Intelligence Flashcards
What is the one limitation of Galton’s research?
he missed the implications that being raised in a privileged environment has for IQ
2 main approaches to study intelligence?
- psychometric
- cognitive processes
The ability to retrieve and use previously learned information and which forms the basis for expertise is known as ___________ intelligence.
Your ability to reason abstractly and think logically so that you can solve new problems depends largely on your _____________ intelligence.
The three main components of Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence include
- metacomponents
- performance components
- knowledge acquisition
The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) measures emotional intelligence on which of the following domains?
- perceiving emotions
- using emotions to facilitate thought
- understanding emotions
- managing emotions
Alfred Binet’s assumptions
- mental abilities develop with age
- intelligence is a characteristic and fairly stable over time
(mental age)
William Stern’s IQ formula
IQ = ration of mental age to chronological age time 100 (IQ = MA/CA x 100)
Limitations of Stanford-Binet Test
- relied too much on verbal skills
- suitable for children but not for adults
- lots of timed tests (harder for older adults)
- did not consider that intellectual performance can deteriorate with age
- produced only one score
Weschsler Test
- measures of verbal and nonverbal abilities
WISC-IV four cognitive domains
- verbal comprehension index (vocab)
- working memory index (maths)
- perceptual organisation index (picture completion)
- processing speed index (digit symbol coding)
Psychometric Approach
attempts to map the structure of intellect and to discover the kinds of mental competencies that underlie test performance.
Cognitive Processes Approach
studies the specific thought processes that underlie those mental competencies.
- try to explain why people differ on intelligence or how they process information
the statistical study of psychological tests.
Aims at identifying and measuring the abilities that underlie performance
Factor analysis
a statistical technique that reduces a large number of measures to a smaller number of clusters or factors.
each cluster contains variables that correlate highly with one another but less highly with variables in other clusters.
The ‘g’ factor
discovered by Charles Spearman
- intellectual performance is determined partly by a general intelligence factor
- constitutes the core of intelligence
Robert Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence addresses…
- the diverse forms that intelligence can take
2. the psychological processes involved in intelligent behaviour
Components of Triarchic Theory
- Metacomponents- higher order processes
- Performance Components- actual mental processes used to perform a task
- Knowledge-Acquisition Components- allow learning from experiences
Sternberg’s three forms of intelligence
- Analytical Intelligence: academically-orientated problem-solving skills (traditional intelligence tests)
- Practical Intelligence: skills needed to cope with everyday demands
- Creative Intelligence: mental skills needed to deal adaptively with novel problems
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (9)
- linguistic
- logical-mathematical
- visuospatial
- musical
- bodily-kinesthetic
- interpersonal
- intrapersonal
- naturalistic
- existential
Emotional Intelligence (4 components)
- perceiving emotions
- using emotions to facilitate thought
- understanding emotions
- managing emotions
Achievement tests
sample how much has learnt
a good predictor of future performance in a similar situation
Aptitude tests
solving novel problems.
harder to test for
consistency of measurement
how well a test actually measures what it is designed for
use of norms and rigorously controlled testing procedures
Test re-rest (reliability)
administer test to same participants on two or more separate occasions and correlate scores
internal consistency (reliability)
all items on a test should measure the same thing
- items should correlate highly with each other
inter-judge (reliability)
consistency of measurement when different people score the same test
Static testing
traditional approach to testing, emphasises similarity in testing conditions
dynamic testing
standard testing is followed up with an interaction with the examiner
stereotype threat
the belief that engaging in certain behaviours would confirm a negative stereotype in the minds of others. this evokes anxiety and undermines performance