important things to remeber Flashcards
Itis means inflammation not necessarily infection but when it comes to the abdomen we always GIVE ANTIBITOCS
appendicits, pancreatitis
10 POINTS used for delerium and demenia
6 or less suggests either both
When thinking about anion gap what are talking about
The causes of metabolic acidosis and trying to figure out whether it’s normal anion gap or high anion gap
Mud piles is specific for
High anion gap acidosis
Normal anion gap acidosis
Also known as hyperchloremic acidosis because almost always you are losing bicarb and so the body tries to compensate by increasing cl so that’s why you have a normal anion gap because it low key balances out
How to calculate anion gap
Positives ~ negatives
Positive usually only Na (but some labs incl K)
Negatives include bicarb and chlorine
How to calculate anion gap and why do we need it
Normally the blood should be in a neural state as positives and negatives should be equal and if not the body will try to compensate. We cannot measure all the charged ions in body so we use the dominate ones that contribute the most.
Positives ~ negatives
Positive usually only Na (but some labs incl K)
Negatives include bicarb and chlorine
The 2 pneumonic for metabolic acidosis
Mud piles
Hard ups
Explanation of high anion gap
The body is overproducing acid to compensate for the loss of bicarb?
Ways in which the body looses bicarb
Diarrhoea (Gi loss)
Fistulas (Gi loss )
Kidneys which regulate bicarb
Acetazolamide ( remember first bicarb is secreted then reabsorbed, this medication works by inhibiting it’s reabsorption
Addisons ( don’t know why bicarb is low)
WITH DOCUMENTATION ALWASY JUSTIFY WHY E.G WHY ORDER A D -DIMER (because they are expensive k suggested asking a reg so long as you can justify with a wells score calm)
someone comes in with a history of vomitting and lethargy what bedside test you want to do
Capillary glucsoe
whats a nomral post void amount
<50 considered normal
50-100- mild
>100 - concerining
sp02 vs pa02 vs sa02
sp02 measured with a pulse oximeter this is the amount of o2 bound to hemoglobin
pa02- the amount of dissolved oxgen- this is what the ABG looks at
sa02- similar to pulse but in ABG but specific and gives you a more specific reading
nomral oxygen sats
> 94
any pt coming in with bleeding what do you do
so you send it to the lab so they know the blood group just incase a massive bleed comes . You send 2 20 mins apart.
what is group and save
you want to prepare just incase
group: blood group and RH
save: if they need a transfusion the donor blood is mixed with theirs to look for a reaction. called a cross march
alcoholic vs intoxcated
there’s a difference
an alcoholic has built up tolerance so usually does not appear drunk just uneasy
whereas someone drunk has passed their limit
which medications are essential meds that you must prescribe to patients in the ED
strong opiods used for pain
abx for infectiion
with pain whats always important to ask
- what were you doing when it came on
- the COURSE of the pain how has it changed since then e.g might have tsrated of coliky then became constant
cholinergic crisis
too much ACH
wet wet wet
pin point
anticholenrgic crisis
dry dry
dry as a bone
mad as a hat
hot as a hare
what did khadijah say about orthosatic drop
esp in the elderly more than 20 systolic drop cant send them home as if they go home could happen again
have to admit them for ‘significant postural drop, its a valid enough reason’
what did k say about neutropenic sepsi
you don’t wait for the bloods, as oon as you see cancer pt, you give pip taz, even if its not sepsis you won’t kill them.
end tidal co2 everything
measures the amount of co2 in exhaled breath
If higher than usual could mean that decreased resp effort like res failure of hypoventilation
if low then hyperventilation like anxiety or PE check proper placement of ET tube and make sure its not in the esophagus
- used in cardiac arrest as if it suddenly increases could mean ROSC
so in a bacterial infection whats the timeline in terms of bloods
Neutrophils are released first in response rather than WBC so its possible to have a normal WBC but high neutrophils and high CRP
Even before CRP it rises first
so neutrophils then CRP then wbc
if you. have nomral WBC but high neutrophils and raised CRP
- Could mean early infection before WBC have risen uo