Injuires Part 3 Flashcards
What’s the different grades for a LAS
Grade 1- mild pain and patient can walk without crutches
Grade 2- moderate pain and patients have pain with walking
Grade3 -serve pain and patent can not place any weight on it
What is a cuboid subluxation and what’s the signs and symptoms
Occur with hyperplantarflexion and inversion make the cuboid for move inferior and medial
Dull Pain on the lateral side of foot worded with plantar flexion and inversion
What’s the special test for a cuboid subluxation
Compression the metatarsals to heighten the bones
What’s the MOI for medial ankle sprains and what’s the special test
Hyperplantarflexion with hypereversion
Kleigers test
Everison Talar tilt
What the signs and symptoms for medial ankle sprain
Similar to the grading for LAS
What is syndesmotic ankle sprain referred to
High ankle sprain
What’s the MOI and signs and symptoms for syndesmotic ankle sprain
Forced dorsiflexion and hyper-eversion occurs with lateral or medial ankle sprain
Severe pain with ER, difficulty ambulating, effusion at mortise, ecchymosis
What’s the special test for syndesmotic ankle sprain
Tibial torsion
Kleigers test
What the MOI for LAS and what’s the special test
Hyperplantarflexion and hyperinversion
Anterior drawer (ATF ligament) Inversion Talar tilt (CF ligament)
What the MOI for a posterior ankle dislocation
Common in plantarflexed
Tibiofibular syndensmosis or fracture of lateral malleous
What’s the MOI for anterior ankle dislocation
While the foot is fixed and a posterior force applied to tibia or with forced dorsiflexion
What the MOI for lateral ankle fracture
Inversion, eversion, or ER/IR of ankle
Fracture of either or both malleoi or the distal fibula
What’s the MOI for superior ankle dislocation
Patient should be evaluated for concomitant calcaneal fracture
When talus is driven upward into mortise
What’s the urgent care for ankle dislocation
- Asses for concomitant Fx
- Splint joint above and below
- asses distal pulses and sensory
- call 911 and monitor for shock
What’s the MOI and signs and symptoms for tibial and fibular stress fracture
Distal 1/3- runners
Mid 1/3- dancers
Signs and symptoms : Point tender Antalgic gait Potential crepitus Pain and swelling