idk Flashcards
pancrease location
Retroperitoneal – posterior to stomach
Endocrine islets secrete
insulin and glucagon
exocrine tissue secreting
pancreatic juice
Enzymes, zymogens (inactive precursors of enzymes), sodium
bicarbonate, water, and electrolytes
Branching ducts
– Pancreatic duct
– Accessory pancreatic duct – opens at minor duodenal papilla
Acinar cells
specialized cells in the pancreas that produce, store, and release digestive enzymes into the small intestine
lower esophagegeal sphincter weakens and like stomach acid into esophagus
“heart burn”
Barrett esophagus
– metaplasia of stratified
squamous into simple columnar epithelium
10% of GERD
hiatal hernia
stomach protrusion into thoracic cavity
might balloon
Presence of inflamed herniations (outpocketings, diverticula) of the colon
can rupture
associated with low fiber
Cirrhosis of liver
caused by alcohol
may cause jaundice, liver hypoxia, failure, necrosis
cirrhosis appearence
cobbly and hard
urinary system function
rid of metabolic wastes, hormones, drugs regulate water, electrolytes, acid base reactions,
urinary system hormones
calcitriol synthesis
calcitriol synthesis
Ca2+ absorption
RBC production
kidney located
retroperitoneal, against posterior abdominal wall
Superior pole of the L kidney is at the
level of
T12 spine
glands resting on
Superior poles
superior pole of r kidney to accommodate liver
2 cm lower
kidney fibrous capsule
Dense irregular
CT that covers outer surface of
kidney perinephric fat
fat for cushioning
kindey renal fasica
dense irregular tissue anchoring kidney to posterior abdominal wall
kidnet paranephric fat
fat bn renal fasica and peritoneum
kidney hilum
slit in the concave medial border
where vessels, nerves, and the ureter
in renal sinus
renal cortex
outer zone
renal column
Extensions of cortex towards sinus
renal medulla
renal pyramids
triangular structure, base in contact with corticomedullary junction
renal papilla
renal pyramid
minor calyx
Each renal papilla projects into a
hollow funnel-shaped structure called
major calyx
fused major calyx
renal pelvis
major calyces fuse
the ureter collects from
The pelvis
calyces and pelvis epithelium
Each kidney has
8 to 15 renal lobes
Capillary blood pressure
10-15 mm hg
Glomerulus blood pressure
60 mm hg
% of a kidney is necessary maintain homeostasis
Blood enters kidneys by the -
Within the renal sinus, the renal
arteries branch into
segmental arteries
Segmental arteries branch into
interlobar arteries
interlobar arteries travel in
renal columns
afferent artierioles
interlobular artieres that enter the kidney and expand into this
tuft of capillaries of afferent arterioles
efferent arteriole
blood exits glomerulus and renal corpuscle thru
Peritubular capillaries
Surround the convoluted
tubules and reside
primarily in the cortex
interlobular veins
The smallest veins are the
Vasa recta
Associated mainly with the nephron
loop and primarily reside in the medulla
arcuate veins
Interlobular veins merge to form