or
(b) 1,000 hours in any 365 consecutive calendar day period
Can a flight crewmember exceed their FLIGHT TIME limits?
Should unforeseen operational circumstances arise after takeoff that are beyond SkyWest’s control, a flight crewmember may exceed the maximum flight time specified in Table A (per day) and the cumulative flight time limitations above to the extent necessary to safely land the aircraft at the next destination airport or alternate, as appropriate
Total Flight Duty Period Limits
(a) 60 flight duty period hours in any 168 consecutive hours (7days), or
(b) 190 flight duty period hours in any 672 consecutive hours (28 days)
Is Deadhead transportation considered part of FDP?
(a) Deadhead transportation that is followed by a flight segment without an intervening rest period is part of an FDP and is subject to the FDP limits of Table B
(b) All other deadhead transportation is not part of an FDP and is not subject to any limits under Part 117
Can SkyWest apply an FDP extension?
Before takeoff: SkyWest may extend the maximum FDP permitted in Table B above, or the maximum combined FDP and reserve availability period (RAP) limitations, up
to 2 hours
After takeoff: The PIC and SkyWest may extend the maximum FDP permitted in Figure 3. Table B - Flight Duty Period Limitations above to the extent necessary to safely land the aircraft at the next destination airport or alternate airport, as appropriate
Note: in both situations, an FDP extension of more than 30 minutes may occur only once prior to receiving at least 30 consecutive hours free from all duty within the past 168 consecutive hours
When a flight crewmember is provided with a rest opportunity in a suitable accommodation during their FDP, the time the flight crewmember spends in the suitable accommodation is not part of that flight crewmember’s FDP when all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The rest opportunity is provided between the hours of
2200 and 0500 local time
(2) The time spent in the suitable accommodation is at least three hours, measured from the time the flight crewmember reaches the suitable accommodation.
(3) The rest opportunity is scheduled before the beginning of the FDP in which that rest opportunity is taken.
(4) The rest opportunity the flight crewmember is actually provided may not be less than the rest opportunity that was scheduled.
(5) The rest opportunity is not provided until the first segment of the FDP has been completed.
(6) The combined time of the FDP and the rest opportunity provided in this paragraph does not exceed 14 hours
What are the limitations for consecutive nighttime operations?
SkyWest may not schedule and a flight crewmember may not accept more than three consecutive FDPs that infringe on the window of circadian low (WOCL) (0200 and 0559) unless the following conditions have been met:
SkyWest may schedule up to five consecutive FDPs that infringe on the WOCL when SkyWest provides the flight crewmember with an opportunity to rest in a suitable accommodation during each of the consecutive nighttime FDPs. Each rest opportunity must meet all of the following conditions:
(1) Be at least two hours, measured from the time that the flight crewmember reaches the suitable accommodation.
(2) The rest opportunity is provided between the hours of 2200 and 0500 local time.
(3) The rest opportunity is scheduled before the beginning of the FDP in which that rest opportunity is taken.
(4) The rest opportunity that the flight crewmember is actually provided may not be less than the rest opportunity that was scheduled.
RAP may not exceed ____ hours
The total number of hours a flight crewmember may spend in an FDP and a RAP combined may not exceed the lesser of:
The maximum applicable FDP in Figure 3. Table B plus four hours, or 16 hours, as measured from the beginning of the RAP without an FDP extension provided in Paragraph 2.E.2)h)
Before beginning any reserve or FDP, a flight crewmember must be given at least ___ consecutive hours free from all duty within the past ___ consecutive hour period
30, 168
SkyWest may not schedule and a flight crewmember may not accept an assignment for any reserve or FDP unless the flight crewmember is given a rest period of at least ___ consecutive hours immediately before beginning the reserve assignment or FDP measured from the time the flight crewmember is released from duty. The rest period must provide a minimum of ___ uninterrupted hours of sleep opportunity
10, 8
When does a duty day start?
45 minutes prior to the first scheduled departure
When are crewmembers required to report to the aircraft or expected arrival gate?
35 minutes prior to departure
Who can verify the identity of a flight crewmember?
(1) Any SkyWest employee or representative authorized to ground handle SkyWest flights
(2) Any other crewmember not assigned to the same flight
What are the 10 required flight items?
1) Current pilot’s certificate with appropriate type, class, and endorsements.
2) Current and appropriate class medical certificate.
3) When corrective lenses are required by the pilot to meet FAA medical certification, a spare set readily available is required for international operations (suggested for all other operations).
4) Company identification badge.
5) FCC Restricted Radiotelephone Operator Permit (only required for International Operations ).
6) Valid passport (only required for International Operations).
7) A flashlight in good working condition.
8) Headset in good working condition.
9) A flight bag suitable for carrying, protecting, and securing their EFB as outlined in Chapter 05 Flight Operations (Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) paragraph).
10) Current Jeppesen Airway Manual, FOM, and SOPM.
SkyWest may issue a ____ hour temporary proof o f airman or medical certificate under Exemption 11152
Does not apply to international travel
What are the limitations on a low time (<100 hrs) SIC?
The PIC must make all takeoffs and landings in the following conditions:
a) At FAA Special PIC Qualification Airports designated by the Administrator or at special airports designated by SkyWest; and
b) In any of the following conditions:
(1) The prevailing visibility value in the latest weather report for the airport is at or below 3/4 mile.
(2) The runway visual range (RVR) for the runway to be used is at or below 4000 feet.
(3) The runway to be used has water, snow, slush, or similar conditions that may adversely affect airplane performance.
(4) The braking action on the runway to be used is reported to be less than “GOOD” or an RCC of 5 or less.
(5) The crosswind component for the runway to be used is in excess of 15 knots.
(6) Windshear is reported in the vicinity of the airport.
(7) Any other condition in which the PIC determines it to be prudent to exercise the PIC’s prerogative.
What is the crosswind limit for an SIC?
Unless the PIC is a qualified company check airman
90º crosswind component of 20 kts
Either the PIC or the SIC must have at least ___ hours in type to conduct operations. (No green on green)
Can a PIC with less than 100 hrs in type conduct Cat II approaches?