Introduction: Molecules and Cells Flashcards
What is the strongest chemical bond?
What is the benefit of noncovalent bonds?
they are more readily broken, allowing for synthesis, degradation, and growth etc. of biological molecules
What two chemical bonds hold together the DNA double helix?
hydrogen and wan der waals
What is meant by hydrophobic in hydrophobic molecules?
do not want to interact with water
Name the bonds in order of strength (strongest to weakest)
covalent, ionic, hydrogen and hydrophobic, van der waals
The body is what percent water?
What are the found major elements of the human body?
What are the most prevalent 3 elements found in the Earth’s crust?
What is seawater composed of (generally)?
ions (Cl-,Na+,Mg2+)
What type of element are the trace molecules found in the body?
metals (Mn,Fe,Co,Cu,Zn,Mo,I,Ni,Se)
What type of molecule do metal ions interact with?
negatively charged (amino acids)
What type of molecule are the trace elements found in?
molecules with specialized roles
Fatty acids are an example of what type of structure?
Cholesterol (steroids) are an example of what type of structure?
What steroid is used as the precursor to synthesize other steroid hormones?
A branched structured is composed of ____ and _____?
ring structures, long chain
B-carotene is an example of what structure?
A planar structure is composed of ____ and _____?
a planar (2D) complex ring, long chain
Chlorophyll a is an example of what type of structure?
10 power of micro
10 power of nano
10 power of pico
Protein synthesis occurs in the ___
Energy generation occurs in the ___
The cell membrane is composed of ___ and ____
lipids and protein
The nuclear area is composed of _____
genetic material (DNA)
Ribosomes are composed of ____ and _____
RNA and protein
Bacteria cells do not have _____
plasma and nuclear membranes
An E. Coli cell is the same size as a eukaryotic ____
Cell membranes are composed of ______
lipids and proteins
Function: mechanical support, shape, and protection against swelling in hypotonic media. Is a porous nonselective barrier allowing most small molecules to pass
Cell wall
Function: a highly selective permeability barrier that controls the entry of most substances in the cell. Important enzymes in the generation of cellular energy are located here
Cell membrane
Function: mRNA is transcribed from DNA to direct the synthesis of cellular proteins
Nuclear areas or nucleoid
Function: site of protein synthesis. The mRNA binds to this and the mRNA nucleotide sequence specifies the protein that is synthesized
Function: site of intermediary metabolism, the interconnecting sets of chemicals reactions by which cells generate energy and form the precursors necessary for biosynthesis of macromolecules essential to cell growth and function
Function: this complex coating is cell-specific, serves in cell-cell recognition and communication, creates cell adhesion, and provides a protective outer layer
extracellular matrix
Function: is a selectively permeable outer boundary of the cell, containing specific systems- pumps, channels, transporters- for the exchange of nutrients and other materials located in the environment. Important enzymes are located here
Cell/plasma membrane
Function: repository of genetic information encoded in DNA and organized into chromosomes. During mitosis, the chromosomes are replicated and transmitted to the daughter cells
Function: Power plants of eukaryotic cells where carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids are oxidized to CO2 and H2O. The energy released is trapped as high-energy phosphate bonds in ATP
Function: involved in the packaging and processing of macromolecules for secretion and for delivery to other cellular compartments
golgi apparatus
Function: involved in the packaging and processing of macromolecules for secretion and for delivery to other cellular compartments
golgi apparatus
Function: involved in the packaging and processing of macromolecules for secretion and for delivery to other cellular compartments
golgi apparatus
Function: involved in the packaging and processing of macromolecules for secretion and for delivery to other cellular compartments
golgi apparatus
Function: involved in the packaging and processing of macromolecules for secretion and for delivery to other cellular compartments
golgi apparatus
Function: where membrane proteins and lipids are synthesized
Endoplasmic reticulum
Function: where membrane proteins and lipids are synthesized
Endoplasmic reticulum
Function: function in intracellular digestion of material entering the cell via phagocytosis or pinocytosis. Function in the controlled degradation of cellular components
Function: act to oxidize certain nutrients, such as amino acids
Function: determines the shape of the cells and gives it the ability to move. Mediates the internal movements that occur in the cytoplasm, such as the migration of organelles and mitotic movements of chromosomes
the cell wall is composed of _____
Cytosol is composed of ____ and intermediate molecules from metabolism
The extracellular matrix is composed of a flexible and sticky layer of ____, _____, and _____
complex carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
Mitochondria are composed of ____ and _____
protein, lipids
Lysosomes are composed of ____
hydrolytic enzymes
Peroxisomes are composed of ____
oxidative enzymes
The cytoskeleton is composed of _____
protein filaments (actin/micro, intermediate, and microtubules)
It is important that noncovalent bonds are ______ for the process of DNA replication and RNA synthesis
readily separateds
Covalent bonds are used to form the _____
carbon based skeleton structure
What elements are found heavily in the Earth’s crust but not found in biological organisms?
Si, Al, Fe