Community Issues 4 Flashcards
Our children are at a great risk from mines in the area.
*There is great danger to our children from the mines in the area
hunaak khaTar kabiir 3alaa ‘aTfaalnaa min el-’alghaam fi l-manTiqah. , هُناكَ خَطَر كَبير عَلى أَطْفالِنا مِن الأَلْغام في المَنْطِقَة
Our problem is the damage to the roads in the area.
mushkilatnaa hiya tahaddum esh-shawaari3 fi l-manTiqah. , مُشْكِلَتنا هِيَ تَهَدُّم الشَّوارِع في المَنْطِقَة
Power outage to the hospital on daily basis is a big and serious problem.
‘inqiTaa3 el-kahrabaa’ 3an/fii/min/bil el-mustashfaa kull yawm mushkilah kabiirah wa khaTiirah. , اِنْقِِطاع الكَهْرَباء عَن المُسْتَشْفى كُلّ يَوْم مُشْكِلَة كَبيرَة وَخَطيرَة
The damage to the streets of the village is the problem.
tahaddum shawaari3 el-qaryah (tahaddum esh-shawaari3 fil-qaryah) hiya l-mushkilah. , تَهَدُّم شَوارَِع القَرْيَة هِيَ المُشْكِلَة
The problem is power cuts several times everyday.
el-mushkilah hiya inqiTaa3 el-kahrabaa’ marraat wa marraat (marraat kathiirah) kull yawm. , المُشْكِلَة هِيَ اِنْقِطاع الكَهْرَباء مَرّات وَمَرّات كُلّ يَوْم
We need food. There is a big food shortage problem.
We need food. There is a big problem in shortage of food.
naHtaaj ’akl, hunaak mushkilat naqS fi T-Ta3aam kabiirah / mushkilah kabiirah fii naqs eT-Ta3aam , نَحْتاج أَكْل، هُناك مُشْكِلَة نَقْص في الطَعام كَبيرَة
We urgently need some medical supplies.
naHtaaj ba3D el-’imdaadaat eT-Tibbiyyah wa bisur3ah. , نَحْتاج بَعْض الإِمْدادات الطِبِّيَّة وَبِِسُرْعَة
With temperatures plummeting, there is a shortage of clothes and blankets.
ma3a inkhifaaD darajaat el-Haraarah hunaak naqS fi l-malaabis wa l-’aghTiyah. , مَعَ اِنْخِفاض دَرَجات الحَرارَة هُناك نَقْص فِي المَلابِس والأَغْطِيَّة
The Health Organisation Representative
mumaththil munaZZamat eS-SiHHah , مُمَثِّل مُنَظَّمَة الصِّحَّة
A representative from the local Police
mumaththil esh-shurTah el-maHalliyyah , مُمَثِّل الشُّرْطَة المَحَلِّيَّة
A representative from the Mine Advisory Group
*A representative . of . the team of the advisors . for . the mines
mumaththil el-fariiq el-astishaariyy li l-’alghaam , مُمَثِّل الفَريق الاسْتِشارِيّ لِلأَلْغام
A representative from the local Army
Mumaththil el-jaysh el-waTaniyy , مُمَثِّل الجَيْش الوَطَنِيّ
The immunization protects from diseases
et-taT3iim Himaayah min el-’amraaD , التَّطْعيم حِمايَة مِن الأَمْراض
Australian team leader
qaa’id el-fariiq el-usturaaliyy , قائِد الفَريق الأُسْتُرالِي
Our problem / our problems
mushkilatnaa / mashaakilnaa
Dangerous / serious / grave
A representative
Advisory / consultant
Team / team leader
fariiq / qaa’id el-fariiq
National / local
Protection / protection against
Himaayah / Himaayah Didd