Furcation Index Flashcards
What exists when a periodontal probe extends less than halfway under the crown in any direction of the multirooted tooth with attachment loss?
Furcation 1 Stage 1 (F1)
What exists when a periodontal probe extends greater than halfway under the crown of a multirooted tooth with attachment loss but not through and through
Furcation 2 Stage 2 (F2)
What exists when a periodontal probe extends under the crown of a multirooted tooth, through and through from one side of the furcation out the other
Furcation 3 Stage 3 (F3)
Tooth Mobility Index Stage 0 (M0)
Physiologic mobility up to 0.2 mm
Tooth Mobility Index Stage 1 (M1)
The mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance of more than 0.2 mm and up to 0.5 mm
Tooth Mobility Index Stage 2 (M2):
The mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance of more than 0.5 mm and up to 1.0 mm
Tooth Mobility Index Stage 3 (M3)
The mobility is increased in any direction other than axial over a distance exceeding 1.0 mm or any axial movement