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Arabic OE
> 5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 10.2 > Flashcards
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 10.2 Flashcards
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Study These Flashcards
Arabic OE
(157 decks)
Classroom language
Rapport and nationalities
Ranks and occupations
Islamic culture
Family and age
Specific information
Building rapport with children
Daily routine
Asking for directions
Sentences (bits o' everything)
Adjectives - People and colours
Arabic countries and capital cities
Random words (if it's nowhere else, it's here)
'alif maqSuurah
Military / Ranks
Body / Body Parts - jism al-'insaan
Weather / Seasons
Hobbies 2
Random 2
Random 3
Random 4
Random 5
Military Ranks 2
Military Units / Formations
Military Equipment
Random 6
Military Equipment 2
Military Misc AT3
Random 7
Military Equipment 3 - Jordanian
Military - Corps
Military - past tense verb conjugation
Military Misc AT4 & 5
Military - Humanitarian Assistance
Military - Misc AT5
He thanks him - verb conjugation
qaa'imah Mubarrak - 3.2
qaa'imah Mubarrack - 3.1
Random 8
Military - Misc AT5 & 6
He thanks him 2 - verb conjugation
Community Issues 1
Community Issues 2
Community Issues 3
Community Issues 4
He thanks him 3
Random 9
Community Issues 5
kaana , 'aSbaHa , laysa / كان، اصبح، ليس
kaana , 'aSbaHa , laysa 2 / كان، اصبح، ليس
kaana , 'aSbaHa , laysa 3 / كان، اصبح، ليس
Prepare Short Speeches 1
Prepare Short Speeches 2
Prepare Short Speeches 3
Prepare Short Speeches 4
Hollow verbs
Prepare Short Speeches 5
kaana , 'aSbaHa , laysa 4 Negative Imperatives / كان، اصبح، ليس
Prepare Short Speeches 6
3.5 Texts in TL - Formal correspondence
3.5 Texts in TL - Locations
3.5 Texts in TL - Occasions
3.5 Texts in TL - Vocab
3.5 Texts in TL - Formal correspondence letter
Verb conjugation - Still & No Longer
Verb conjugation - prepositions & pronouns
3.5 Texts in TL - Formal correspondence 2
3.5 Texts in TL - Invitation vocab - sentences
3.5 Texts in TL - Sentences
4.1 Goods & services - Core language
4.1 Goods & services - Bargaining
4.1 Goods & services - Bargaining 2
4.1 Goods & services - Measurements
4.1 Goods & services - Building Materials
4.1 Goods & services - Stationary Items
4.1 Goods & services - Source local goods and services
Ordinal numbers
4.1 Goods & services - Source local goods and services 2
6.1a Deliver Training - Core Language
6.1a Deliver Training - Revision vocab
6.1a Deliver Training - Preliminaries - Segment 1
6.1a Deliver Training - Revision - Segment 2
6.1a Deliver Training - Revision - Quiz
6.1a Deliver Training - Because…
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 3 & 4
6.1a Deliver Training - Lesson body - Vocab
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 6.a - Snake bite
Random 10
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 6.a - Vocab
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 6.a - Snake bite 2
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 6.a - Vocab 2
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 7
6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 9
6.1a Presentation Intro - Example
6.1b Deliver Training - Core Language
6.1b Deliver Training - Vocab
SA 6 - Deliver a lesson
SA 6 - Deliver a lesson - Prelim/arousal/revision/intro
SA 6 - Deliver a lesson - Explanation of steps/test of objectives
Interview questions
5.3 - Brief civilians - Core language
5.3 - Brief civilians - Vocab practice
5.3 - Brief civilians - Vocab practice 2
5.3 - Brief civilians - Activity 4
5.3 - Brief civilians - Safety Precautions 1
5.3 - Brief civilians - Safety Precautions 2
5.3 - Brief civilians - Safety Precautions 3
5.3 - Brief civilians - Activity 6 - The Dialogue of Difficulty
Jordan - Interview questions
5.3 - Brief civilians - Practice Test
5.2 Activity 2 - Military Exercise (TO DELETE)
Australian Landmarks
Jordanian Words
5.2 - Planning - Core Language
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.1
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.2
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.3
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.4
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.5
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.6
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.7
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.8
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.9
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.10
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.11
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.12
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.13
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.14
5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.15
5.2 - Planning - Questions (present and past)
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Brain storming
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 1
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 2
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 3
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 3.5
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 4
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 5
Jordan - Australian Landmarks
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 6
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 7
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 8
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 9
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 10.1
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 10.2
5.1 - Reading texts for briefing - Segment 11
5.4 Participate in a military meeting - Human Terrain
5.4 Participate in a military meeting - Threats
5.4 Participate in a military meeting - Education
5.4 Participate in a military meeting - Physical Terrain