Immunology Flashcards
What type of hypersensitivity causes immune complexes and how does this occur?
Type III
- antibodies against water soluble substances
Give an example of Type II hypersensitivity that affects the skin:
Bullous Pemphigoid
What Antibodies are implicated in Myasthenia Gravis?
Give an example of molecular mimicry in autoimmune diseases:
Rheumatic fever - where the S.Pyogenes has similar proteins to heart valve.
Soluble factors of the innate immune system include?
Lysozyme - mucosal surfaces
Lactoferrin - mucosal surfaces
How does lysozymes work?
Actively breaks down gram positive cell walls
How does Lactoferrin work?
Chelates Fe2+ reducing its solubility - meaning bacteria can’t use it.
Which they need for replication.
What interleukins are released by eosinophils?
IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8
Which cell can be said to be the bridge between the innate and adaptive immune system - since it is needed to stimulate the adaptive?
CD4+ lymphocyte
What are four important differentiated T Helper Cell types? and what are their functions?
TH1 : Intracellular infections. Activated by IL-1, Il-12.
secretes: Interferon gamma and TNF-alpha
TH2 - important for cell mediated immunity and Parasitic infections (IL-4, IL-5, IL-13. )
-activated by IL-4
TH17 - Bacterial infections and inflammatory disorders
Regulatory T cells.
What does 3a do from the complement cascade?
Activates Mast cells
activates neutrophils
What pathway comes first in the complement cascade? why is it called this?
alternative pathway
called it because it was discovered second
by the release of IL1, IL6 and TNF - alpha, what does the liver do? what do these include?
makes acute phase proteins
- Mannose binding protein
Which lymphocyte bears CD3 antigens?
T lymphocyte
Name a primary cause of cellular immunity deficiency:
DiGeorge’s syndrome
- failure of the thymus to develop mature the T cells.
Name some primary causes of Humoral deficiency:
Bruton’s Agammablobulinaemia
- x linked
Name some secondary causes of Humoral deficiency:
Multiple Myeloma
Immunosuppressive medication
- rituximab
Name the main mediators of local inflammation and their effects:
Histamine = vasodilation
NO = Vasodilation
PGE2 = vasodilation
Leukotrienes = neutrophil activation
5HT = endothelial reaction and pain
Bradykinins = Endothelial activation and pain
What type of reaction is a granulomatous reaction?
Type IV
What receptors do all T cells express?
- plays an important part in their activation
What are the broad types of autoimmune disease?
Organ specific
- Graves
- RA