Common Oral Problems and Diseases in Lagomorphs and Rodents Flashcards
What are common problems in lagomorphs and rodents?
Gingivitis Periodontitis enamel hypomineralization/ hypoplasia Caries Tooth fracture Malocclusion Tongue entrapment Tooth overgrowth (elongation) Jaw abscess Cheek pouch impaction Stomatitis Oral tumors Slobbers
Gingivitis in the mouth of lagomorphs and rodents is found where?
In the rostral part of the mouth
What is gingivitis often caused by?
Trauma caused by rough edges on watering devices and food bowels
What is the treatment of gingivitis?
Replacement of the device causing the trauma
What else can gingivitis be treated with if the lesions persist?
Multiple coats of tincture of myrrh & benzoin
Topical antibiotic ointment
Where is periodontitis typically found?
The cheek teeth of animals with brachyodont teeth (mice and rats)
What is the treatment of periodontitis?
Dental cleaning
Tooth extractions
Periodontitis may develop secondary to what?
Tooth elongation and/or tooth resorption in aradicular hypsodont cheek teeth of rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs
Where is hypomineralized or hypoplastic areas of enamel seen?
Incisor teeth
How does enamel hypomineralization/hypoplasia appear?
Chalky white or brown discoloration on the labial surface of the tooth
Enamel hypomineralization/hypoplasia generally result from what?
Nutritional imbalance
What is the treatment of enamel hypomineralization/hypoplaisa?
Correction of the initiating cause
Where are true caries lesions found?
In only the cheek teeth of rodents with brachyodont teeth
Why is detection of caries a challenge?
Because cheek teeth are hard to examine
What is the most common treatment of caries?
What two categories is malocclusion classified into?
Traumatic and Atraumatic
Traumatic injuries to the teeth result in broken crowns which may cause what?
Overgrowth (elongation) of the opposing tooth due to the lack of normal attrition (tooth-to-tooth wear)