Descent Flashcards
When should the descent checklist be accomplished?
attach the descent checklist to the end of the WANT Briefing
PM tasks should be completed before running FLOW/ checklist
When can the standby altimeter be set to the destination setting?
Once cleared to an altitude below FL180, by the captain
What lights are turned on by the PM as part of the descent checklist flow?
- Sterile light
- landing light (left, right, nose)
- inspection lights
What light may be left off until a landing clearance has been recieved or after landing and clearing the active runway?
Taxi light
All descents should be planned to arrive at traffic pattern altitude at flaps up maneuvering speed and_____________
12 miles out for a straight in approach or 8 miles out for and abeam approach.
What is a good rule of thumb for airpeed and altitude in regards to arrival in the terminal area?
- 10,000 AFE
- 250KIAS 30 miles out
What is the SKYWEST descent speed schedule (in lieu of ECON speeds)
below 10000 -
Above 1000
Long range -
Normal -
High speed -
Below 10000 250 KIAS
Above 10000
Long range LRC to 250KIAS
Normal 0.78M to 290KIAS
High speed 0.78M to 310 KIAS
What other speeds may be used in lieu of ECON speeds?
FMS speeds or SKW speed schedule
What are the default FMS speeds
Between FL410 and CAS/MACH transition -
Between CAS/MACH transition and 12000 ft -
From 12000 to 10000 -
Below 10000, 250kts until -
Between FL410 and CAS/MACH transition - 0.76M
Between CAS/MACH transition and 12000 ft - 290KIAS
From 12000 to 10000 - Decreases linearly from 290kias to 250kias
Below 10000, 250kts until - Deceleration to/for approach speeds
How does the FMS calculate TOD?
Based upon the angle and speeds entered in the FMS performance Init pages
How and when can the FMS descent angle be changed?
Any change can be make on the performance init or perf descent pages during FMS intialization or in flight.
What is the procedure if a flight path change needs to be performed while desdcending with VPATH engaged?
- Change to FPA mode
- execute lateral direct to
- execute the vertical direct to
- then change back to VNAV
In the case of early or late descents what function should be used?
Descend NOW
What is recommended when being radar vectored regarding descent modes?
Disengage VNAV and set the speed knob to manual
What does the FMS use to calculate idle descents?
A certain wieght at the top of FMS VPATH
When may the speed brakes be used?
When flight conditions or ATC requires
What are the deceleration distances for the ERJ 175?
speed brakes down
level flight
1000 FPM descent
Speed brakes up
level flight
speed brakes down
level flight - 1 NM for each 10kts of deceleration
1000 FPM descent - 2 NM for each 10kts of deceleration
Speed brakes up
level flight - .5 NM for each 10kts of deceleration
100FPM - 1 NM for each 10kts of deceleration
When must a landing performance analysis using ACARS or the TLR be made?
Conditions are different than the planned data or flight crew needs to know absolute performance capabilities in abnormal or emergency situatuions. Practically speaking, it is done for every landing.
When would it be appropriate to land on a runway that does not mee the ACARS/TLR mimimum criteria?
Energency with no other options
when will auto brakes be used?
According to the runway conditions and type of operation
On the FMS page, what must be assigned to descent waypoints?
What benefits result from a flap 5 landing?
Lower fuel consumption and lower noise levels
What benefits result from a full flap landing?
- Shorter landing length
- greater control on contaminated runways
How may landing speeds be obtained?
If the STALL PROT ICE SPEED EICAS message is displayed what must be done in regards to VREF
10kt addition must be made to the modified VREF
If VAC is less than VREF set VAC to ____________
equal to VREF
Are LAHSO operations approved?
Who has the final authority to accept/decline LAHSO instructions?
What are the weather limitations on LAHSO operations?
- 3 miles vis
- 1000 ft ceiling
without PAPI/VASI
- 3 miles vis
- 1500 ft ceiling
no windshear reported in previous 20 min
tailwind to LAHSO runway less than 3 kts
When must the approach be stablized when performing LAHSO operations?
- 1000ft for straight in approaches
- 500ft/MDA, whichever is lower, for circling after an IAP
Are LAHSO operations approved on wet runways?
When must touchdown occur when performing a LAHSO landing?
First 1/3 of available landing distance or first 3000ft, whichever is less
Can LAHSO be accepted if a thrust reverser is deferred/INOP?
No MEL can exist that affects the stopping capability of the aircraft
Can LAHSO be performed at night?
Only at airports with approved nighttime LAHSO lighting systems
At what altitude can a LAHSO clearance no longer be issued/accepted?
Below 1000ft AGL on final approach
When must a rejected landing be performed while performing LAHSO?
Unable to land in the first 1/3 or 3000ft
anytime the PIC determines it is appropriate
On performing a rejected LAHSO landing, fly the ___________or __________
published missed approarch
instructions given by ATC
Which SKW airports have approved nightime LAHSO systems?