Joint Disease Flashcards
What is a common cause of lameness?
Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
Osteoarthritis (OA)
What are the radiographic signs of DJD?
Joint effusion - Stifle ONLY!
Subchondral sclerosis
Fragments and subchondral cysts
How do you diagnose Joint effusion?
Based on displacement of infrapatellar fat pad and caudal fascial stripe
Where can joint effusion be accurately be detected?
Canine Stifle
What does Joint incongruity/laxity lead to?
ossification at margin of articular cartilage (osteophyte formation)
Traction osteophyte
periosteal new bone at tendon, ligament, or joint capsule attachment due to pulling
ossification of margin of articular cartilage in response to joint laxity
What are the common causes of Osteoarthitis?
Hip Dysplasia Cruciate disease at the stifle Wear and tear at the tarsus or carpus Ligament dysfunction at the tarsus or carpus OD of Shoulder and tarsus Incongruity of the elbow
What is a sign of DJD?
Morgan Line
Erosive arthropathy
Hyperplastic synovium from immune mediated cause results in subchondral cysts
What is an example of erosive arthropathy?
Rheumatoid arthropathy
What breed is Erosive arthropathy common in?
Small breed
Where is erosive arthropathy common?
Distal joints
How do you differentiate Joint Tumor from DJD?
Lytic defects are larger and subchondral
How do you differentiate Septic Arthritis from DJD?
Lytic defects are subchondral
Bicipital Tenosynovitis
An inflammation of the biceps brachii tendon and its surrounding synovial sheath
What are the radiographic signs of Bicipital Tenosynovitis?
Dystrophic mineralization
Osteophytes in the intertubercular groove
What are the radiographic signs of Supraspinatus Tendinopathy?
Mineralization in the region of the tendon
Meniscal Ossicles in Cats
Small mineralized opacities in feline stifle joints
What results from Meniscal ossicles in cats?
cartilage erosion on medial condyle of femur due to mechanical interference
How should the normal hip joint appear?
50% of femoral head covered by dorsal rim of acetabulum
Joint space cranial to acetabular fossa is perfectly congruent
What is the earliest radiographic sign of hip dysplasia?
Joint laxity
What are the two radigraphic screening methods for canine hip dysplasia?
OFA extended hip view
OFA extended hip view
extended leg VD view of pelvis
What is a problem with the OFA extended hip view?
Twisting of joint capsule tends to force femoral head into acetabulum
What is an advantage of the PennHIP method?
Positioning does not place torque on joint capsule
a fulcrum between the thighs allows operator to apply lateral force to the hip joint
Which hip evaluation provides a more robust method for earlier detection of hip dysplasia?
PennHIP method