Blood group antigens are defined by ____ attached to glycoprotein or glycolipid structures or by amino acids on a protein.
The symbol used to indicate the presence or absence of letter antigens.
Plus sign (+) for present, minus sign (-) for absent
The notation format for antigens with superscripts.
Superscript letter placed in parentheses, e.g., Fy(a+), Jk(a–)
The format when testing for antithetical antigens.
Both results within parentheses, e.g., Fy(a–b+)
The notation format for antigens with numerical designations.
System letter(s), colon, antigen number; minus sign for absence, e.g., Sc:–1,2
Format for phenotypes of multiple blood group systems.
Phenotypes separated by semicolons, e.g., S+s+; K–; Fy(a+b–)
Notation for antibodies against antigens.
Anti- followed by antigen symbol, e.g., anti-Fy(a)
Serologic tests determine this aspect of RBCs.
RBC phenotype only, not genotype
The method to determine RBC genotype.
Family studies or DNA studies
Purpose of the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Working Party on Terminology.
Facilitate computer storage, retrieval, and standardization of blood group information
The components of ISBT’s six-digit antigen identification number.
First three digits: system, collection, or series; Second three digits: antigen
Definition of a blood group system.
One or more antigens controlled at a single gene locus or by closely linked homologous genes with minimal recombination
Definition of a blood group collection.
Antigens with biochemical, serologic, or genetic relationships not meeting system criteria
Cataloging method for remaining RBC antigens not in a system or collection.
700 series for low prevalence, 901 series for high prevalence
ABH nonsecretor: sese, Lewis lele
ABH, Sese/Sese, Lewis lele
ABH, sese, LeLe/Lele
ABH, SeSe/Sese, LeLe/Lele
ABH SeSe/Sese, Lewis LeLe/Lele
Le(a-b+) (Le^a and Le^b are both present but Le^b is on red blood = more expressed)
*explanation: The Le(a-b+) blood type happens when a person has both the Lewis (Le) and Secretor (Se) genes. First
the Le gene makes a substance called Le^a. Then