Instruments and Equipment used to treat lagomorphs, rodents, and ferrets Flashcards
What are helpful for restraint and for maintaining normothermia during procedures?
What are the two forms of anesthesia available?
Injectable and inhalent
What two drugs usually result in a longer recovery time than inhalants?
What are the preferred inhalants for maintenance of anesthesia for most procedures?
What can be used for induction of anesthesia prior to intubation or for the maintenance of anesthesia?
Anesthesia masks
Induction may also be administered in an anesthesia chamber but why may it not be ideal?
Because small mammals may hold their breath due to the odor of the inhalant
What size endotracheal tubes are used for intubation in exotic animals?
- 5
- 0
- 5
- 0
What may be used to visualize the teeth and oral cavity of small mammals and can be used to aid ET tube placement?
An otoscope with ear cones or nasal speculum
What can also be used as an ET tube for smaller rodents?
12 to 14 gauge IVC with the stylet removed
What is used to anchor the ET tube?
Umbilical tape
What can be single-bladed or double-bladed with a spring wire that spreads apart both cheeks at the same time?
Cheek retractors
What are generally single, flat bladed used to move the tongue away from the area
Tongue retractors
What kind of bur works well for incisors and cheek teeth?
Cylindrical diamond bur
What type of burs are more aggressive than diamond burs and white stones?
Carbide burs
What type of burs are used on high-speed handpieces when working in the rostral oral cavity?
Friction grip burs
What type of burs are necessary for use on cheek teeth of most lagomorphs and rodents?
Straight handpiece burs
What can be used to effectively protect soft tissues from being traumatized by the bur?
A safety guard
The used of what without a safety guard is strongly discouraged?
Diamond disk
What is used to level an abnormally uneven occlusive table of the teeth or remove excess dental hard tissue causing trauma to adjacent soft tissue?
FIles or rasps
What are typically modified bone files or rasps?
Hand floats used in the small mouths of lagomorphs
What cut on both the push and pull stroke?
What cut only on the pull stroke?
What was developed specifically for the use in rabbits, have a large handle for better control and a working end similar to a bone rasp?
The rabbit molar file
What works well for the final smoothing of jagged tooth surfaces after the use of a bur or larger file?
A smaller diamond-coated rasp
What has been developed specifically for use in rabbits but may be modified hard-tissue nippers, pin & wire cutting pliers, or side-cutting rongeurs?
Tooth cutters
What is used to work circumferentially around a tooth in the periodontal ligamental space to aid in the tooth’s removal?
Luxators and elevators
What can also be used to work circumferentially around a tooth in the PDL space to aid in the tooth’s removal besides luxators and elevators
18 g to 22 g needles
What are useful for the extraction of cheek teeth?
90-degree angled Halstead mosquito forceps or an angled root tip forceps
What are placed into areas in which the periodontal or endodontic disease has resulted in bone loss?
Bone substitutes
What may be placed for the treatment of refractory infections?
Antibiotic-impregnated beads
WHat is placed over the exposed pulp of a tooth in an attempt to maintain its vitality?
Calcium hydroxide
What restoratives are used in small mammals and exotic pets?
Ordinarily temporary filling materials
-Zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE) cements
Glass ionomer restorative materials