Infratemporal Fossa and TMJ Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the Infratemporal Fossa?
Lateral: ramus of mandible anterior: maxilla medial: lateral pterygoid plate roof: sphenoid (greater wing) poster posterior: tympanic plate and mastoid and styloid processes inferior: angle of mandible
What branches of the maxillary A are in the pterygoid part?
Deep temporal As
pterygoid branches
masseteric A
Buccal A
What nerve supplies the anterior 2/3 of the tongue?
lingual N = branch of V3
What nerve innervates tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini Ms?
What is the communicating branch to the lacrimal N?
branch off of zygomatic n (V2) to lacrimal N (V1)
What are the main branches of the infraorbital N?
*from V2* external nasal n superior labial n anterior superior alveolar n middle superior labial n
What does the posterior superior alveolar n come off of ?
infraorbital N (V2)
How can the maxillary A run in relation to the lateral pterygoid m?
can run lateral or medial to the muscle
What are the 4 paired muscles of mastication?
lateral pterygoid
medial pterigoid
What innervates the muscles of mastication?
CN V3 = mandibular n
What is the action of the masseter m?
elevates mandible
superficial head protracts
deep head retracts mandible
What are the actions of the Temporalis m?
vertical fibers: elevate mandible
horizontal fibers: retract mandible
unilateral: lateral mvt
What do the suprahyoid muscles do?
when you stabilize the hyoid bone –> depress mandible/open mouth
if hyoid not stabilized –> raise palate and draws hyoid fwd during swallowing
What ms depress the mandible?
lateral pterygoids
suprahyoid and infrahyoid ms
What elevates the mandible?
medial pterygoids