I/O Flashcards
assessment, selection, placement, training of new and current employees
personnel psychology
Performance assessments are most often conducted to facilitate decisions about ____ ____ and _____ and provide employees with _____ about performance.
employee raises, bonuses, feedback
The identification of job performance measures typically begins with a
job analysis
collecting info to describe job requirements, job redesign, and causes of accidents
job analysis
Methods of job analysis:
Job-oriented and worker-oriented
The Position Analysis Questionnaire is an example of which type of job analysis?
determines the relative worth of jobs to set salaries
job evaluation
when work of comparable value results in comparable pay
comparable worth
What do organizations use to measure employee performance?
Criterion measures
units sold, produced, tardiness, promotion history are ___ measures of employe performance
an accurate and complete measure of performance is the
Ultimate Criterion
_______ require rater to compare performance of two or more employees
Relative subjective criterion measures
comparing each ratee with every other ratee in pairs
Paired comparison rating
Critical Incident rating
Forced choice rating scale
Observation of critical incidents
alternatives that are equal in desirability and rater chooses one to describe ratee
Graphic rating scale
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
Likert-type scale
behavioral dimensions and anchors
Understanding of multidimensional aspects of job performance - useful for highlighting the accuracy of performance ratings
Frame of reference training
There are three strategies for measuring a predictor’s criterion-related validity
Content, construct, criterion-related
Describe the 80% rule and one of its shortcomings
the hiring rate of a minority group must not be lower than 80% of the majority group.
can only be used if the victim is a member of a specific group
difference in validity coefficients for subgroups and the correlations in these groups differ from 0
Differential validity
A remedy for ______ is to refrain from using a predictor to select a certain trait (gender) and use a different predictor that is equally valid for members of all groups
differential validity
Two ways a business can show a procedure is not discriminatory
Business necessity
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification
Increase in decision making accuracy achieved by using the predictor to make selections is referred to as _____
Incremental validity
What is selection ratio and which kind is preferred?
Ratio of job openings to applicants - low selection ratio is preferred –> can be more selective
What is base rate and what level is associated with greatest incremental validity (best predictor)
% of employees performing well without use of the proposed predictor and ranges from 0 - 1.
Moderate base rates are most predictive
Types of multiple predictors:
_______ - predicted scores added for an estimated criterion score - ***considered compensatory since great job in one criterion can offset performance in other
Multiple Regression
Techniques for enhancing the effectiveness of training programs
1) Feedback
2) Foster overlearning - Not over trainings (sports)
3) Opportunities for active practice
4) Opportunities for Distributed (spaced) practice
6) Transfer of training
6) Appropriate learning focus - whole learning best for low in complexity and high in organization….part learning best for high in complexity and low in organization
What are some methods of training
1) On-the-job - most widely used
2) Off-the-job
3) Behavioral Modeling
Evaluation of training programs via evaluation criteria and describe their correlations
Results - most important but most difficult to develop
Correlations among the 4 are low so it’s suggested criteria from more than one are included
Evaluation of training programs via utility analysis
used to evaluate a program’s effectiveness - uses a mathematical equation were U is utility measures in dollar value
Evaluation of training programs: formative vs summative
formative - while it is being created
summative - after it is created
In Super’s life-span there are 5 life ____ that include: GEEMD
Major roles related to these stages are referred to as _____ and the extent to which one has completed age appropriate career tasks was referred to ______
Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, Disengagement
Life-Career Rainbow
Career maturity
Matching one’s _______to characteristics of the work environment was emphasized by _____. He also stated that higher _____ led to clearer placement in a job and maximal ______.
Personality, Holland, differentiation, satisfaction
_____ was influenced by Maslow and stated that basic needs and _____ are important in career choice
Tiedeman and O’Hara’s career decision making model says that career ____ is an ongoing process tied to ego - it is a repetitive process of _____ and ____ 2 phases:
identity, differentiation and integration
1) Anticipation Phase - explore options
2) Implementation and adjustment Phase - enter work situation
Krumboltz’s theory Social learning says that career is based on ______ and the best development is based on the widest ____ of experiences
reinforcement - best development = exposure to widest array of experiences
Brousseau and Driver’s decision dynamics model says that how one ____ career path…and there are 4 ways of envisioning it:
1) Linear concept
2) Expert concept
3) Spiral concept - periodic moves across occupational specialties
4) Transitory concept - frequent job changes often unrelated
Dawis and Lofquist said that career depends on the correspondence between ____ and work ____ on 2 dimensions:
correspondence between worker and work environment on 2 dimensions:
Symptom-focused vs problem-focused strategies
Symptom - regulating one’s emotions
Problem - modifying the issue that’s causing the stress
What is scientific management?
Application of the scientific method to study job productivity using 4 steps:
1) analyze job into parts
2) place worker in suitable jobs
3) foster cooperation between workers/supervisors
4) assume responsibility for own shaire
What is an alternative to scientific management?
Human relations movement - greater emphasis on needs, motives, and relationships
The human relations movement led to the Hawthorne Effect, which is…
alteration of behavior by the subjects of a study due to their awareness of being observed
work is “as natural as play” and assume employees have self-control and direction
Theory Y
physical and mental energy one has to achieve a goal is called
Performance is measured by
function of ability + motivation + environment
Maslow stated that motivation is based on ______, which include:
Unsatisfied needs:
physiological safety, social (belongingness) esteem self-actualization ---each pursued when the one before is satisfied
Erg theory, attributed to _____, distinguishes between three basic needs:
existence, relatedness, growth - people may be motivated by one at a time and can regress
Need theory is attributed to ____.and says that needs are ____ determined, of which there are 3:
He used the _____ test in his theory
Need for Achievement - moderate difficulty best
Need for Power
Need for Affiliation
Thematic apperception test
Two Factor theory is attributed to ______ and evaluates _____ and ____, which are independent or independent needs?
includes satisfaction and motivation- independent
Herzberg’s job enrichment vs job enlargement
Enrichment - increase motivation
Enlargement - increase # and variety of tasks…keeps person busy but no increase in motivation/satisfaction
_____ theory is attributed to ____ and focuses on the impact of ____ goals on worker motivation.
Goal setting….Locke and Latham…performance
In equity theory, a worker’s ____ is affected by his _____ about his _____.
motivation, perception, input-outcome ratio
Expectancy theory and its multiplicative nature
motivation is a function of 3 beliefs - if either of them is at, then motivation is at 0
Social cognitive theory
Self-regulation of behavior into 4 processes:
1) Goal-setting
2) Self-Observation
3) Self-Evaluation
4) Self-Reaction
Describe some determinants of job satisfaction
Worker Characteristics - disposition, age, race, gender, occupational level, life satisfaction
Job Factors - security, stability, immediate supervisor - some studies say pay is key while others say it’s the perception of equitability
Strength of an employee’s psychological attachment to an organization
Organizational commitment
Three-component model of organizational commitment
Affective commitment - most related to many factors
Continuance commitment - social and monetary costs of leaving - most associated with turnover
Normative commitment - obligation to remain true to org cuz it’s right
Two vital traits of leaders are
initiating structure and consideration
As per ______’s Contingency Theory of leadership, style of leadership and ______ of the situation are critical
Theories and models of leadership
Cognitive resource theory
focuses on a leader’s intelligence and experience
Experience is best in high-stress situations and intelligence in low-stress
Theories and models of leadership
Path-Goal theory
identifying a path for subordinate that allows them to fulfill goals through group and org goals
Situational leadership model is attributed to
Four styles and each is a different combination of ____-oriented and ____-oriented. The right style depends on the subordinate’s ____.
Hersey and Blanchard
Task- and relationship-oriented
Subordinate’s maturity
In the _______ Decision making model, the leader makes all the decisions
AI (Autocratic)
Theories and models of leadership
Transformational vs Transactional
Transformational - recognize need for change and use framing, which is defining goals and making activities meaningful
Transactional - focus on stability and emphasize behaviors related to normal work-related activities
standard rules of conduct that maintain uniformity of behavior among group members
group norms
Task demands on group norms says that conformity is greater in _____ situations, ____ complex situations, ones in which a problem does/does not have a solution, and when members must work together to ______ a goal.
ambiguous, highly, does not, achieve.
Group characteristics on group norms says that conformity _____ as consensus of members _____, and the presence of a single dissenter can ______ conformity. When norms are enforced through close supervision, conformity is _____.
increases, increases, lower, high.
Participating in defining norms results in ____ conformity as they are more likely to perceive norms as _____
higher, equitable
Group cohesiveness is affected by:
group size, homogeneity, and goals
In general, group cohesiveness is best when there are ___ to ____ members
In the ____ group task, individual contributions ar added together
The Kohler effect
Due to the weakest member, all others expend more energy than if they had just worked alone
homogenous groups perform better in:
heterogenous groups perform better in:
homo - simple tasks, cooperation-oriented, and quick action
hetero - complex, creativity, and complementary skills
when an individual exerts less effort than the group
social loafing
presence of others increases performance
social facilitation
Stages of group develpment is attributed to and they are
Norming - accept the goup and set rules
Performing -focus on getting the job done
Adjourning - goals have been met so disban
what are 2 communication networks and which is better for simple vs complex tasks? which one is most likely to be used by transformational leader
Centralized - better for simple tasks
Decentralized - better for complex tasks - transformational leader
searching for and considering all possible alternatives
Rational-economic model
Groupthink is the _____ of critical thinking in ____ cohesive groups, especially when the leader is ____, and the conditions are ____
suspension, highly, directive, stressful
neutral party facilitates agreement
List the steps in Lewin’s Force field analysis of planned change
The _____ strategy is based on the assumption that people are rational and see how change benefits them
Rational-empirical strategy
In organizational justice, ______ is fairness of procedure
procedural justice
This dimension of organizational culture accepts unequal distribution of power
Power distance
Levels of organizational culture
1) Observable artifacts
2) Values and Beliefs
3) Basic underlying assumptions
the extent to which values of the person matches org’s culture
Person-Organization Fit
What are the two primary contributors to job stress…which combination produces the most stress
job demands and job control
High demands and low control = worst
Daily hassles worse than rare traumatic events
What is an early sign of burnout and is more likely when there is ____ contact made with people who are in ____.
increase in hours worked without increase in productivity
frequent, need
The compressed work week has a strong impact on objective measures of job performance or absenteeism…True or false
In shift work, ____ rotation has better outcomes than ____ rotation.
forward, backward
group members can deviate once they’ve established loyalty and earned _____ ___.
idiosyncrasy credits
If a process consultation is best conducted by someone who is closer to the company such as a retiree when the consultation is
intensive and thorough
The most cited complaint from interns about supervisors is
untimely feedback
the following are ____ measures of employee performance: self-ratings, supervisor ratings, peer ratings
Which is most reliable?
Which is good for predicting success?
Which is most lenient and less susceptible to the halo bias?
self-most lenient; less susceptible to halo bias
supervisor-most reliable
peer-good for predicting training success
How many people do the following affect?
Strictness bias
leniency bias
halo bias
central tendency
Strictness - everyone
Leniency - everyone
Halo - one
Central tendency - everyone
If I’m rated highly on one trait, the halo bias says that I will be rated _____ on other traits….what about low or moderate?
you’d be rated the same across the board
the way performance is actually measured is the ______ criterion
_______ is the actual criterion’s construct validity
________ is when actual criterion assesses factors other than those it was designed to measure
_______ is the degree to which an actual criterion does not measure all aspects of the ultimate criterion
_______ ratee’s performance without reference or comparison
Absolute Subjective Criterion Measures
assigning ratees to a limited # of categories
Forced distribution rating
when performance on predictor are different but criterion is the same
A remedy for ______ is to use different predictor cutoff scores for each group
________ - minimum score on each predictor
Multiple Cutoff
_______ - predictors given one at a time..each subsequent one depends on passing the previous one
Multiple Hurdles
Best way to improve rater accuracy is to provide raters with more _____ and to focus on ____ skills rather than ____.
training, observational, biases
EEOC governs…
adverse impact
simulating work environment outside of work
Vestibule training
life-span/space, rainbow - associated with
Self-concept, career maturity - associated with
Of the predictors used in organizations, _______ test have the highest validity coefficients, with the avg usually being ___ or higher
Cognitive Ability Test = .50+
______ samples are often used as predictors, of which a limitation is ___ performance rather than ____ performance, so they don’t show what one can actually do on the job
Sometimes work samples are used as a ______ to minimize turnover due to ______ expectations
work samples….realistic job preview…..unrealistic
According to ____, the best job situation is one in which people can apply their ____, which includes values, abilities, interests, and personality traits
Super, self-concept
Super described social roles at different points in life as_____
Life Space
5 life stages to ___ major roles were described as Super’s
career rainbow
Super used the Arch to explain the ____ factors that influence the individual’s _____
societal….career choices
Holland’s personalities (RIASEC)
remember - order matters - the farther away the less of a match…think of the hexagon and opposite points
realistic - truck driver, carpentar, pilot
investigative (hands-on, analytical)
enterprise (policy-maker, shark-tank)
conventional (orderly and organized) (bank teller)
Intrinsic traits of the job, especially those which provide chances for advancement and growth…as per two factor theory these are
motivator factors
Factors that alleviate dissatisfaction include ____ traits of the job and include pay, interpersonal relationships
Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are _____ dimensions
pay and other extrinsic factors are ____ for enhancing motivation.
not useful
Performance goals must be specific or broad?
Performance goals must be agreed upon or delegated?
Performance goals must be how difficult?
Employees must be provided with?
These are important in _____ theory.
specific agreed upon moderately difficult Feedback Goal setting theory
in equity theory, motivation is greatest when situation is perceived to be ____ rather than ____
Overpayment and underpayment are 2 types of _____ in ____theory
inequitable situations….equity
Beliefs in expectancy theory
expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
Expectancy beliefs = relationship between?
effort and performance
Instrumentality beliefs = relationship between?
performance and outcomes
Valence beliefs is…
the value of the outcome which can be negative or positive
In contingency theory, a ____ LPC leader is relationship oriented and best in situations that need ____ levels of influence
High LPC, moderate
High and Low LPC are relevant in ____ theory, proposed by ____
In contingency theory, a ___ LPC is task-oriented and better for very ____ or very _____situations
Low LPC, favorable or unfavorable
As per fiedler, the amount of influence or control the leader has is the ________ of the _______
favorableness of the situation
In ____ theory, the favorableness of the situation is affected by three factors:
Contingency theory
1-task structure
2-leader’s power
3-relationship with subordinates
The relationship between leadership style and favorableness of a situation is _____. Fiedler believed that one’s leadership style is ___ throughout the lifespan
A selling leader is ___ task and ___ relationship
high task and high relationship
Which leadership style complements a subordinate:
low in both ability and willingness
Participating leader is ___ task and ___ relationship
low task and high relationship
Which leadership style complements a subordinate:
high in both ability and willingness
A telling leader is ___ task and ___ relationship
high task and low relationship
Which leadership style complements a subordinate:
high ability and low willingness
Delegating leader is ____task and ___ relationship
low task and low relationship
Which leadership style complements a subordinate:
low ability and high willingness
as per hersey and blanchard, employee maturity consists of 2 factors:
1) ability level
2) willingness to accept responsibility
Two risks with group decision making include
group-think and risky shift
Research supports groupthink >_____, in that people are more likely to go in either direction rather than the ___ one.
risky shift, riskier
availability of resource force one to “satisfice” instead of “optimize”
Bounded rationality (administrative) model
arbitrator has authority
participants’ view of the process is most important
arbitrator free to choose any settlement solution
parties agree only to the arbitration process
parties agree in advance to recommended settlement
arbitrator selects one of the offers made
final offer
presence of others decreases performance
social inhibition
______ strategy for resistance to change is based on peer pressure and sociocultural norms
Normative-re-educative strategy
____ strategy for resistance to change uses power and legitimate authority
Power-coercive strategy
Satisfaction is
match of job to employee
Satisfactoriness is
match of employee to job
employees dislike work and need constant guidance and ordering
Theory X
Explains the difference between scientific management and human relations
Theory X/Y
In organizational justice, _______ is fairness of outcomes of procedures
distributive justice
In organizational justice, _______ is how people feel about quality and content of interactions
interactional justice
This dimension of organizational culture tolerates ambiguity
Uncertainty avoidance
This dimension of organizational culture emphasizes social structures within social systems
This dimension of organizational culture emphasizes assertiveness, independence, competitiveness
This dimension of organizational culture focuses on the future
Long term orientation
In the _______ Decision making model, the leader receives input but he makes the final decision
AII (Autocratic) - receives input but he makes a final decision
In the _______ Decision making model, input is given in one-on-one setting and he may/may not consider it in his decision
CI (Consultative) - input in one-on-one setting and he may/may not consider it in decision
In the _______ Decision making model, the leader explains the issues to the group and may/may not use input in the decision
CII (Consultative) - explains issues to the group and he may/may not use input in the decision
In the _______ Decision making model, the leader explains issues to the group and the group makes the decision
G (Group) - explains to group and group makes decision
In ______ group tasks, inputs from all are averaged then form group product
In ______ group tasks, select decision are offered by the best member
In ______group tasks, groups are limited by worst-performing member
In ______ group tasks, everyone decides on how to combine contributions of individual members