6.1a Deliver Training - Segment 7 Flashcards
You should train on this again
يَجِب أَنْ تَتَدَرَّب عَلى هذا مَرَّة أُخْرى
Tomorrow there will be a test for this lesson
غَداً سَيَكون هُناك اِخْتِبار لِهذا الدَّرْس.
Now in pairs, practice what we have learned and carry out the steps as I demonstrated to you earlier.
الآن كُلّ اثْنَيْن، تَدَرَّبوا عَلى ما تَعَلَّمْناه وَقوموا بِالخَطَوات كَما شَرَحت لَكُم مِن قَبل.
One student will play the role of the person being bitten by the snake and the other student will play the role of the person treating him/her.
طالِب سَيُمَثِّل دَوْر شَخْص لَدَغَهُ ثُعْبان وَطالِب آخَر سَيَلْعَب دَوْرالشَّخْص المُعالِج.
Any questions before we start?
أَيّ أَسْئِلَة قَبْل أَنْ نَبْدَأ؟
Well done Ahmed…Very good.
أَحْسَنْتَ يا أَحْمَد، جَيِّد جِدَّاً.
Not like that. It’s like this. Can you try again?
لَيْسَ هَكَذا. هَكَذا. مَرَّة أُخْرى، مِن فَضْلك.