Building rapport with children Flashcards
Do you go to school?
hal tadhab ila l-madrassah? (M)
hal tadhabii ila l-madrassah? (F)
A little
Do you speak Arabic?
hal tatakallam 3arabii? (M)
hal tatakallamii 3arabii? (F)
Sadiiq (M friend)
Sadiiqah (F friend)
Sadiiqayn (two M friends)
‘aSdiqaa’ (friends)
Take this and go play with them
khudh haadhaa wa ‘il3ab ma3ahum
What’s his / her name?
maa ‘ismuh?
maa ‘ismhaa?
Is this your brother?
hal haadhaa ‘akhuuk?
How old is he?
maa 3umruh?
Are these your friends?
hal haa’ulaa ‘aSdiqaa’ak?
Can I see your sunglasses?
hal ‘ashuuf naZZaratak?
Can I ride on the tank?
hal ‘arkab ed-dabbaabah?
No, it’s forbidden, sorry
laa, mamnuu3, ‘aasif
kurat al-qadam
Do you like soccer, you and your friends?
hal tuuHibuun kurat al-qadam, anta wa aSdiqaa’ak?
Would y’all play with us?
hal tal3abuun ma3anaa?
Another time
waqt ‘akhar
marrah thaaniyah