Clinical Psych Flashcards
Belief that all behavior serves some psych function
psychic determinism
List the processes and associated conscious levels in psychoanalytic therapy
1) Clarification = conscious
2) Confrontation = preconscious
3) Interpretation = Unconscious
All of it is working through
Adlerian individual psychology pays more attention to social, physical, or intimacy factors?
social factors
A teleological approach is closely associated with?
Adlerian therapy
When maladaptive behavior is ascribed to a mistaken style of life with inadequate social interest
Adler’s individual psychology,
As per Adler, how one chooses to compensate for inferiority is ______, which is comprised of _____ and _____?
Style of life
1) unhealthy - self-centeredness, competitivenes, power
2) healthy - optimism, confidence, and care for others
Primary characteristic that distinguishes a healthy vs unhealthy style of life
1) pampered as a child - no social feelings
2) neglected - need for revenge
fictional (hidden) goals
Adlerian individual psychology
Name a type of Adlerian group therapy
Systematic training for effective teaching
Behaviors are determined by past and future goals…this was said by
Was Jung concerned with future, present, or past?
The here and now…past only useful if it helps understand the present
What are the 2 attitudes and 4 basic psychological functions in Jungian therapy
attitudes=extraversion and introversion
functions=thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting
Describe lifespan through Jungian perspective
Saw development as continuing through life and was interested mostly after mid 30s
Symptoms are unconscious messages that something is awry and tasks need to be fulfilled
Transference (crucial)
According to Mahler, what are the phases by which infants assume an identity
1) normal infantile autism (0-1 month)
2) normal symbiotic phase (1-5 months)
Describe how the development of object relations occurs according to Mahler
separation-individuation (5-24 months)…consists of 4 overlapping stages:
1) differentiation
2) practicing
3) reapproachment
4) object constancy
Focus is on splitting
Object relations
Taking on someone else’s attitude without adopting it
Goal of person-centered therapy
achieving congruence
person-centered therapy’s 3 facilitation conditions
unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathy
Gestalt therapy is attributed to
Fritz pearls
Define gestalt
Perceptions as parts of wholes
we seek closure and ____ reflect needs. Behaviors can only be understood in context.
The self and and the self-image are associated with ____ therapy. The one that dominates depends on experiences with the ______.
gestalt - environment
What is maladaptive behavior considered in Gestalt theory?
“Growth disorder” - lack of integration by abandoning self or self-image
Describe Gestalt’s 4 boundary disturbances
1) Introjection - accepting external standards w/o internalizing them
2) Projection
3) Retroflection - doing to onseself what one wants to do to others
4) Confluence - absence of boundary between the self and environment
Become a unified whole - integrate parts of self
goal of gestalt
Primary curative factor as per Gestalt
dream work
Reality therapy is based on _____ theory.
List Reality therapy’s 5 basic needs
1) Survival
2) Love and belonging (most important)
3) Power
4) Freedom
5) Fun
Living our lives responsibly results in _____ as per _____ therapy….in contrast, living our lives irresponsibly results in ____
Success identiy
Failure identity
As per reality therapy
Reality therapy states that maladaptive behavior is a result of?
One’s choices - a person depresses self because believes it will get him attention and allow to avoid unpleasant activities
Development of a success identity is ___ therapy’s goal
Stresses conscious processes
reality therapy
What are the ultimate concerns of existence, as per existential therapy
death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness
Personal Construct therapy’s explanation of maladaptive behavior
Discrepancy between personal constructs and events falling outside of the range of those constructs
______ therapy assumes people choose the way they deal with the world and there are alternatives for doing so
Personal construct therapy
personal constructs develop in _____ and can operate on ______ or ______levels
infancy, conscious, unconscious
Repertory grid - evaluating people in pt’s life and how they’re different/similar
Personal construct
Interpersonal therapy is attributed to
Klerman and Weissman
Interpersonal therapy focuses on what two areas?
symptom reduction and interpersonal relationships
IPT highlights 4 problem areas:
1) Interpersonal deficits
2) Interpersonal role disputes
3) Role transitions
4) Unresolved grief
Solution focused therapy is attributed to
de Shazar
1) Scaling
2) Miracle
3) Exception
These are types of questions in _____ therapy
In ______ therapy, each session has several steps or strategies
The transtheoretical model highlights 3 factors that can affect motivation in different stages…What are they and what’s their relevance to the stages?
1) Decisional balance - perceived pros and cons - most important in contemplation stage
2) Self-efficacy - important in early stage transitions
3) Temptation - higher in earlier stages and lowers in later stages
General systems theory is attributed to
von Bertalanffy
General systems theory states that a family is a(n) ______, always trying to maintain_____
open system, homeostasis
Briefly highlight the following’s contribution to family therapy:
Ackerman - grandfather of fam ther
Bateson - double bind comm
Bowen - tri-generational interaction theory of schizophrenia
Structural family therapy is attributed to
Structural family therapy says what leads to distress
too diffuse or to rigid family boundaries
too diffuse =
too rigid =
enmeshed, disengaged
Detouring - all child’s fault
boundary issues as per structural family therapy
Three overlapping steps in structural family therapy
1) Join - in a position of leadership
2) Evaluate the structure
3) Restructure
Communication-interaction family therapy is attributed to
Jackson et al
Communication-interaction says that issues arrive when ______ styles are in conflict
Communication-interaction family therapy highlights two types of communication
1) Symmetrical
2) Complementary
Communication-interaction family therapy says that symptoms are and include?
The cause and effect of communication issues and they include: Blaming Mind-reading Criticizing Overgeneralizing
Differentiation of self - separating one’s own intellectual/emotional functioning - the lower this is the more fused one is with emotions that dominate family
Extended family therapy
How does Extended Family Systems theory describe maladaptive behavior?
Through the Multigenerational Transmission Process
Increase differentiation of all family members
goal of extended family therapy
Genogram (three gens)
Technique in extended famil therapy
In extended family therapy, partners talk to ____ and not to ____
Partners talk to therapist and not each other
Strategic Family Therapy is attributed to
Strategic Family Therapy says that maladaptive behavior is a sympton that is?
A transactional pattern that is Interpersonal, adaptive, and inherent - becomes a problem when someone denies it
Stages described in Strategic Family Therapy (SPIG)
1) Social - family converses naturally
2) Problem - Therapist identifies issues
3) Interaction - Fam discusses issues while therapist observes
4) Goal Setting - Ther and fam set goals
Describe Paradoxical Intentions often used in Strategic Family Therapy (PORRS)
1) Positioning - exaggerate sxs
2) Ordeals - Unpleasant tasks (give you enemy a gift)
3) Reframing - Relabel Sx to more positive
4) Restraining - Encourage not to change
5) Subscribe the Sx - Engage in in Sx deliberately
social exchange theory, operant conditioning, and contingency contracts, to increase positive reinforcements between partners
Stuart’s Operant Interpersonal Therapy
Intrapsychic and interpersonal factors are reasons for maladaptive behavior in _____ family therapy
object relations
Describe projective identification
Project old introjects onto someone, react as if they have those traits, or provoke them into behaving in accordance with those traits
Milan Systemic Family Therapy is attributed to
Maladaptive behavior is due to circular patterns of action/reaction - become too fixed w/o room for creativity, as per ______ family therapy
Milan Systemic family therapy
According to Yalom, the first few months of group therapy involves 3 formative stages:
Which is the most important curative factor?
1) Orientation, meaning
2) Conflict, dominance
3) Cohesiveness - most important
Strategy Conference (1 way mirror with certain fam members)
A technique in Milan Systemic family therapy
The goal of _____ family therapy is to highlight prerogative of choosing different options and seeing problems in different ways
Milan Systemic family therapy
Yalom described 3 therapist tasks:
1) Creation and maintenance
2) Culture Binding
a. Technical expertise (mass group interpretation)
b. Participant/model
3) Focus on here-and-now (process illumination)
Striving for egalitarianism is a technique in
Technique in feminist therapy
Etic is to ______ therapy as
____ is to nosexist therapy
Feminist Object Relations highlights two contributors to gendered behaviors:
1) Sexual division of labor -parenting primarily a female task resulting from gender norms
2) Mother-child relationship
- Self-Relation theory - males taught to separate from mother and females to attach to mothers
How does Acupuncture view illness
Illness=blockage of qi (vital life energy) along pathways (meridians)
What is Reflexology’s assumption and how does it work
Assumes there are reflex areas in hands/feet that correspond to vital body functions
Applying pressure re-establishes balance by affecting blood and lymph circulation and promoting relaxation
Health belief model
health behaviors can be modified by targeting knowledge and motivation
Health Locus of Control
enhance pt’s behaviors by promoting sense of responsibility and control
Organizational consultation adopts what approach and views which entity as the consultee?
System approach…the organization is the consultee
Advocacy Consultation requires what from the consultant?
To adopt an explicit value orientation to foster goals via 4 stages:
1) Entry
2) Dx
3) Implementation
4 Disengagement
Working with the consultee to assist in working with the client is which form of consultation
Who is dose-dependent effects attributed to and briefly describe it
Howard - Outcome of therapy levels off at about 26 sessions (75% show improvement)…85% show improvement at 52 sessions
What are the three stages as per the Phase Model of Therapy
1) Remoralization - Sense of hopefulness
2) Remediation - Better due to symptom relief
3) Rehabilitation - Better due to global effects
quasi-experimental and correlational and better for assessing utility, generalizability, cost
Effectiveness study
Describe the relationship to the use of mental health services for each of the following:
1) Whites
2) African-Americans
3) Asian Americans
1) Whites - Use of MH services overall
2) Afr-Amer - More use of ERs and Inpatient
3) Under-represented in both out/inpatient
What ethnicity’s are prominent in the following:
1) Depression
2) Illicit drugs
1) Whites > Afr-Amer and Hispanics
2) Afr-Amer > Whites
Mack states that couples therapy is appropriate/inappropriate in domestic violence when what?
Yes, when abuse it’s expressive
No, when abuse is instrumental
Describe acculturation
degree to which one identifies with minority and majority groups
Identify the 4 levels of acculturation (IAS-M) and the degree to which each identifies with minority and majority groups
1) Integration - High in both - best predictor of good MH outcome
2) Assimilation - low minority, high majority
3) Separation - High minority, low majority
4) Marginalization - low in both - best predictor of poor MH outcome
Cultural competence entails ___, ___, and ___.
Culture specific approaches to indigenous healing include:
Awareness, knowledge, and skills
Sweat lodge ceremony
Mental illness is higher among the ______ gender but the ______ gender has higher admissions rates, which changed the emphasis from psychopathology to ______ _______ ?
Female, male, perceived dangerousness
Schizophrenia is most common in which age range?
65+ year olds are mostly at risk for which disorders?
schiz - 18-44
65 - organic, then affective
Herek believe homophobia is too broad and can be explained by three terms:
Sexual stigma, heterosexism, and sexual prejudice
4 types of disclosers regarding paranoia - highlight their level of cultural and functional paranoia
1) Intercultural Nonparanoiac Discloser - Low in both
2) Functional - Low in cultural, high in functional
3) Healthy Cultural - Low in functional, high in cultural
4) Confluent Paranoiac - High in both
Consequences of oppression
1) Conceptual Incarceration
2) Uncle Tom Syndrome
3) Split-Self Syndrome
4) Playing it Cool
5) Internalized Oppression
List the 5 stages of the Race/Cultural Id Developmental Model
1) Conformity
2) Dissonance
3) Resistance and Immersion
4) Introspection
5) Integrative Awareness
List the 4 stages of the Black Racial Identity Developmental Model
1) Pre-encounter
a. Assimilation
b. anti-black
2) Encounter
3) Immersion-Emersion
4) Internalization
a. Pro-black, non-racist
b. Biculturist
c. Multiculturalist
Regarding the White Racial Developmental Model….
How many phases is it divided into?
Each stage has a difference in what kind of strategy?
List the stages.
Two phases:
A. Abandoning (1-3)
B. Developing a non-racist White identity (4-6)
Each has a different info-processing strategy
1) Contact Status
2) Disintegration Status
3) Reintegration Status
4) Pseudo-Independence Status
5) Immersion-Emersion Status
6) Autonomy Status
Homosexual Identity Developmental Model
1) Sensitization/Feeling different
2) Self-Recognition/Identity Confusion
3) Identity Assumption
4) Commitment/Identity Integration
Describe the levels of understanding between therapist and pt in Helms’ interaction model of counseling.
Which are the worst and best ones?
1) Crossed - Opposite attitudes - the worst one
2) Regressive - Therapist is 1 level below pt - early termination
3) Parallel - On same level but can be issue if both in less advanced stages
4) Progressive - Therapist 1 level above pt - best one
Three types of prevention:
1) Primary - before the outbreak (vaccines)
2) Secondary - People are identified as having an issue (walk-in clinics, suicide hotlines)
3) Tertiary - After tx, trying to prevent a relapse or reduce chronicity of an issue (AA, halfway houses)
Preferred approaches among diverse populations
Asian - directive, structured - avoid emotion expression
African - multisystems - extended family - gender roles are flexible
Hispanic - active, directive, solution-focused - problems may be somaticized
American Indians - Networks, tradition - illness viewed as disharmony with nature
Sue and worldview
How people perceive their relationships with others - depends on locus of responsibility and of control
In solution focused therapy, the client is viewed as _____ and the therapist is the _____?
High vs low-context communication
High - shared cultural understanding and nonverbal cues - slow to change - good with unifying a culture
Low - focuses more on verbal message, less unifying, changes rapidly/easily (anglos)
Differences in styles can lead to miscommunications in cross-cultural therapy
Issues for LGBT include _____ and _____ . Research shows coming out is _____ for gays and lesbians.
internalized homophobia and coming out
the same
Triangular model of supervision emphasises? (POS)
Professional knowledge
Organizational policies
Supervisory relationship
Attempts to compensate for feelings of inferiority, achieving personal power, and a lack of social interest
In Adler’s style of life, the following describe which style
1) self-centeredness, competitivenes, power
2) optimism, confidence, and care for others
1) unhealthy
2) healthy
Awareness of inner world
Goal is to bring maladaptive unconscious relationship dynamics into consciousness
object relations
Fixed role therapy- “trying on” alternative personal constructs
Personal construct
Family Projection Process - Two spouses project onto child - - usually first born, “favorite”, or child born in time of distress
Extended family therapy
guided fantasy (imagery)
Family constellation
Projective identification
object relations
Development of wisdom which occurs in later years
Self-characterization technique-describing self from others’ POVs
Personal construct
Lifestyle investigation
Joe is depressed because of his past and believes he has a chemical imbalance leading to depression. A reality therapist would emphasize what as part of his SXs?
he has the choice to be depresed and his past/chemicals have nothing to do with it
emphasize value judgments
reality therapy
Neutrality is a stance often taken in _____ family therapy
Milan systemic
Distorted beliefs and attitudes in Adlerian therapy are referred to as
basic mistakes
Involvement in social actions if often encouraged in ___ therapy
We experience the world in accord with figure/ground
Report function (content)
Communication-interaction family therapy
problems in social roles and interpersonal relationships traceable to a lack of strong attachments in early life
interpersonal therapy
Avoiding re-victimization is stived for in ___ therapy
Circular Questions are often used in _____ family therapy
Milan systemic
Dreams (unconscious in symbolic form)
Stable coalition - child + parent against parent
Boundary issues in structural family therapy
Emotional triangle - Two members in distress recruit another to stabilize - the less differentiated the fam the more likely
Extended family therapy
This is often used in _____ family therapy
a. Counterparadox (therapeutic double bind)
b. Positive Connotation (reframing)
Milan systemic
The ____, as per gestalt therapy, is the tendency for _____. In contrast, the ____, is the darker side that hinders growth by imposing _____.
self - self-actualization
self-image - external standards
Use of questioning and encouragement to commit to a realist plan of action is an approach of
reality therapy
Sessions are educative, cognitive, and controlled, in _____ family therapy
Extended family therapy
Two important qualities to work with diverse populations are ___ and ___.
credibility and giving
Interpretation of each member’s attachment to family introjects and resolving multiple transferences is the goal of ____ family therapy
Goal of Object Relations Family Therapy
helping adminstrators improve their functioning for future effectiveness is what kind of consultation
Consultee-Centered Administrative -
Command function (nonverbal) is associated with
Communication-interction family therapy
Triangulation (unstable coalition) - child forced to choose a parent
Boundary issues in structural family therapy
Hypnosis does OR does not enhance accuracy of memories, and may produce more ______ .
does not…pseudomemories
Avoiding labels is often done in ____ therapy
Feminist therapy
empty chair
____ has been used as an adjunct to many therapy modalities and has been found to be effective for a variety of conditions
Operting on an unconscious level and serving to distort reality are two traits of
defense mechanisms
_____ consultation is vulnerable to _______, which is like transference
consultee-centered - theme interference
Send fam to visit family-of-origin to help de-triangle members
Technique in extended family therapy
Although hypnosis may elicit ____ memories, they reflect issues and experience that are relevant to tx which can lead to _____ in symptoms
inaccurate, improvement
in psychoanalysis, the pt gradually assimiliates new insights into his personality aka
working through
Working with several administrators to address issues in an existing program is what kind of consultation?
Program-Centered Administrative
____ therapy rejects medical conceptualization
Hypothesizing is often used in _____ family therapy
Milan systemic
_____ transference is more important than ____ transference by practitioners of brief psychodynamic therapy
positive > negative
type of study which includes clinical trials and better for seeing if tx has an effect
Efficacy study
the id, ego, and supergo, are explained by freud’s ____ theory
The archetypes are:
Self Persona (public mask) Animus Anima Sahdow
Focusing on ____ transference will minimize the chance of a _____ neurosis
positive, transference neurosis
Working with the consultee to enhance consultee’s performance is which kind of consultation
Consultee-Centered - enhance consultee’s performance
a ____ family therapist would purposely unbalance or stress the family’s homeostasis and relabel aka ____ behaviors to be viewed in a more positive way
Jung labeled the integration of the conscious and unconscious as _____, which results in a unique _____.
individuation results in a unique identity
_____ therapies incorporate the assumptions/traits of several approaches and emphasize the pt’s perceived ____.
constructivist, reality
Adler said children misbehave for one of four goals, which are driven by a need to _____, accompanied by faulty _____ about what is needed to do so.
attention, power, revenge, to display deficiency
need to belong, faulty beliefs
Mahler would agre that issues as adults reflect issues we had during :
According to _____, a person with BPD never _____ the negative and positive aspects of her experiences with others, so she shifts between contradictory image.
Kernberg, integrated
Humanistic therapies share a _____ approach, which assumes that one must understand his or her subjective experience
As per ____, dreams are unconscious messages revealed in ____ form.
Jung, symbolic
in evaluating a family, the therapist might recomend a family structural map. the therapist is likely practicing
structural family therapy
“What’s better since the last time we met?” - this might be the opening to a follow-up session for a _____ therapist.
techniques of _____ include education about the disorder, instillation of hope, and if necessary, medication
interpersonal therapy
living a genuine, self-aware, and meaningful life
existential therapy
A ____ therapist would have his client role play dreams
maladaptive behavior is due to incongruence
person-centered (rogerian)
In _____ therapy, when the client is given a _____ task , he’s required to identify something he wants to continue
Solution-focused therapy- Formula task
power hierarchies and subsystems are important in ___ family therapy
The transtheoretical model was originally developed for
smoking cessation
In extended family therapy the therapist assumes the role of an ____ and clients are encouraged to communicate with ______ rather than ______.
active expert
the therapist rather than each other
blending, which includes tracking and mimesis, is part of ___ family therapy
In _____ families, wherein some condition threatens the life of a child, there’s often a high degree of _____.
psychosomatic families - high defree of enmeshment
pt’s are guided to recognizing their freedom to choose their destinies and accept responsibilit for changing their own lives
struggles are inherent in any relationship but issues arise when both parties ____ the intent to control the other person. this is the view of ___ family therapy
transference is viewed as a ______in Gestalt therapy
Archetypes are _______ that cause people to experience and understand certain things in a ______ way.
primordial images, universal
as per _____ family therapy, a symptom is an interpersonal phenomenon that is seen as adaptive to a current social situation for controlling a situation.
tracking and mimesis encompass the concept of _____ and mean:
tracking = identifying/using family’s values
mimesis=adopting the familys affective and communication style
altering a famiy’s transactions and organization by asuming that behavior change results in changes perception and emotion…this is a goal of ____ family therapy
Each member of the family is asked, “who was more upset mom or dad?” What therapy uses this techinque and what is it called?
circulr questions in Milan systemic family therapy
focus on here-and-now and processes occuring in the present were referred to as ______ by _____
process illumination - yalom
_____ theory proposes that many gender differences can be traced to differences in the mother-child relationship, as per ____ therapists
self-in-relation - feminist