Infection Control & handling toxic materials; Patient care Flashcards
Medical asepsis
Micro organisms have been eliminated as much as possible 
Surgical asepsis
Complete removal of organisms and spores from equipment and environment 
Stérile technique
gloving, masking, assisting with sterile trays, preparing syringes etc.)
Equipment disinfect
Chemical asepsis
bleach= 1:10 ratio with water
-Alcohol is NOT a disinfectant!
Equipment sterilization
heat, gas or chemical asepsis
what is pathogen
microorganisms capable of producing disease
Object or material
HAI means what?
Hospital acquired infection
Nosocomial infection
Hospital acquired infection
-UTI is the most common
Iatrogenic infection
result of a physician
Modes of transmission can be either ______ or _____
Direct contact
Indirect contact
-airborne= droplet= eye protection
What does neutropenic mean
Reverse or protective isolation
-protecting the patient from you
-oncology patients (cancer pts)
If someone has TB wear a
N 95 mask
Chain of infection/ cycle of infection
- Infectious agent: or the microorganism which has the ability to cause disease.
2.The Reservoir: or source of infection where the microorganism can live and thrive. ex.) can be on a person, or on equipment, environment of food and water.
3.Portal of exit: the germ needs to find a way out of the infected person so it can spread. ways out could be sneezing, diarrhea, or coughing
4.Mode of transmission: One the germ is out it can spread from one person to another by hands or equipment. Also, in the air by coughing or having contact with the fluids.
5.Portal of entry way in: The germ needs to then find a way into another person. This can be from eyes mouth, hands open wounds, catheter’s or tubes - Susceptible host: person at risk for the infection
Negative pressure rooms (airborne infection isolation and infectious isolation units)
It’s an isolation technique used in hospitals and medical centers to prevent cross-contaminations from room to room and to reduce transmission of disease
-Need N-95
-Happens with patients who have TB
Airborne diseases
-caused by pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from and infected person via coughing, sneezing, laughing and close and personal contact or even aeroslization of the microbe
ex.) COVID, TB, measles
Hand washing: CDC standard precautions
most effective method of preventing the spread of infection
-20 seconds
-sterlie procedure-1 minutes
Gowning: CDC standard precautions
pass people in the OR pass them either back to back or front to front
Gloving: cdc precautions
Sterile gloved hands held above waist
Masks: cdc precautions
should cover mouth and nose snugly
disposal of contaminated materials
place properly labeled containers or bags
Sharps go wear?
in the sharps container
-never recap needle after using it
-needle end first
-puncture proof container
Never mix _______
Soiled and contaminated
Material safety data sheet(MSDS)
A document that provides workers with procedures for safety handling or working with a particular substance
what does asepsis mean
technique used to prevent the spread of pathogens and protect the patient from infection
The destruction of pathogens through the use of chemical materials is termed
Another name for surgical asepsis is
To reduce the probability of infectious organism’s transmission to a susceptible individual is the function of____
medical aspesis
key word*reduce
Probably the easiest and most effective method of controlling the transmission of infections is
hand washing
Microorganisms capable of causing diseases are called
pathogens/ pathogenic organisms
An area that is free of viable microorganisms is considered to be
sterile/ a sterile field
Arrange the following steps for opening a sterile package in the correct order
1.opening the side flips
2.opening the flaps furtherst from you
3.opening the flaps closest from you
correct order
if in doubt about the sterility of an object, it should be considered
How must OR persons in sterile gown and gloves pass each other?
back to back
what is the term used to describe the principal habitat where a [articular infectious agent lives and multiplies, and from which it can spread to cause disease?
reservoir of infection
Arrange the cycle of infection components in their correct order following the recognized reservoir of infection:
1.transmission of disease
2.susceptible host
3.portal of exit
4. portal of entry
Animals, food water and the soil are all examples of what part of the cycle of infection
reservoir of infection
Vehicles of infection
Contaminated food, water, blood, drugs
TB, rubeola and varicella are all examples of infections transmitted via
Any medium that transports microorganisms is termed
what are examples of arthropod-borne infectious disease
lyme disease, west nile virus, bubonic plague, rocky moutians spotted fever
an arthropod in whose body an infectious organism develops/ multiplies before infecting a host is termed
what are conditions that require the use of contact precautions?
Hepatitis A
when skin is being prepared for surgical procedure, it is first cleansed in what direction and motion?
Starting at the center, using a circular motion in widening circles
working from the center outward
Disposable materials wet with contaminated blood or body fluids should be placed
in a red bag, or a special container marked with biohazard symbol
When should mobile equipment be cleaned for mobile studies of compromised patients
before entering the room
Regarding sterile technique, where are gowns considered sterile?
in the front from waist up and the sleeves
what are the 3 types of transmission-based precautions?
what type of transmission-based precaution requires a negative-pressure isolation room?
what type of transmission-based precaution is required for influenza, mumps, and rubella?
what type of transmission-based precaution is required for MRSA and varicella?
What part of a sterile glove is not consdiered sterile when donning it with a nonsterile hand
the inside of the cuff
All vascular access procedures require that the health care workers wear
what type of transmission based precaution requires the health-care worker to wear a particulate protection/surgical string mask
In what ways are needlestick injuries avoided?
by avoiding needle recapping
-if recapping is required, “one handed scoop” technique should be used.
what care should be given to the moblie equipment for imaging a patient with contact precautions?
must be cleaned/decontaminated with antiseptic solution
What type of transmission-based precaution requires the health care worker to wear a respiratory protection mask?
what type of transmission-based precaution requires the health care workers to wear gloves and gowns?
what are Standard precautions ?
first tier of transmission base isolation, precautions uses barriers to prevent contact with all blood, all body fluids, non-in contact skin, and mucous membranes when there is a chance that infection could be transmitted 
particulate respirator required for individuals entering a patient’s room 
contact precautions 
gloves and gown required for individuals coming in contact with a patient 
droplet precautions

mask required for persons coming in close contact with patient 
protective personal equipment 
occupational safety and health administration 
what is the the roll of the clean tech while working with isolation patients? 
is the only touch the radiographic equipment clean tax will drive the portable unit position the tube call me sad techniques in initiate exposure. The queen tack may also need to swap out. I are cassettes by grabbing the exposed IR without touching the outside surface of the protective bag and inserting a clean Cassatt 
water and chemicals are used