Chapter 3 Worksheet Flashcards
The four types of hand instruments are as follows: ______,_______,________, and ______.
Explorers; periodontal probes; curettes; scalers (and calculus removal forceps)
The portions of all instruments are the handle, the shank, the terminal shank, and the ______ ______
Working end
Banded veterinary probes have bands that are _______ mm wide
The newer probe lengths are _______ and ________ _________
15 mm; 18 mm
Scalers have ________ sharp sides and a sharp tip
Scalers are used for _________ scaling only
Curettes and scalers are usually _______ _______; this means that they can adapt to opposite surfaces
Mirror imaged
The _________ ___________ is the working portion of the scaler
Cutting edge
The _________ curette may be adapted to almost all the dental surfaces
A _______ blade reflects lighe, whereas a ________ blade does not reflect light
Dull; Sharp
The instrument should be sharpened so that it has a _______ to_________ degree angle
75; 80
As the stone is moved down, a “_________” should be observed on the face of the instrument
Powered scalers convert ________ or _________ energy into mechanical vibration
Electric; pneumatic
The two following types of devices in the handpiece can pick up a sound wave and turn it into a vibration: __________ and ___________.
Magnetostrictive; piezoelectric
The piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers use _________ in the handpiece to pick up the vibration
Sonic scalers are driven by __________ __________.
Compressed air
Handpieces usually operate at __________ to _________ psi
30; 40
__________ must be periodically drained from air-storage tanks
High-speed handpieces operate at __________ speed than low-speed handpieces, but have __________ torque than low-speed handpieces.
Higher; less
Burs should be treated as _________.