Immunohematology History Flashcards
Study of antigens on blood cell membranes and immune reactions of blood components.
First transfusion performed.
1492 - Pope Innocent VII.
Animal to human transfusion practice.
Transfused human blood to treat postpartum hemorrhage.
1829 - James Blundell.
Discovered ABO blood group.
1901 - Karl Landsteiner.
Discovered blood type AB.
1902 - Alfred von Descatello.
Discovered subgroups of blood group A.
1911 - Dungren and Hirszfeld.
Discovered Rh blood group.
1940 - Karl Landsteiner and Alex Wiener.
Developed vein-to-vein transfusion method.
1913 - Edward Lindemann.
Designed syringe-valve apparatus for blood transfusion.
1913 - Lester Unger.
Recommended the use of sodium phosphate as an anticoagulant for blood transfusion.
1869 - Braxton Hicks.
Reported the use of sodium citrate as an anticoagulant solution for blood transfusion.
1914 - Albert Hustin.
Determined the minimum amount of citrate used for anticoagulant and demonstrated its nontoxicity in small amounts.
1915 - Richard Lewisohn.
Introduced citrate dextrose solution for the preservation of blood.
1916 - Rous and Turner.
Introduced the formula for preservative ACD (acid citrate dextrose).
1943 - Loutit and Mollison.
Introduced improved preservative solution CPD, which was less acidic and eventually replaced ACD.
1957 - Gibson.
Approved the use of adenine for blood preservation.
1978 - US FDA.
First true predecessor of the modern blood bank.
Mayo Clinic.
Coined the phrase ‘blood bank’ for the operation of storing blood for future use.
Bernard Fantus.
Appointed first director of the American Red Cross and developed blood transfusion techniques during World War II.
1941 - Charles Drew.
Landmark publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation involving international efforts for blood preservation.
Developed first cell separator fractionation method yielding albumin, fibrinogen, and immunoglobulins.
1951 - Edwin Cohn.
Used centrifugation technology to separate whole blood into plasma and red blood cells for the first reported therapeutic plasmapheresis procedure.
1960 - A. Solomon and J.L. Fahey.
Described a system in which blood was collected in a collapsible bag of Murphy polyvinyl resin.
1952 - Carl Walter and William.
First attempt at crossmatch procedure: major and minor crossmatch.
1907 - Weil and Oftenberg.
Began antibody screening.
Made the minor crossmatch unnecessary.
1976 - AABB.
Implemented abbreviated or immediate spin crossmatch in the absence of antibodies in current antibody screens or past records.
Proposed the elimination of in vitro crossmatch under certain defined circumstances and the adoption of computer crossmatch.
Invented ELISA.
1971 - Peter Perlmann and Eva Engvali.
Developed Gel Technology.
1985 - Dr. Yves Lapierre.