6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 9 Flashcards
<p>During this lesson you have been taught</p>
في هذا الدَّرْس تَعَلَّمْتُم …
<p>You have also practised on</p>
وَأَيْضاً تَدَرَّبتُم عَلى …
<p>The reason you were taught this is because its part of your military training.</p>
تَعَلَّمتُم هَذا لنَّهُ جُزْء مِن تَدْريبِكُم العَسْكَرِيّ.
<p>Are there any questions about what we have covered today?</p>
هَل هُناك أَيّ أَسْئلَة عَمّا (عَن + ما) دَرَسْتُم اليَوْم؟
<p>Are there any points that need further clarification?</p>
هل هُناك أَيّ نِقاط تَحْتاج تَوضيح أَكْثَر؟
<p>Yes can you please go through the steps again for us.</p>
نَعَم، هَل مُمْكِن أَنْ تُكَرِّر لَنا الخَطَوات مَرَّة أُخْرى مِن فَضْلَك.
<p>Yes sure like this. look</p>
نَعَم بِالتَّأْكيد، هكَذا …اُنْظُرْ!