Jordan - Interview questions Flashcards
Favourite things to do in Jordan?
*Favourite things that can - the carrying out in her - in Jordan?
الأشياء المفضلة التي يمكن القِيام بها في الأردن
Sport - what is your favourite sport
ما هِيَ رِياضَتك المُفَضَّلَة؟
Do you play any sports?
هل تلعب اي رياضات؟
Which sports?
أي رياضات؟
What is the name of your team?
ما اسم فريقك المفضل؟
Where do you play?
اين تلعب؟
How long have you been playing?
*For many years playing this sport?
لمدة كم ساعة تلعب هذه الرياضة؟
Food - what is your favourite food?
ما هو طعامك المفضل؟
What is your favourite restaurant in the city?
ما هو مطعمك المفضل في المدينة؟
Where is this restaurant?
اين هذا المطعم؟
What types of food do people like in Jordan?
*What types of the food is it that they like, the people in Jordan.
ما انواع الطعام التي يحبها الناس في الاردن
Where is the best place for coffee/tea?
اين احسن مكان للقهوة / شاي؟
Where is the best place for sweets/cakes?
اين احسن مكان للحلويات؟
What are the (tourist) places that we must visit (her) in Jordan?
*What is the places (the tourists) that, should, visit her in Jordan
ما هي الأماكن (السياحية) التي يجب زيارتها في الأردن
ma hiya al’amakin (al-siyaahiiah) altii yjb ziaratuha fi al’urdun
What are the most visited places in the city of Amman?
*Which places, he visits her, the people a lot in Jordan?
أي الأماكن يزورُها الناس كثيراً في الأردن / عمان