5.2 - Planning - Activity 2.6 Flashcards
The exercise is training on…
…التمرين تدريب على
…a joint operation that brings together…
…عَمَلِيَّة مُرَكّبَة يَتِم فيها الجَمْع بَيْن…
…a joint task force HQ and people from…
…قَرَّة واجِب مَقَر القِيادَة وأَفْراد مِن…
Task force
قَوَّة واجِب
Different participating countries
مُـخْتَلَف الدُّوَل المُشارِكَة
Complex operation
عَمَلِيَّة مُرَكّبَة
Is this training simple or complex
هَل هذا التَّدْريب بَسيط أَم مُرَكَّب؟
مُعْقَّد / مُرَكَّب
Is the operation that the training is being conducted on a simple operation?
هَل العَمَلِيَّة الَّتي يَتِمّ التَّدْريب عَلَيْها عَمَلِيَّة بَسيطَة؟
Complex / composite / combined
مُرَكَّب/ َة
He carried out/conducted - He carries out - Conducting
تَـمّ- يَتِمّ (تَـمام)
Duty/necessary (s)
واجِب (واجِبات)
He lead - he leads (leading)
قادَ- يَقود (قِيادَة)
Headquarters (leadership headquarters)
مَقَرّ القِيادَة (مَقَرّات القِيادَة)
مُـخْتَلِف/ َة