Ibook: Neuroanatomy of Gustation and Olfaction Flashcards
What can recognize a wider variety of sensations, the tongue or nose?
What allows us to recognize different tastes other than the 4 basic ones?
Few taste receptors in different combinations result in different taste sensations
Where are olfactory receptor neurons found?
Olfactory mucosa of the superior portion of the nasal cavity
What type of receptors are odorant receptors?
When an odorant receptor is activated where does it send its signal?
Olfactory receptor neuron to olfactory bulb
What layer of CT holds lots of immune cells and is important because the mucosa is directly exposed to the external environment?
Lamina propria
What cells are superficial to the basement membrane, act as stem cells for olfactory receptor neurons, and have a life span 30-60 days?
Basal cells
What has a single dendrite that extends to the mucus layer and its axons travel up to the olfactory bulb through the lamina propria?
Olfactory receptor neurons
What cells are ciliated columnar epithelial cells?
Brush cells
What is an important characteristic of the cilia of olfactory epithelium?
They are non-motile
What is made and secreted by the glands and ducts in the olfactory epithelium?
When the smell molecule ligands bind to a GPCR it results in the activation of?
Adenyl cyclase which results in the increase in cAMP
The increase in cAMP binds ion channels which leads to?
Increase in Ca2+ and Na+ influx into the cell (depolarization and AP)
What are the 5 layers of the olfactory bulb?
1) Granule cell layer
2) Mitral cell layer
3) External plexiform layer
4) Glomerular layer
5) Olfactory epithelium
Where do olfactory receptor neurons pass through in order to synapse with the olfactory bulb?
Cribriform plate
How does the olfactory bulb connect to the rest of the brain?
Olfactory tract
What reach the olfactory bulb via the anterior commissure?
Centrifugal fibers
Afferent projections from olfactory receptor neurons synapse with?
Mitral and Tufted cells in the olfactory glomerulus
The axons of an olfactory receptor neuron only synapse in ______, however, _______ has a large number of?
The axons of an olfactory receptor neuron only synapse in one glomerulus, however, a single glomerulus has a large number of olfactory receptor neurons synapses within it
Centrifugal fibers have what type of effect on granule cells?
The granule cell has what type of effect on Mitral and Tufted cells?
Increasing Centrifugal fiber activity will indirectly do what?
Decrease Mitral and tufted cell activity
Olfactory receptor neurons upregulate the activity of?
Mitral/Tufted cells and Periglomerular cells
Periglomerular cells antagonize the activity of?
Mitral and olfactory receptor neuron cells
The periglomerular cells have an important role in?
Getting used to smells
As olfactory receptor neurons continue to be active, the periglomerular cells respond to?
Shut down mitral and tufted cells effectively inhibiting the transmission of info from the environment to the brain
What cell type carries afferent info from olfactory bulb to the brain?
Tufted cells